May 2014




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Apr. 15th, 2014


WHO: Aeneas Quatermain and Pompeia Clacher [D2] and Buckwheat Breadfruit [D9].
WHERE: By a stream on Stratus.
WHEN: Arena Day 12.
WARNINGS: The usual.
STATUS: Completed log.

But Buckwheat also knew she couldn’t hide forever--that either they would come and remember she hadn’t yet died, or the Gamemakers would intervene and chase her out into the open. )


WHO: Beatrix Cottontail [D10 tribute].
WHAT: The Gamemakers try to kill her again tbh
WHEN: Day 12; early morning.
WHERE: Southern forest on Cloud 9 [H4].
STATUS: Complete narrative; Gamemaker trap.

It had only been a tree that had fallen over, which seemed normal enough in a storm -- at first. )

Apr. 14th, 2014


WHO: Beatrix Cottontail [D10 tribute].
WHAT: Dear God, how is she still alive.
WHEN: Day 11; various times.
WHERE: Nimbus, then the bridge between Nimbus and Cloud 9.
STATUS: Complete narrative.

There were nine tributes left at this point, which meant they were only one unlucky dead tribute away from the final eight. )


WHO: Buckwheat [D9] & Hugh [D3]
WHAT: A chat
WHERE: Stratus Stream
WHEN: Day 11, mid morning

What do you want? )


WHO: Almond Shadbush and Oyle Slick
WHAT: The two girls wait out the rain.
WHERE: Alto Island
WARNINGS/STATUS: Completed/ talks of child murder

'you drink pee with someone, you're bros for the rest of your short life' )


WHO: Shimmer Flux [D1], Aeneas Quatermain and Pompeia Clacher [D2], Shad Simmons [D4]
WHEN: After today's cannon blasts
WHERE: The cornucopia
WHAT: Honey, she's home…
STATUS: Completed

Murder was a thirsty business. )


WHO: Aeneas Quatermain.
WHERE: Career Camp, Cloud 9.
WHEN: Arena Day 10 (aka backdated).
WHAT: Sponsor gift! 
STATUS: Completed narrative. 

What he felt wasn't guilt; it was failure.   )


WHO: Almond Shadbush
WHEN: Immediately following this, contains spoilers
WHAT: Reflection~
STATUS: Complete!

We could have been good together. )


Who: Fannie Pac, Shimmer Flux
What: Allies reunite and a frog gets murdered. [PLOT SLOT]
When: Day 11, after Fannie met Hugh.
Where: Stratus Bridge
Warnings: Hunger Games, etc.

No cannon for you, little buddy. )


WHO: Shad Simmons (D4) and Pippin Crisp (D11)
WHAT: Pippin didn't bring a knife to this fight. Luckily, Shad has two.
WHEN: Day 11, noonish.
WHERE: Back on Cloud 9, the foresty southerly part.
STATUS: Complete.
WARNINGS: The usual.

Don't be scared. Everyone dies. )


WHO: Hugh Esbe [D3] and Fannie Pac [D1]
WHAT: Boys bonding in the rain.
WHEN: Morning 11
WHERE: Stratus Bridge
WARNINGS: The usual

How's it feel? )


WHO: Pompeia Clacher [D2]
WHEN: Day 11, morning
WHERE: Cornucopia
WHAT: Pompeia notices it raining, and grabs the damn lobster tank.
STATUS: Completed

Read more... )

Apr. 13th, 2014


WHO: Hugh Esbe [D3]
WHAT: Setting a trap
WHEN: Days & Night 10 / very early Morning 11
WHERE: Stratus Bridge

it's easy to be grateful here, easier than in Three )


WHO: Aeneas Quatermain and Pompeia Clacher [D2]
WHEN: Day 9 afternoon (backdated)
WHERE: A rockier part of Cloud 9.
WHAT: They go hunting!
STATUS: Completed

He had a feeling that he and Pompeia weren't above licking egg yolks out of the bottom of the bag. )


WHO: Oyle Slick and a gift from the Gamemakers!
WHAT: Oyle goes hiking! She finds a friend! They braid one another's hair or something.
WHEN: Day 10
WHERE: The north side of Alto Island
STATUS/WARNINGS: Completed logs, usual HG warnings.



Who: Fannie Pac [D1] and Shimmer Flux [D1]
When: Day 10
Where: Cornucopia
What: Downtime chatting
Status: Complete

Tribute life was hard. )

Apr. 12th, 2014


WHO: Pippin Crisp (D11) and Hugh Esbe (D3)
WHAT: Plot Slot: "Pippin sees an enormous paw print; later, he tries to draw wolves towards an enemy, Hugh via howling." Plus… more stuff.
WHEN: Night 9, in the dark~
WHERE: Nimbus and then the bridge to Stratus.
STATUS: Complete!
WARNINGS: Spookiness, mutts, Pippin being Pippin.

he took a deep breath and put his head back and howled )

Apr. 11th, 2014


WHO: Terry Bombazine and Buckwheat Breadfruit.
WHAT: A breakdown and a decision!
WHEN: After the rock slide, before the water.
WHERE: *~*~traveling
STATUS: Complete

First we find water, then we hunt. )


WHO: Beatrix Cottontail [D10 tribute].
WHAT: You know what the Gamemakers do to tributes who suck.
WHEN: Day 8; early afternoon.
WHERE: The bridge between Nimbus and Stratus.
STATUS: Complete narrative; Gamemaker trap.

Or Gamemakers bored of tributes who weren't doing anything and needed to kill -- or be killed -- faster. )

Apr. 10th, 2014


WHO: Almond Shadbush, mentions of Oyle Slick
WHEN: After the Anthem, Night 7
WHERE: Alto Island
WHAT: Gettin' Things Done, Gettin' Parachutes
STATUS: Complete!

text )

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