February 2013




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Sep. 23rd, 2011


Oooh, I like bullets, yes I do. Cause bullets kill people and I like killing people.Something something something, something rhymes with people!

Suddenly I'm bored. Wifeeeyy. Where are you Wifey?

Jun. 2nd, 2011


Showing off like a dog, old men covered in blood never touched them but they're drowning in it. I don't know what I'm saying, I never know what I'm saying.

Jun. 1st, 2011


Man, it's nice to be able to breathe again.



Where am I? What is this book? What kind of magic is this?

And what have you done with Arthur?

You won't get away with this, whoever you are.


Can I at least have a fucking paintgun?

I'm trained, I know what I'm doing.

I ain't going to shoot my eye out. Maybe yours.

May. 31st, 2011


I know there's work to be done, but...a fucking swimming pool! I don't know where it came from nor do I give a flying fuck right now.
Ten minutes. And then we can go back to work.


Toto, I think I wanna go back to Kansas. This place is insane and I'm getting tired of it. Not dying would be nice, though.

May. 30th, 2011


Would be helpful with whoever is doing this kept in mind that human aren't the only one here.

I'm hungry and got the bleeds, I'm getting really pissed off.


I'm not amused in the slightest.


Is there anyone here that knows who I am? Anyone at all? I have no idea where I even am, but I'm Edward Elric, State Alchemist. If there's anyone alive around here who knows whats going on, let me know...

May. 28th, 2011


Oooh, shiny new place full of tree's and rabid forest animals.Just where I always wanted to go!If I'm lucky maybe I'll get the pox and turn into a rabid forest ranger.Or meet Yogi Bear.I've always liked him.

Does one of you miscretiants wanna fill old Wadey in on or do I have to stab it out of you.Actually I'd like to stab ol' furball a few times.Its been a long long time and he used to love it so, that rascal.