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Jan. 7th, 2014


WHO: Missy Tae and Maalik Van der Zee
WHEN: A little after Dory's victory and before they go back
WHERE: Capitol.
WHAT: Cuteness
STATUS: Log | Prompt Spy

giggling spies who were not being very subtle caused amusement rather than discomfort )

Dec. 30th, 2013


WHO: Dim and Missy
WHERE: District 5 & Capitol (respectively)
WHAT: Phone Call
WHEN: The week after they all go home

Ring, Ring.

Missy is eagerly waiting on the other end of the phone. Almost bouncing on the stop.

Dec. 23rd, 2013


WHO: Missy Tae.
WHEN: Final Day back dated
WHERE: Her apartment in the Capitol.
WHAT: Reaction
STATUS: Complete/Solo Narrative



It's all over for another year.

Poor Marlin.

But congratulations District 4.

I am still devastated about Buck.

Dec. 15th, 2013


This is all getting to be too much! We have had a number of deaths this week, I feel we are getting closer to the end. While I am hoping for Buck. I still haven't the slightest who may have the edge.

I can't believe that District Two had such a turn of events. Can you believe it? She left him for dead! Stole his stuff. I anticipate some vengeance.

Ten more to go.

And relieved Marlin is doing so well.

Dec. 12th, 2013


That dear weird girl from Nine. I guess she had an apt end. It was weird. What is with that boy from six and his desire to kiss people as they die?

I faith in this Buck fellow who seems to be so popular.

Dec. 9th, 2013


AN AVALANCHE! The gamemakers are genius. That was a spectacle.


WHO: Victors, support staff, and all of the best sponsors.
WHEN: Day 5, evening; about half an hour after the Anthem is played
WHERE: A fancy ballroom near the Games HQ
WHAT: Wooing, eating, vomiting, eating, chatting about kid murder... the usual
Capitol Party )

Dec. 8th, 2013


WHO: Missy Tae
WHAT: Watching the games
WHERE: Her home in the Capitol
WHEN: During this
STATUS: Complete Solo/Narrative
WARNINGS: Spoilers to the Lace/Jet log read at own risk
Tea and Killing )

Dec. 3rd, 2013


The eve of the games. By the looks of those scores, and impressive interviews I believe this proves to be a most interesting games. I look forward to experiencing them.

My Tributes from District 8 I adore you and you will shine.

Nov. 29th, 2013


WHO: Escorts, Victors, and Tributes
WHEN: Various times throughout the day.
WHERE: Districts
WHAT: The Reaping for the 55th Annual Hunger Games
In each district, Peacekeepers and camera crews are out in force. Male and Female tributes are roped off by age group and away from the rest of the district’s population. Excitement and anticipation lace the air in Districts 1, 2, and 4 while dread and fear are felt almost everywhere else.

The mayor and all victors are seated on stage in the background. It’s a big moment for the Escorts, who take center stage.

Reaping Day
  • District 1; 9:00
  • District 2; 9:30
  • District 3; 10:00
  • District 4; 10:30
  • District 5; 11:00
  • District 6; 11:30
  • District 7; 12:00
  • District 8; 12:30
  • District 9; 13:00
  • District 10; 13:30
  • District 11; 14:00
  • District 12; 14:30
  • Nov. 26th, 2013


    Who: Missy Tae & Miles Rhodes
    When: 50th games
    Where: Capitol
    Status: Completed (Prompt #6 | table)
    Is that really him )

    Nov. 23rd, 2013


    Who: Missy Tae
    When: 50th Reaping
    Where: District 8
    What: First Reaping
    Status: Completed (Prompt #4 | table)
    And our female tribute is )

    Nov. 18th, 2013


    Who: Missy Tae
    When: Few days before Reaping Day
    Where: The Capitol
    What: Conversation between beautician and Missy
    Status: Completed "Tattoo" Prompt
    Have you considered )

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