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April 8th, 2014

[info]tallstalks in [info]colosseum

Silver parachute for Silas Rawson and Buckwheat Breadfruit )

[info]trict in [info]colosseum

Who: Halle Gremlin [D6]
When: Day 4, after Oyle's incident with the birds
Where: Floor 6
What: Flirting for sponsors
Rating/Status: Low / Complete

hey babe, its halle. mmbr me? )

[info]milesperhr in [info]colosseum

Silver Parachute for Shift Rhodes )

[info]glassform in [info]colosseum

Who: Shimmer Flux [D1]
When: Day 4
Where: Cloud Nine / Cornucopia
What: Thoughts and gifts
Status: Complete

The arena just shows you who you always were. )

[info]oldmermaid in [info]colosseum

WHO: Mags Diver [D4 victor], NPC!sponsor, and a crab.
WHAT: Mags is going to try and get you that second knife, Shad.
WHEN: Day 5; morning.
WHERE: A coffee shop in the Capitol.
STATUS: Complete narrative; sponsorship.

'I don't like your district's inconsistency, Mags.' )

[info]a_blight in [info]colosseum

Parachute for Almond )

[info]chunkwhite in [info]colosseum

WHO: Shimmer Flux [D1], Aeneas Quatermain and Pompeia Clacher [D2], and Shad Simmons [D4]
WHEN: Tuesday, Day 5
WHERE: Alto, the vineyard fields.
WHAT: Plot slot: Cicada attack
STATUS: Complete

You think they’re okay to eat? )

[info]esbe in [info]colosseum

WHO: Hugh Esbe [D3]
WHAT: Plot Slot / Stratus Stream
WHEN: Night 4 / Day 5
WHERE: Stratus [D-7]

The stream is a break in his unending frustration )

[info]borax in [info]colosseum

[Filtered to Dahlia]
Babe, I'm confused. I thought your tribute couldn't feel pain, but my cousin says she can?? He says he's giving you guys money, though! 😘

[Filtered to Brutus]
Hi, babe! 😘

[info]faraday_caged in [info]colosseum


A carrier for his water bottle made out of sandals. Crafty. And water found. I'm not in the habit of rewarding necessity, but I expect you'll be able to make something of him, Felix.

It's been awhile since we've had a tribute on their own from the outset. I do think it always produces more ingenuity.

[D5 and Bit]

I'm sorry he didn't find her sooner, but I appreciate the timing on the knife.

[info]frippery in [info]colosseum

WHO: Dahlia Spark and Attila Theahun, mention of the devil himself, Narses Langfield :|
WHAT: [Plot slot] Picking an outfit for Attila's annual party
WHEN: Day 5
WHERE: Attila's dining room

It's like I have, what's it called, omniscience or something. Or is it omnipotence? )

[info]kennewicks in [info]colosseum

WHO: Kennewick Pike & a Capitolite, the own of Pork-Eaze Pork Rinds
WHAT: Kennewick agrees to eat pork rinds in exchange for a sponsorship aka Plot Slot!
WHEN: Day 5
WHERE: Pork-Eaze headquarters and a club
STATUS/WARNINGS: completed log!

Except it wasn’t where feather met leather, it was where pink met leather. )

[info]oneofme in [info]colosseum

Who: Shift Rhodes, D6
When: Day 5, early afternoon
Where: Cloud 9 still I think
What: Plot slot!
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

So much for dinner. )

[info]ikat in [info]colosseum

Silver parachute for Terry Bombazine )

[info]knott in [info]colosseum

WHO: Lorcan Skiff, and a young sponsor
WHAT: When making money and hazing collide...
WHERE: A bar called Specter.
WHEN: Today I guess.
STATUS: Complete

He was used to strange requests. )