March 3rd, 2015

[info]takeitlikeaman in [info]containmentnet

Monday, January 16th, 2215 5pm - Viewable to all

There are few things in life better than the delectably beautiful thing that can knock you flat on your ass and yet leave you begging for more. And I'm not just talkin' about me. The perfect drink in your hand can make your evening. Or day, if you like to start early. I'm not judging!

I don't care what bar you go to. I don't care if you're a boozer or a loser. Recreational, professional or in need of a serious intervention. Here's a little incentive for all you guys and gals thinking about getting out tonight.

Locate and take a picture of the most beauteous bounty of liquor you can find. One drink only. Shots, cocktails, daiquiris, I don't give a shit. I don't care who makes it, or where you got it. There are no brown-nosing bonus points for buttering me up with drinks specifically from The Dovetail. Do some hunting. Reply to this post with a picture and what the hell is in it. Points for creativity, but you have to be able to drink one without dying, and it has to be something you bought or made yourself.

Plaster the picture on this post. Contest ends tomorrow night at 10pm. If you win, you get a night at The Dovetail on me. Unless you're the identical reincarnation of Marlon Brando (before he turned to leather) that meansdrinks.