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Feb. 17th, 2014


WHO: Brutus Roach [D2], Miles Rhodes [D6] Stitch Weaver [D8]
WHEN: Day 8, afternoon of the Hunger Games
WHERE: At the Capitol basketball arena
WHAT: Plot slot: The guys have been invited to a play 3 on 3 basketball game against an all star trio of 13 year old super athletes.
STATUS: Complete

I am not losing to a bunch of thirteen-year-olds. )

Feb. 13th, 2014


so i dont thnk that was on purpose, tho we should def say it was. n its betr than being friendly to evryone. prolly get a bit more interest now. hey, angie, tell us what ur hearing from ur friends, k?
im hopeful :/

Feb. 9th, 2014


Who: Miles Rhodes and Shay Hyland - d6 mentors
What: Approached for autographs... o.O And wanting some monies in return!
Where: In the Capitol
When: Right before and during Halle's run-in with the bats.
Status: Complete

'Uh. Nice boobs' )

Jan. 30th, 2014


[D6/D9 Mentors]

our girl expresd intrst in allying one or both of urs. shes a good sort. strong. lots of mechanics knowldge. decent with snares. clever. good match for u if the arena is industrl but able to hold her own if not.

not sure what our boy is doing yet. maybe interested, maybe not.

talk to ur pair n let us know?

Jan. 26th, 2014


[D6/D7 Mentors]
hullo, juniper.

wanted to get ur thoughts on alliances this year. heard an awful lot about both ur kids this time around. think we could work out something mutually beneficial. outdoorsy/industrial match so everything that can b covered is. are urs looking?


Who: Miles Rhodes (D6/Mentor) & Halle Gremlin (D6/Tribute)
When: Night 4, slightly backdated
Where: D6 Quarters
What: Mentoring
Status: Complete

Do you think she's going to dress us up in tires again? )

Jan. 18th, 2014


WHO: Escorts, Victors, and Tributes
WHEN: Various times throughout the day.
WHERE: Districts - Capitol
WHAT: Train ride into the Capitol, following the Reaping


WHO: Miles Rhodes; some mentions of his girlfriend, Rush Wheeler
WHAT: Prepping for the Reaping
WHEN: An hour or so before dawn on Reaping Day 56th; + backstory memory of meeting Rush for the first time
WHERE: Victory Village in District 6
STATUS: Complete
Lets you and me, go egg his house. )

Jan. 15th, 2014


WHO: Miles Rhodes and Shay Hylan
WHEN: Interim
WHERE: Victor's Village
WHAT: Talking and eating while taking a break from painting trains.
STATUS: Completed log. Prompt: Firelight (Miles | Shay)

I got meatloaf. )


WHO: Miles Rhodes and Maalik Van der Zee
WHAT: Meeting in a Capitol party.
WHEN: Sometime during 52th games
WHERE: Capitol
WARNINGS: Drug use.
PROMPT: Sun (Miles | Maalik)

blanketing his mind in a soft warmth that wasn’t unlike the kiss of the sun on a beautiful spring day )

Jan. 11th, 2014


Who: Miles Rhodes & Thalia Flowers
When: After reaping, 49th Games.
Where: Train from D6 to Capitol.
What: Prompt: Coffee [Tables: Miles & Thalia]
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

The reality of Miles’ situation hadn’t sunk in yet when the escort walked in.  )

Dec. 21st, 2013


55th Games: Final Eight Fête )

Dec. 14th, 2013


WHO: Miles Rhodes
WHEN: Day 11
WHERE: D6 quarters
WHAT: Deciding of things
STATUS: Complete
It gave him a chill, that sort of Capitol lust for blood and body. )

Dec. 11th, 2013


What if he DOES become a victor? I can deal with asshole, he told us that up front. But not this creepy thing.

Time to throw in the towel.

Sorry I missed our meeting yesterday.

Not all the boys are like that in Six.

Dec. 9th, 2013


WHO: Victors, support staff, and all of the best sponsors.
WHEN: Day 5, evening; about half an hour after the Anthem is played
WHERE: A fancy ballroom near the Games HQ
WHAT: Wooing, eating, vomiting, eating, chatting about kid murder... the usual
Capitol Party )

Dec. 4th, 2013


so any consideration for our boy's offer?

he'll go with both urs. good or no?

still talking it over?

r urs looking for an alliance? our boy is stronger than ur two, he'd b a good third

urs want an ally? he's bigger n stronger than ur pair. they'd be good to watch each other's backs

tried to get 7, but havent replied since our last talk. think they might have found something else. i'm trying the others we talked abt, + 3 and 8 now too. u have an offer to stick with 11 if u want, but i thk ud be better off on ur own than with more lil kids (n the boy doesn't look like he'd kill nething)

now i know y he wanted us to ask everyone. he must of done something n training to be unappealing to most

Dec. 2nd, 2013


[D6/D10 Mentors]
hey guys. are yours interested in allying with our boy? he's up for an alliance with either or both of yours. he's got all the industrial know how, tools, older than most of the others this year. he can definitely carry his weight

[D6/D9 Mentors]
maizy, is ur girl looking for an ally? our boy is interested in ur girl. he's got all the industrial know how, tools, older than most of the others this year. he can definitely carry his weight


[Private to Haymitch, Miles, Maalik, Terraza]
(Schuyler's Victor Friends)

Do you guys have any advice about, um, sponsors? How to deal with meeting them? And if there's anything that I should be careful about.


My two might be interested in your girl, and they'll consider taking the boy if they're going as a set. You know Seven makes good allies, and might be yours could use a pair who know wilderness like mine do. You think your girl might want Laurel and Briscoe?

[Miles & Terraza]
My two might be interested in your boy. If he wants to take the little girl along, they'll consider her too. Seven's always made good allies, and might be yours could use a pair who know wilderness like mine do. You think your boy might want Laurel and Briscoe?

[Feist & Fawn]
My two might be interested in your girl, and if she wants your boy along they'll consider him. They might make a good group, could be able to help each other along. My two know woods and wilderness, and that might be something yours need. You think your girl might want Laurel and Briscoe?


What do you think of them? And where are you?

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