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Jan. 15th, 2014


WHO: Aureolin Fleer and Beetee Latier
WHAT: Beetee meets District 3's new stylist.
WHEN: During the tribute parade, 43rd Games
WHERE: The Capitol
PROMPT: Gift [ Aure | Beetee ]
STATUS: complete!

Do you think you'll stay on with us when I take over as mentor next year? )

Jan. 14th, 2014


WHO: Felix Cloverhill and Beetee Latier
WHAT: Felix wants victors. Bitches be wanting inventions. idk what Beetee wants. Prompt: Greed [ Felix | Beetee ]
WHEN: Interim after 55th Games
WHERE: Beetee's workshop, Victor's Village, District 3
STATUS: Complete

How much do you think we could get for it? )


WHO: Beetee Latier and his NPC niece Dee Latier
WHAT: Beetee attempts to explain game theory to an eight-year-old.
WHEN: Between the 46th and 47th Games
WHERE: Beetee's brother's house, District 3
PROMPT: Playful
STATUS: Complete narrative

What are you playing? Hunger Games! )

Jan. 7th, 2014


WHO: Faraday Gates & Beetee Latier, feat. Wiress Lag
WHAT: Mentoring is ROUGH, yo.
WHEN: Throughout the 44th Games. Spoilers, Wiress wins!
WHERE: The Capitol
STATUS: Complete log!
PROMPT: Genetics [Faraday | Beetee]

Whatever calculus you could implement to derive a guarantee for victory could never hope to have an R-squared value of 1. )

Jan. 4th, 2014


WHO: Beetee Latier and Aureolin Fleer
WHAT: Aureolin stops by District 3's quarters in the morning. Wow this is a boring description.
WHEN: Before the 53rd Games
WHERE: D3 Lobby, the Capitol
RATING/STATUS: E for everyone/Complete log!
PROMPT: Coffee [ Beetee | Aureolin ]

He pretended to be intrigued, but the only thing on the Stylist’s mind was chocolate and whipped fluff. )

Jan. 2nd, 2014


WHO: Achilles Held & Beetee Latier
WHAT: Clashing ideologies
WHEN: Sixth day of the 38th Games
WHERE: The Capitol, a training center viewing room
STATUS: Complete log!
PROMPT: Storm [Achilles | Beetee]

They'll manage it if their tribute deserves it. )

Jan. 1st, 2014


WHO: Ondine Isaacs and Beetee Latier
WHAT: What happens when victors watch the Games?
WHEN: 25th Games, 33rd Games, 33rd Victory Tour
WHERE: Districts 3 and 4
STATUS: Complete!
PROMPT: Spy (Ondine, Beetee)

It's a verb. To quell means to calm or to quiet. )

Dec. 31st, 2013


WHO: Beetee Latier & Narses Langfield.
WHEN: The 33rd Hunger Games.
WHERE: Third floor of the Training Center.
WHAT: I can see clearly now the rain is gone~
STATUS: Prompt: Future [Beetee's Bingo | Narses' Bingo]

You and the surgeon don't expect to deal with future consequences, do you? )

Dec. 21st, 2013


55th Games: Final Eight Fête )

Dec. 20th, 2013


There is now a 96.2% chance that this year's Hunger Games will be more than one standard deviation longer than average.

[District 3]
Iaso is almost certainly going to make it to the top 8. It is actually quite unusual for the time between 9 and 8 tributes remaining to be so long, isn't it? The gamemakers usually like to hurry us along to the family interviews.

Despite this, I'm afraid her odds of victory are still not favorable. Since we are doing relatively well on sponsor money for this point in the Games, there is no reason not to send her something for her last days in the arena. What do you suggest?

Dec. 17th, 2013


WHO: Wiress Lag, Beetee Latier (the geeks who can't sleep).
WHEN: Night of Day 13, after Mouse's death. Late, late, late.
WHERE: The dining area, third floor of the Training Center. Whatever, she's totally staying there even though she's not a mentor, she can't be left alone because she's cray-cray.
WHAT: Wiress has nightmares and dissects a clock. Tick tock.
STATUS: In progress!

Hush, little baby, don't look away... )

Dec. 16th, 2013


WHO: Faraday Gates and Beetee Latier
WHAT: D3 mentors assess the situation.
WHEN: During this and this
WHERE: D3 quarters
WARNINGS: Loren bullshits some vague math/science.
STATUS: Completed thread

It seemed his hypothesis about climate change in the arena, at least, would bear out. )

Dec. 14th, 2013



Ah, there is the spark. The doctor proves her stomach. The gamesman builds his trap.

Halfway there.

Dec. 11th, 2013


[District 3]
It appears we remain the only non-Career district with both tributes left alive, outlasting even one of the Career districts. In any given year, I would have put the odds of this happening at approximately 8%. Highly unlikely. Very interesting.

With both of them so injured, it would behoove us to send medical supplies. However, the impact of whatever we send will be greatly increased if we choose a single tribute and focus our resources on them. They're both clever and have shown initiative, but I vote for Mouse, especially now that he's stopped alienating the audience and risking infection by drinking raw blood. Perhaps as a result of his previous interest in the Games, he's displayed more of an ability to play for the camera and think like a victor than she has.


[Posted separately to D3 Victors' VPN (Snow can't read, suck it!)]
An average year on most other fronts. Points of possible interest:
  • Girl 4 told Kennewick that the reason for the Games was because of the rebels. He, naturally, was not impressed, and told Ondine, who mentioned that she would slap her. Let's hope she doesn't win. A victor who thinks that? Four might convince her otherwise, but still not ideal.
  • Haymitch is trying harder than all four previous years of mentoring combined. Not sure why. Possibly some new kind of coping tactic. Surely, he realizes that the Gamemakers won't let 12 win so soon after his stunt with the force field. Can't explain his interest in Girl 9, nor why he thought he should tell Maizy how to do her job, when she's been at this for longer than he's been alive.
  • Speaking of Maizy, she's having a rough year. Communication issues between her and Rake, Herodes Brightman. Enough said.
  • I assume Marcus lost big in betting whether or not Terra would be sober this year. Not that he doesn't have experience in losing large sums of money, but at least I didn't punch him.

Will the Gamemakers change the climate conditions of the arena? Discuss.

[Beetee will read all private comments made in this post. :|]

Dec. 10th, 2013


WHO: Beetee Latier and Wiress Lag; NPC Capitolites.
WHAT: Beetee and Wiress get pretty and eat ice cream for cash money. Their lives are weird. [Plot slot!]
WHEN: Slightly backdated to the evening of the 6th day of the Games (Monday night).
WHERE: A Capitol party.
STATUS: In progress; the rest will be edited in as we go~

Now we sing for our supper. Careful. It's cold. )

Dec. 9th, 2013


WHO: Victors, support staff, and all of the best sponsors.
WHEN: Day 5, evening; about half an hour after the Anthem is played
WHERE: A fancy ballroom near the Games HQ
WHAT: Wooing, eating, vomiting, eating, chatting about kid murder... the usual
Capitol Party )

Dec. 7th, 2013


[Districts 3, 7, & 10]
Glad our girl found yours, Beetee, Faraday.

Looks like these four might stick together a while. We've got some funds. I'm open to pooling them for things the kids need. Right now they're hurting for food and water, and from what I've seen on the screen there ain't much chance of getting some naturally, unless they find them berries before the Nine girl gobbles them all. If you all are in, might be we could send them enough for a good meal or two, get them all strong enough to move on.

Dec. 4th, 2013


[Juniper/Ash/Faraday (District 3/7 Mentors)]
What is your tributes' alliance status?

[Feist/Fawn/Faraday (District 3/10 Mentors)]
What is your tributes' alliance status?

[District 3]
Ampere from District 5 is being cagey about her tributes' alliance status, no doubt because she is in a different position from usual. Faraday and I have hinted at your interest, but nothing solid yet.

We've also received an alliance request from District 6. As Miles put it, their boy is stronger than the two of you and would be "a good third."

For good measure, I've made inquiries with Districts 7 and 10's mentors. There is a high probability that the arena will require outdoors survival, which they are better equipped to handle than you are. However, they will lack your technical skills.


The Cornucopia could change a lot, so being prepared for a number of configurations of living tributes can work to your advantage.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


WHO: Anyone watching Television when the scores come out (aka, everyone).
WHEN: A few hours before the final interview
WHAT: Scores released
STATUS: You can post reactions here, if you want, or make your own posts for that purpose!

Training Scores )

Dec. 1st, 2013


[District 3]

First day analysis?

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