Apr. 16th, 2015


PM to Teddy - 10:16am

Teddy - thank you for the flowers. They're lovely.

Mar. 7th, 2015


Text to Natasha - 8:30am

I know we're hanging out on Thursday, but I was wondering if you were interested in sneaking out for some lunch today? My treat? You know, if you had time.

Feb. 18th, 2015


Text to Natasha - 8:52pm

I don't know him.

Kidding aside, sorry if he blindsided you. I wasn't really expecting he'd do anything like that.


Saturday, January 14, 2215 - 8:45pm

Private Message: Natasha )

Feb. 9th, 2015


PM to Theodore - Friday, January 13 - 6:24pm



I know you're probably insanely busy and things are a bit chaotic right now, but I just wanted to say thank you for the lovely evening. And if you need anything even to talk, please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

- Natasha

Feb. 8th, 2015


Friday, January 13, 2215 - 3:10pm

For anyone here who lost loved ones or suffered injuries in the hospital attack, I would like to offer my sympathies. I'm also offering my services. My firm has begun taking cases for those seeking justice beyond the execution of the individual responsible. A class action lawsuit is pending at this time.

Private: Iliana )

Jan. 29th, 2015


Wednesday, January 11th - 8:20pm

Text to Jane )

PM to Natasha )

Jan. 18th, 2015


Tuesday, January 9th, 2215 - 5:15pm - PM to Natasha + Attachment


Alex said that she's absolutely fine with being contacted with whatever you need, and is up for answering any questions you have on you-know-who. All of the necessary info is attached. You're also absolutely welcome to poke me for whatever you need other than that.


P.S. Hope you managed to stay toasty on the tram.

Jan. 9th, 2015


Monday, January 9th, 2215 - 1:30pm: PM to William Knox


Today's news: I'm getting married.

I meet him tomorrow. That being said, I have a feeling I'll be in desperate need of a drink afterward, which could possibly lead to irrational panic and/or venting. I know it doesn't sound very exciting, but do you have tomorrow evening free?

- Tasha


Monday, January 9th, 2215 - 12:02pm: PM to Theodore Weyland

Mr. Weyland


I assume by now you've received your letter from the Council as I have. We should probably arrange a face to face meeting to figure out the best way to get out of this. say hello. I have a busy schedule, but if you let me know a day and time that is best for you, I can fit it in.


