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Jan. 8th, 2014


Who: Diana Lyme & Haymitch Abernathy
What: PROMPT: GRUDGE | Haymitch calls Lyme. Somewhere in all the disturbing conversation, there's totally an apology for being a dick to her when Dory won. Totally.
Where: Lyme's house, D2 & Haymitch's house, D12.
When: About 4 months after the close of the 55th Hunger Games.
Status: Complete.

You sound remarkably alive, considering you’re calling from the pits of Hell. )

Dec. 24th, 2013


Who: Ampere Paraffin & Haymitch Abernathy
What: Commiseration.
Where: Largely 5’s floor, training center, Capitol.
When: Backdated to day 18, shortly after Lilac/Cable death.
Status: Complete.

She checked around her room to make sure it didn’t look like anyone sad lived there.  )


Until next year, everyone!

D12 )

Felix )

Ash )

Dec. 23rd, 2013


spoilers probably in comments.


Dec. 17th, 2013


After this convo.

Well fuuuuuuuuuuck if I'd known we were having it off wth each other, I might have given up drinking forher after all.

HAhahaha not really. Sorry not srrry frigid lil doe, allllll the drankkkkkks noooone f the shoppting. STOPPPING

letthis be a leson to ypu girlies about what happens when you make INSINATUIONS and then just want to stop the drinking , LYME I AM LOOKING AT YOU


[Private Message to Haymitch Abernathy]
The weirdest thing happened this morning! I managed to let myself run out of milk (during the games, can you believe it?!) and coffee just isn't the same without it so I dragged my half-dead ass to the store. Stay with me, this is where the weird happens - you are front page gossip rag fodder!

Is this news to you?

Dec. 16th, 2013


WHO: Fawn Aras and Haymitch Abernathy [are seen entering a hotel together. The rags suggest a racy affair.]
WHAT: PLOT SLOT Somewhere only we know (Yes, Haymitch is the hare)
WHEN: Monday, 12:30 - 4:00 AM
WHERE: A Hotel, the Capitol
STATUS: Complete

Three years wasn’t long enough to call this tradition, but it was close enough.  )

Dec. 13th, 2013


[Haymitch Abernathy]
You're off the hook! Haymitch, feel free to find new plans for lunch. Miss Ophelia Waterfelled is a no go.

[Ianto Jay]
What do you do when you're almost thirty years old and people are still running to your mother every time you slip up? Do me a favor and tell my mom my shirt was wrinkled and let me know if she gives you money for the tip. These people must have some incentive aside from my suffering!

Dec. 9th, 2013


WHO: Victors, support staff, and all of the best sponsors.
WHEN: Day 5, evening; about half an hour after the Anthem is played
WHERE: A fancy ballroom near the Games HQ
WHAT: Wooing, eating, vomiting, eating, chatting about kid murder... the usual
Capitol Party )

Dec. 7th, 2013


Parachutes for Lilac Soot & Cordelia Cable )

Dec. 6th, 2013


immi pine is terribly sensitive. [evening, day 1]

Well that was exciting! A few injuries there I'm sure will cause all kinds of trouble later on. Or leave hideous scars, if they manage to survive. Poor dears!

[ D12 ]
Our Lilac survived! Let's do what we can to ensure she continues to, yes? I'm off to a party, time to start seriously chatting up some sponsors. If only she'd done something just a little bit more interesting than run away!

Dec. 5th, 2013


Night #1

[ Haymitch ]
Sorry. About being stupid and about the boy, both.

[ D4 ]
One hurdle jumped at least. I'm tired, I'm going to sleep for a few hours. Wake me up if anything looks ominous.

[ Mags ]
I don't know what to do with Schuyler. I'm not really maternal, but Maalik and Ondine are busy. He said he didn't want to live with me.

Dec. 4th, 2013


yes, haymitch has evil martha stewart as lilac's main sponsor. this is unusual as fuck.

[Morning of the Cornucopia]




FILTER: Ondine, Pere, Lyme, Mags, Shh (Shark), Maalik )

Posted a couple of minutes before the Games begin
FILTER: Outlier Victors )

Dec. 3rd, 2013



    Well, well, a little birdie told me that your girl was just like you. Now who's going around telling porkies, you, our mutual friend, or the girl herself?

Edited in after this

    I'm entering the dark place where I actually think my 13 year old might stand a chance and I can't even get apocalyptical drunk until the girl's dead. Send help and/or good-looking women.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


So does Twelve get to double their score for an accurate reading? Since Haymitch is actually trying I went for dramatics and everything, maybe the arrow to the dummy crotch was too much.

Interviews are next right? [..] Anita [.....] Anita?

Dec. 3rd, 2013


WHO: Haymitch Abernathy, Anita Pickling & the devil woman herself, the Capitol's own evil Martha Stewart, Evangeline Pickling.
WHAT: Haymitch actually giving a shit and trying to get 12/Lilac way more sponsorship money. AKA Haymitch vs. Evangeline: Game on (meanwhile, Anita has a heart attack)
WHEN: Part way through training week -- after the parade, before training scores, before interviews.
WHERE: Evangeline Pickling's giantass property & then the streets outside, The Capitol.
STATUS: Complete

'My girls and I were fortunate enough to be born here in the Capitol and so we’ll never quite understand what it’s like but - Mr. Abernathy, was your life worth your family?' )

Dec. 2nd, 2013



Hello. We're going to talk about alliances. Apparently you've impressed the other Districts in training, so. Congratulations. Seven and Nine have both asked me if you'd be interested in allying with them. I wouldn't be surprised if we got other requests as well. Seven might be good to have. They're historically rugged, and I've heard good buzz about the girl this year. The boy's maybe a liability. Nine, both seem capable, but not overwhelmingly so. Apparently the girl's very determined. But it's up to you. Is there anyone else you might want to align with?

And Dijkstra. Do you want to stick with him, or not? He seems to think not, from what he's saying.

[Edited later on!]

[D12 Mentors]

Hello, you two. I wanted to ask you if your girl had plans for an alliance yet. Mine's exploring options (she has a few this year, fucking odd) and she got along with yours in training. Thoughts?


[Private to Haymitch, Miles, Maalik, Terraza]
(Schuyler's Victor Friends)

Do you guys have any advice about, um, sponsors? How to deal with meeting them? And if there's anything that I should be careful about.

Dec. 1st, 2013


WHO: Lilac Soot & Haymitch Abernathy
WHAT: "When you're ready to talk tactics about that hand-holding incident, come find me."
WHEN: Before the parade
WHERE: District 12 Stylist Room, waiting area
STATUS: Complete

“I’m ready.” )

Dec. 2nd, 2013



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