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Oct. 27th, 2011


I am not the marrying kind. Was I really thinking about kids?

I don't have a normal job or a normal life. I am the bad guy, not some twisted fuck who decided I am some fucking puppet.

If this Fear wants to play, I have my own game. I miss her.

Aug. 28th, 2011


Feathers are falling, and there are body parts. It sounds a lot like my dreams.

Fear me? I think not. I will remain cautious.

What does strike me is that those sick people are now losing their minds. I do not think the illness is contagious but they may be more of a danger to themselves than to others. I still think a quarantine is in order.

Aug. 15th, 2011


This place is exceedingly interesting. I have not been able to figure out the magic used, which is frustrating. I do give a nod to the one who broke down the fence, but with the fog, I haven't given it proper exploration. Who has ventured outside of that area lately? I am not taking chances Now that it is lifting, I am going out again.

I also must say that I hear many are sick. Perhaps there should be some sort of quarantine option?

Jul. 18th, 2011


I don't miss that treehouse. It was ridiculous. Condos are much more habitable.

For my roommates, I am bringing in some equipment for potions my research. Don't touch it or even stir it while it is brewing unless you want acid like burns up your arms. It can be dangerous.

I did walk past the fence the other day. It seems secure, but that will not stop me from breaking through.

Jul. 2nd, 2011



I know that there is dark magic here, but as soon as I break this curse, whoever did this will answer. I am a rather busy man, and this is definitely a mistake. You have no idea what kind of Hell I will bring to your life before you die. Surely, you see the reason in not keeping me here longer.