Feb. 9th, 2015


Friday, January 13th. 2:23pm

Please allow me to once again extend my deepest condolences to those suffering due to the inhuman actions of one misguided and deeply disturbed individual. My sincerest gratitude goes to those who continue to volunteer their services at the site of the one of the most heinous atrocities in recent memory.

While we fully support the justice provided by our great Council, we realize how difficult this may be for some in an already trying time. As such, Prometheus Synthetics would like to offer an invitation for those seeking an alternative to tomorrow's demonstration, or to those who wish to attend but must find means of care for those too young to take part. From 8 to 12 in the Prometheus Building's Presentation Hall we will be offering activities suitable for all ages, and a first look at many of the prototype technologies Prometheus currently has on their roster. Supervision services will be provided for children unaccompanied by a parent or guardian.

There is no charge for admission, though we will be accepting any and all contributions to assist in funding funeral services and other needs for the bereaved. Those attending the demonstration tomorrow are also welcome to join us once their previous engagement has ceased.

May we all continue to stand united.

Roman Prothero
Prometheus Synthetics Founder and CEO


Messages - 2215.01.13

9:10AM: Roman Prothero - company routed, secure encryption )

4:38PM: Cullen Garrett )

Jan. 28th, 2015


Wednesday, January 11th - 12:12pm

Prometheus Synthetics Official Statement

Prometheus would like to commend the efforts of the medical and military teams responding to the tragedy that took place this morning. That anyone would see fit to harm helpless patients already seeking care, and those who dedicate their lives to healing them is both deplorable and unforgivable. We express our most heartfelt condolensces to those who have lost loved ones, and hope they may find some solace in the shared grief of all loyal citizens of Haven. May we always stand unified against such atrocities.

Roman Prothero
Prometheus Synthetics Founder and CEO

Mass message to available Haven Hospital medical staff and military support )

Encrypted message to select Prometheus NPC staff )

Encrypted message to Kiera and Senior Assistant NPC )