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Jan. 7th, 2014


Who: Anita Pickling & Felix Cloverhill.
What: Too much wine leads to couch surfing and hangovers (one more severe than the other). But hey, coffee and eggs.
Where: Felix's.
When: The night after the interview. Sorry, Dory, they totally intentionally avoided having to see that so soon but I'm super sure they'll each have a million more opportunities.
Status: Log, complete. Prompt: Coffee. AND THAT'S BINGO FOR ME, FRIENDS.

I know my grilled cheese is a tough act to follow. No pressure. )

Jan. 6th, 2014


WHO: Felix Cloverhill and Aureolin Fleer (feat. NPC Virginia Cloverhill)
WHAT: Playful [ Felix | Aure ]
WHEN: Early spring, interim after 55th Games
WHERE: Felix's home
STATUS: Complete

Wow, I love what you’ve done with your hair. )

Jan. 1st, 2014


WHO: Felix Cloverhill & Verily Nadel
WHEN: The 52nd Games
WHERE: The Capitol
WHAT: Hours upon hours invested in an appearance, but only minutes to die.
STATUS: Complete Drabble Log [Prompt - HOURS for Verily and Felix]

... a monumental undertaking of countless hours now rendered into litter. )

Dec. 31st, 2013


WHO: Faraday Gates and Felix Cloverhill
WHAT: A beginning, of sorts (Prompt: Gift - Faraday | Felix)
WHEN: Autumn, after the 50th Games
WHERE: Faraday's home, D3
STATUS: Complete

Felix, you really didn’t need to go to all of this trouble. )

Dec. 24th, 2013


Until next year, everyone!

D12 )

Felix )

Ash )

Dec. 23rd, 2013


[ District Three ]
She did well. So did all of you, so did Mouse. I'm sorry that it didn't go our way. If there's anything else that I can do for you, for the families, you know I will, I hope.

[ Ianto ]
Congratulations. Two for two, it's impressive.

Dec. 14th, 2013



Ah, there is the spark. The doctor proves her stomach. The gamesman builds his trap.

Halfway there.

Dec. 11th, 2013


[District 3]
It appears we remain the only non-Career district with both tributes left alive, outlasting even one of the Career districts. In any given year, I would have put the odds of this happening at approximately 8%. Highly unlikely. Very interesting.

With both of them so injured, it would behoove us to send medical supplies. However, the impact of whatever we send will be greatly increased if we choose a single tribute and focus our resources on them. They're both clever and have shown initiative, but I vote for Mouse, especially now that he's stopped alienating the audience and risking infection by drinking raw blood. Perhaps as a result of his previous interest in the Games, he's displayed more of an ability to play for the camera and think like a victor than she has.


[Posted separately to D3 Victors' VPN (Snow can't read, suck it!)]
An average year on most other fronts. Points of possible interest:
  • Girl 4 told Kennewick that the reason for the Games was because of the rebels. He, naturally, was not impressed, and told Ondine, who mentioned that she would slap her. Let's hope she doesn't win. A victor who thinks that? Four might convince her otherwise, but still not ideal.
  • Haymitch is trying harder than all four previous years of mentoring combined. Not sure why. Possibly some new kind of coping tactic. Surely, he realizes that the Gamemakers won't let 12 win so soon after his stunt with the force field. Can't explain his interest in Girl 9, nor why he thought he should tell Maizy how to do her job, when she's been at this for longer than he's been alive.
  • Speaking of Maizy, she's having a rough year. Communication issues between her and Rake, Herodes Brightman. Enough said.
  • I assume Marcus lost big in betting whether or not Terra would be sober this year. Not that he doesn't have experience in losing large sums of money, but at least I didn't punch him.

Will the Gamemakers change the climate conditions of the arena? Discuss.

[Beetee will read all private comments made in this post. :|]

Dec. 9th, 2013


WHO: Victors, support staff, and all of the best sponsors.
WHEN: Day 5, evening; about half an hour after the Anthem is played
WHERE: A fancy ballroom near the Games HQ
WHAT: Wooing, eating, vomiting, eating, chatting about kid murder... the usual
Capitol Party )

Dec. 7th, 2013


Family parties really compromise my work ethic. I need a solid year of sleep after that and it's going to need to wait. Lesson officially learned.

[Felix Cloverhill]
I've never woken up drunk so early in the season before. I hope you made sure I wasn't making an ass of myself because things start getting really fuzzy after a certain point.

Speaking of parties - Immi, how did yours go? A success, I hope?

Still speaking of parties, I'm wearing purple tomorrow for the Capitol party to support our Lilac and I was thinking it might be fun if we were all doing that. Maybe even just a little bit of purple? Just an idea!


[Districts 3, 7, & 10]
Glad our girl found yours, Beetee, Faraday.

Looks like these four might stick together a while. We've got some funds. I'm open to pooling them for things the kids need. Right now they're hurting for food and water, and from what I've seen on the screen there ain't much chance of getting some naturally, unless they find them berries before the Nine girl gobbles them all. If you all are in, might be we could send them enough for a good meal or two, get them all strong enough to move on.

Dec. 4th, 2013


[Juniper/Ash/Faraday (District 3/7 Mentors)]
What is your tributes' alliance status?

[Feist/Fawn/Faraday (District 3/10 Mentors)]
What is your tributes' alliance status?

[District 3]
Ampere from District 5 is being cagey about her tributes' alliance status, no doubt because she is in a different position from usual. Faraday and I have hinted at your interest, but nothing solid yet.

We've also received an alliance request from District 6. As Miles put it, their boy is stronger than the two of you and would be "a good third."

For good measure, I've made inquiries with Districts 7 and 10's mentors. There is a high probability that the arena will require outdoors survival, which they are better equipped to handle than you are. However, they will lack your technical skills.


The Cornucopia could change a lot, so being prepared for a number of configurations of living tributes can work to your advantage.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


WHO: Anyone watching Television when the scores come out (aka, everyone).
WHEN: A few hours before the final interview
WHAT: Scores released
STATUS: You can post reactions here, if you want, or make your own posts for that purpose!

Training Scores )


[Private message to Immi Pine]

Guess who gets to have one-on-two bonding time with her tributes tomorrow night? Immi Pine! Haymitch is taking one for the team - long story short, we should be getting more sponsors shortly.

Fingers crossed!

[Filtered to Valentin Valentine, Felix Cloverhill, & Ianto Jay]

If I could stop running around like an idiot for five seconds and I didn't naturally assume that the three of you were equally as busy, I'd be climbing the walls screaming for an Escort Support Group meeting. Nothing brings the crazy out in me like this job does sometimes. I haven't been tempted to start drinking before the first viewing party in a long time but little Roan just tears my heart out. So many young ones this year.

How are you all doing so far?

Dec. 1st, 2013


[District 3]

First day analysis?

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