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May. 9th, 2011


I think I'll take apart the boat and turn it into something for everyone to use. At least the work won't go to waste that way.

Not like we can use it to leave anyways...

May. 3rd, 2011


Fuck this.

Maxwell, I hope for your sake you and Ray aren't behind this little joke.I get that saying all that crap about Liz was rude but, really man, you need to lighten up.Do I need to metion the whole Nikolas thing.

Anyone wanna tell me which bus, boat, or plane, I have to bribe my way onto to get home?

Apr. 30th, 2011


Just wanted to let everyone know the boat making's going fairly well. We just don't have a way of putting the pieces together and keeping them there. Otherwise, it'll be done any day now.

i don't know if Either I can get two or three volenteers to go when it's ready or would people prefer to send like a message in a bottle kind of thing?

Apr. 24th, 2011


I feel so sick right now...and it's not because of the smell of all the blood.

Apr. 22nd, 2011


I'm kind of new and this thing's pretty advanced wow but I was told there's no boat to leave. I've helped my dad build things in the past and am willing to give it a try. 

If anyone has a decent axe, supplies, or wants to lend a hand, that's be great. It can probably be done in a few days. Jeeze, where's Presea to show me up when I need her.