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Feb. 9th, 2014


WHO: Amelia Butts [D7] & Aramis Rosegold [D1]
WHEN: Day 4, early morning
WHERE: The stretch of trees by the teacups.
WHAT: Amelia could really use a can of peas right about now.
STATUS: Completed log.

Close your eyes and I'll make it quick. )


WHO: Aramis Rosegold [D1].
WHAT: Dreams, nightmares, and thinking about how great killing feels.
WHEN: Night 3; late, closer to the morning of Day 4.
WHERE: The Career camp at the locker bays.
STATUS: Complete narrative.

Feb. 7th, 2014


WHO: Ariel O'Connell [D4] & Aramis Rosegold [D1]
WHEN: Day 3
WHERE: Biali Brothers Circus Sideshow
STATUS: complete - plot slot

It looked as if there were a hint of blonde under the shadow of the hood. )


WHO: Aramis Rosegold [D1] and Zipporah Vast [D2].
WHAT: Aramis and Zipporah trade weapons -- two throwing knives for one dagger. There is also a sports drink thrown in.
WHEN: Day 3; morning.
WHERE: The new Career camp at the Locker Bays.
STATUS: Complete log.


WHO: Ace Packet [D3] & Brock Samson [D2], with cameo appearances by Machine Cord [D3], Sephora Kohl [D1], & Aramis Rosegold [D1].
WHAT: #nope
WHEN: Night 2
WHERE: Shooting Stars, and then Main Street.

Safety was an illusion, he knew, but it was a warm and comforting one. )

Feb. 5th, 2014


WHO: Aramis Rosegold [D1], Zipporah Vast [D2]; Ariel O'Connell [D4]; Miranda Tern [D4].
WHAT: Get in, losers, we're going pack hunting!
WHEN: Day 1.
WHERE: Under the Star Cinema [B/C7] and Mines of Marnassia [A7].
STATUS: On-going thread.

Feb. 4th, 2014


WHO: Career Pack
WHAT: The career pack watches the Anthem together
WHEN: Toward the beginning of Night 1
WHERE: Cornucopia [C8]

Someone opens up a bag of popcorn and passes it around.


WHO: Aramis Rosegold [D1 tribute].
WHAT: All the best swords throwing knives have names.
WHEN: Night 1; before the anthem.
WHERE: The Career camp at the Cornucopia?
WARNINGS: The usual flippant talk about child murder.
STATUS: Complete narrative.


WHO: Aramis Rosegold [D1 tribute] and Brock Samson [D2 tribute].
WHAT: Wannabe Career bros are douchebros.
WHEN: Day 1; just after the blood-bath.
WHERE: Near the Cornucopia.
WARNINGS: Flippant discussion of child murder.
STATUS: Complete log.

Feb. 3rd, 2014



Let the 56th Annual Hunger Games begin!


The Cornucopia

The tributes rise through their tubes and into a warm arena. The temperature is approximately 75F/24C, but there is a noticeable breeze that makes it feel less intense. The sky is clear but there is a light dusk. Nightfall is on the horizon. The Cornucopia is clearly visible to all tributes. It is a large, gold and gleaming piece around which the tributes form a circle. It's mouth points to the north east, and those with a view can see it is stuffed full with large wooden crates. Few weapons can be seen, but the glint of silver is unmistakable when the sun hits at the right angle. Some backpacks and loose items of gear and food are scattered both close to the mouth and closer to the tribute plates on the outskirts.

To the south and east (as well as the west, but at a further distance) of the Cornucopia there is a line line of trees. They aren't thick enough to be considered a forest, but can provide some cover for escape. It's advisable not to hide in them for long, however, because the line is thin enough to see through. The ground here is of grass and dirt, which extends in all directions.

There are three real escapes from the Cornucopia: north, west, and east. The south looks exactly like the other directions and can easily fool tributes into thinking safety lies that way - unfortunately, at a short distance past the trees, there is a thick concrete wall that blocks any tribute's path.

The arrangement of tributes is fairly random, with some district partners closer together than others. Tributes cannot see through the Cornucopia, however, so locating friends and allies (or enemies) can be difficult.

...Tributes must wait sixty seconds for the gong to sound before leaving their platforms...

Arrangement of platforms. )


WHO: Aramis Rosegold [D1 tribute].
WHAT: District tokens and cold Career childhoods.
WHEN: The night before the arena.
WHERE: Private quarters on District 1's floor at the Training Center.
STATUS: Complete narrative.

District tokens weren't one of the details that Aramis often remembered about the Games. )


WHO: Aramis Rosegold [D1 tribute] and Pecan Glint [D1 victor].
WHAT: Good-bye.
WHEN: The night before the arena.
WHERE: District 1's floor at the Training Center.
STATUS: Complete log.

Feb. 2nd, 2014


Well, that was rather fun! I had a lovely time getting to know all of you -- some of you more than others, of course -- this past week and from the interviews. But those are my boxer sh-- Can't wait for the real fun to begin tomorrow, though I suppose for some of you, it won't last long, sadly.

So how did I do tonight? Did I make you proud?

Feb. 1st, 2014


WHO: Tributes
WHEN: Evening on training day 8; around 6 pm
WHERE: On stage; TV or audience for everyone else
WHAT: Interviews
Each tribute has a short 3-5 minute interview with Caesar the night before the Games begin.


WHO: Aramis Rosegold [D1 tribute] and Achilles Held [D1 victor].
WHAT: Discussion of training scores and Cornucopia strategy.
WHEN: Between training scores and the interviews.
WHERE: District 1's floor at the Training Center.
STATUS: Complete log.

Achilles was pleased with both of his tributes' scores. )

Jan. 31st, 2014


So what was all that crying about earlier? Did you only stab 49 vital spots instead of 50 and use five rather than six different weapons?

And we know the rest of the pack is going to turn on us first with our scores. I bet Zipporah's pissed she only got a 9 when her partner got a 10 and she's a Two with the same score as the Fours. I'd watch out for her.

Feb. 1st, 2014


WHO: Anyone watching Television when the scores come out (aka, everyone).
WHEN: Night 7
WHAT: Scores released
STATUS: You can post reactions here, if you want, or make your own posts for that purpose!

Training Scores )

Jan. 30th, 2014


WHO: Tributes
WHEN: Final day of training
WHERE: Underground gym
WHAT: Private session for 56th Hunger Games
Tributes each get a private session with the Gamemakers to show off their skills. Based on their performance, the Gamemakers will rate them with a score. The sessions begin with the male from District One and end with the female from District Twelve. Tributes have access to anything they saw during the public sessions (axes are still out). All tributes will wait in the cafeteria until their name is called. After their session, they are returned to their district team for more interview prep time.

Scores will be announced on television in the evening.
  • All comments will be screened until after the scores are announced. As no one is suppose to know what a tribute did in the session, this will provide a way to maintain an IC element of surprise.

  • Please try to keep displays realistic, keeping in mind tributes only had 5 days to "train". Scores won't go up for unbelievable feats of skill. Your tribute doesn't have to be good at everything to get a decent score. (eg. Peeta scored an 8 for strength in weight lifting) Everyone makes mistakes, including Careers.
  • Jan. 29th, 2014


    Bit of a queer question I've got for private training tomorrow on account of recent developments.

    Let's say that like today, there are no axes. What's a good alternate weapon that could get the same idea across to the Gamemakers, but isn't a knife, spear, sword, or trident? I don't want to paint. A mace, perhaps? One of the agricultural tools, if they're there?

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