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May. 27th, 2011


Alright, I'm helping out B and Steve.

Who here knows how to use firearms, can do archery, hand to hand combat, magic, anything like that?

Lets cut the crap, who here can kick or kill someone ass if they need to.

May. 14th, 2011


I'm enjoying the sunshine, but it's getting to be a little much.


This is not what I expected.


This is completely ridiculous.


Is everyone okay? We need to do some organizing or something. Where's Steve?


It's official. I hate this place.

Apr. 23rd, 2011


I still feel horrible for what I did.

Would anyone be against me holding small group meets? Before arriving here, I was the camp guru as Dean called me. I think many of you could benefit from the stress relief it would provide.

Apr. 22nd, 2011


I'm kind of new and this thing's pretty advanced wow but I was told there's no boat to leave. I've helped my dad build things in the past and am willing to give it a try. 

If anyone has a decent axe, supplies, or wants to lend a hand, that's be great. It can probably be done in a few days. Jeeze, where's Presea to show me up when I need her.

Apr. 21st, 2011


Filtered from Klaus

Okay, I need everyone's attention. I'm sure you've all seen the spam to do with Klaus.

And I'm sure you've all seen Buffy tell you that vampires are real.

Klaus is a vampire. An original vampire. He's extremely difficult to kill. Normal things like stakes and fire won't work on him.

And he's able to compel people, hence the network spam. He's extremely dangerous which means that you all need to be careful.

Extremely careful.

Apr. 17th, 2011


I was in the backyard and I keep hearing screaming.


I feel like I'm in a bad horror movie.

Apr. 16th, 2011


This place just made the top of my 'most hated locations' list in my mind, considering the first is gone.

Apr. 15th, 2011


Day Something or Other.

Dear Diary,

I fucking hate this place. I'm hungry, I'm tired, I miss Thomas, Death lurks around every fucking corner, and I want to go home.

My friends aren't here, the only other person who talks to me is a freak just like me Alex, and basically, I hate my life.


PS - it'd help if I dared leave my room once in a while, I'm sure, but whatever, shut up, what do you know? You're a fucking book.

Private )


Right.Ok.This defitinaly isn't the Lot.Or anywhere I've seen before....

Um.Is this some of weird, freaky dream land or something? because I'd really like to wake up now.I have vampires to killa very important job to do.Lifes depend on it.