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May. 8th, 2015


PM to Jane - 1:14pm

Hey YOU. I'm going through my closet and I found this old drawing tablet I got a year ago. It's a nice one but I never use it for anything. Would you be interested in it at all?

May. 6th, 2015


PM to Friends (Esther, Aki, Molly, etc)

boredom is a dangerous thing. when are we going to do something fun?

Apr. 19th, 2015


Public message (because she's too lazy to sift through contacts)

So um I may or may not have spent all Sunday high or asleep so I noticed fuck all of what was going down, did everyone make it? Please say yes. Thank you, good day.

Apr. 14th, 2015


Text to Teddy - 4:15 PM

>> Hey, dad won't text.

>> We're good.

>> Hope you are too.

Mar. 11th, 2015


Viewable to All

It isn't as though I have loads of free time, but there are lulls at the hospital which need filling. I like to read to my patients. I've found it relaxes them. However, lately I've been picking the wrong books. They're too depressing or fatalistic, nothing that someone who is already struggling enough should hear. I thought about reading Young Adult or Children's novels to them, but it strikes me as condescending. I was hoping to ask, very inarticulately, if anyone knows of any uplifting novels for adults.

It would be much easier to turn the television on for my patients, but the films are just so awful it feels cruel.

Mar. 9th, 2015


Text to Alex- 5PM

I miss you. Can we get together soon without testosterone. I need to have girl time, with another girl, that thinks girl things and won't judge me for being absolutely ridiculous in my girlishness.

Feb. 23rd, 2015


Text to Jane - afternoon, right after the sent photo

Holy shit

How did you figure out it was

How the heck did THAT HAPPEN?

Are mom and dad

Are you guys talking about

Don't you dare tell her about that time

Tell her I say hi

Tell her

Does she know

Hey Tash! Don't feel like you have to tip her.

Feb. 17th, 2015


Saturday, January 14, 2215 at 7:00 PM - to Reed

I watered your plants. Your green one with spots looks a little sad. I tried to perk it up. fingers crossed?

How are you?

Feb. 7th, 2015


Friday, January 13, 2215 - message to friends

I feel sick about all of this. It just...It's going too fast.

I'm scared.

Feb. 6th, 2015


Friday, January 13, 2215 - 2:28pm

I'm disappointed in the number of complaints I've heard in regards to the Council's decision to execute the monster responsible for one of the greatest tragedies to ever befall our community. I, for one, applaud the decision. It is just. It is necessary. He showed no compassion for the lives of our parents, children, siblings, coworkers, friends, and so on. He killed innocent people. In a HOSPITAL! It's unforgivable. Banishment would be a gift. Death fits the crime. If he could die a hundred times over, that would be preferred. I will be there tomorrow. I encourage all of you to attend as well.

Private: Rory )

Feb. 5th, 2015


Thursday, January 12th - 8:45 pm

Text to Reed )

Text to Alex )

Text to Jane )

Text to Rory )

Text to William )

Feb. 2nd, 2015


Thursday, January 12. 12:45 pm

Why would anyone do this?

There are no words, but my deepest warm wishes are going out to everyone affected by this act of terror. I'm donating to the food kitchens to help and taking tomorrow off from work. Ping me if you need me.

Jan. 30th, 2015


Thursday, January 12, 2215 - 11:45am

As you might imagine, I've been busy the last 24 hours. I appreciate all the concerned messages, and I'm really sorry if I caused any of you to worry. The patients are obviously my priority. I'm living at the hospital for the time being. I can't promise any level of communication, but I'm safe, and I will try to do a better job of keeping everyone informed.

Our community suffered an immense loss yesterday. There is no sense in it. Why anyone would attack a hospital of all places, I can't even begin to understand. But I suppose evil isn't something any of us can fathom. I just know I have seen more lifeless bodies in the last 24 hours than I probably have in my entire career as a doctor. It breaks my heart and makes it hard to keep working at times. Thankfully, I find strength in the tremendous outpouring of support and service by not just the medical workers and military, but by volunteers who just want to help. There are evil people among us, but I have to believe that the good ones outnumber the bad.

For those who lost loved ones yesterday, you have my sympathy. Please know we did everything possible to save everyone. Our staff is in mourning too. We lost several amazing people in the attack.

Jan. 29th, 2015


Wednesday, January 11th - 8:20pm

Text to Jane )

PM to Natasha )

Jan. 25th, 2015


Wednesday, January 11th, 2215 - 2:48pm

Waiting is the hardest part in such a tragedy. Waiting to hear from loved ones. Waiting for the news to inform us of the extent of the damage. Waiting to learn how many lives were lost or forever altered. My thoughts are with everyone suffering today. If I thought I could help, I would, just as I know many of you would. But waiting is all we can do. Money can't be thrown at this problem right now. And rushing off to the hospital is ill advised for those of us without the training to assist. We would just get in the way of trained professionals or possible put our own lives in danger creating more victims.

Should any of you need emotional support through the waiting, I invite you to come to my home. Sometimes a distraction is the best medicine. I could certainly use it. The waiting is painful.

Jan. 23rd, 2015


11:30am-mass text to all she knows (basically)

Sound off. Let me know you're all all right. Pleeeease


Wednesday, January 11th- 11:10am

Text to Reed )

Text to Jane )

Jan. 22nd, 2015


comm text 10:34 PM

Cullen )

Jan. 21st, 2015


Comm Texts 8:12PM

Hespers )

Jane )

Jan. 18th, 2015


Tuesday, January 9th, 2215 - 1:18pm

Text to Jane )

Text to Alex )

Text to Rory, Babs, Reed and Liv )

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