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Oct. 14th, 2011


I keep seeing her. My mother. I was there.. when it happened. I hope the killer gets caught soon, they need to pay for what they did. I'm sorry for everyone who was killed.

I've been having odd dreams too. People I don't know. One of them looks like Damien someone from here. Another guy with a bike, feels like we were friends. Or more And a funeral. Something about me and a group wearing post-it notes on our heads. Maybe it's just dreams, I don't know.

Aug. 26th, 2011


Can't help but think I should be somewhere this morning, to learn.. huh. Don't know. Also? This guy, Damien. He reminds me of some guy. Some bloke I knew before.. umm.. I don't remember his name. And they're both hot, why do I think that But I have nice thoughts of him, just don't remember who he was.

Aug. 12th, 2011


So who'd like to help keep me warm? It's getting kind of cold, and that fog doesn't look too nice.

Jul. 9th, 2011


I wonder if we could perform in the club or something, that would be great. It'd give us something to do and provide some entertainment for everyone.

Jul. 4th, 2011


This is a very strange feeling for me to be having. Usually I only felt this way around Finn. And maybe Jesse. Oh, and Noah.

Jun. 27th, 2011


I kind of feel like Did someone charm me? This is kind of brilliant.

May. 28th, 2011


What is this place? Tree houses? I know this is definitely not London or Bristol. Or even New York. I really need to get out of here! I was supposed to get on a plane to NYC, so I can check out Broadway. That's where I want to end up. But.. this. I've never been here before.