Mar. 13th, 2015


PM to Rémy - 6:57pm

Hey you. I didn't say it the other day with your sibs around, but thank you for being the voice of reason when I was thinking about making a rather large mistake. Would you want to Can we What do you think about grabbing some dinner this weekend? If you're not too busy.

- Clem

Feb. 14th, 2015


Saturday, January 14 - Message to Clementine

Good morning Clem how are you doing? Do you have plans for the duration of that thing or do you want to do something to help pass the time? Let me know if you need anything. My parents are taking Noah and Noémie out, maybe check out the activities at the Prometheus Building, and my sisters are staying in watching movies. We could join them, or do something else, anything you want. I'm here if you need me.

Feb. 6th, 2015


PMs- Friday, January 13 - 1:00pm

PM to Remy )
PM to Jane )

Jan. 23rd, 2015


11:30am-mass text to all she knows (basically)

Sound off. Let me know you're all all right. Pleeeease

Jan. 10th, 2015


monday, january 9th, 2215 - 9:10am: pm to Clementine

Good morning! Or, well, not so good. You saw the news, right? One of the kids is in my class, I feel like I should go over there after work and help out somehow. Maybe bring them some food, I'm sure it can never be too much. Do you want to come?


Jan. 9th, 2015


Monday, January 9th, 2215 - 8:56AM

I know it's not the most popular opinion, but I kinda dig what Maxwell Wallace is doing. I think the people without powers should have some sort of voice on the Council. I mean, yeah, the Council does a pretty good job of taking care of everyone, like the family of that guy who was killed, but we have a Council member for every cohort, so maybe we should have one for the people with no special abilities. I don't know. Just thinking. If we gave those people a voice, maybe the bandits would chill out. They could see that Haven's really nice and maybe work toward peace.