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April 1st, 2014

[info]leois in [info]colosseum

WHO: Io Tesla (D5) and Helios Solar (D5)
WHAT: Chatting (etc.?)
WHEN: Capitol Day 7, after the Final Training Session but before scores are announced.
WHERE: D5’s floor.
STATUS: Complete narrative (contains Day 7 spoilers)

“Ninety-five.” )

[info]nowhammies in [info]colosseum

WHO: Hickory Dock and Almond Shadbush
WHEN: Night time after training one of the days. Maybe yesterday? TIME IS FLUID~
WHERE: The D7 living quarters
WHAT: District mates sharing a moment
STATUS: Complete!

So I guess if this is the end… it’s a good end. )

[info]sidewinders in [info]colosseum

Everyone still alive?

[Mags, Bolt, Woof]
We have two desperate victors, one drunk posting victor, one tribute who might cry all three minutes of her interview, and the brother of a desperate victor.

[info]anotherone in [info]colosseum

WHO: Pippin Crisp and Chaff Fields
WHAT: Mentor-mentee quality time. With fire and discussions of murder.
WHEN: The night before the final training session, oops backdated a little.
WHERE: D11 floor of the training centre.
STATUS: Complete

How many people did you kill? )

[info]oneofme in [info]colosseum

Who: Shift Rhodes and Halle Gremlin, D6
When: Between the final training session and when scores are announced.
Where: District 6's floor
What: Ice cream!
Status / Rating: Complete, low.

I don't even know where to start. )

[info]goners in [info]colosseum

are we is 10 really viewed as that pathetic that no one wants me us as allies?

if i if we when we make it out of the cornucopia, do you think you could get me and beatrix a knife? we both use them back home and it could help us kill plants animals and people. just a though if u have the money.

[info]nofortunateone in [info]colosseum


No 4's! Not bad, considering they were completely shit-faced drunk.

[Seeder and Chaff]

The only people I really talked to was 3 and the guy from 10 and we all practically got the same score. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

[info]deadlybotany in [info]colosseum


So it looks like little Pippin and I are working towards the slippery villain angle. Guess there's always time to learn new tricks.

[/end filters]

[info]gloomanddoom in [info]colosseum


Does this change anything?

[info]deadkidslol in [info]colosseum

D5/D12 Mentors
Mine mentioned wanting yours and 3 and I thought I'd come to you first since you got a hold of me a couple days ago. They come together. The little girl is fast and she can use a knife like probably somebody's business but still pretty good from what I heard. Helios is a big, smart guy who was all accelerated smarts in school and apparently was hand picked for some nuclear stuff and I think the capitol's gonna swoon over him and his hair. great hair, part of the deal. what do you think?

[info]a_blight in [info]colosseum

[D6 Mentors]

Your girl and boy a pair?

[D3 Mentors]

Your boy and girl a pair?


Yours still interested in ours?

[info]trajan in [info]colosseum

WHO: Brutus Roach and Pompeia Clacher [D2]
WHEN: Before the final training session (backdated)
WHERE: Her room in D2's quarters.
WHAT: Discussing her upcoming performance
STATUS: Completed

"The endgame is dead, not how pretty you can make it." )

[info]coyned in [info]colosseum

Abernathy is offering an alliance with you - but only if 5 is included.

He made a point, it's unlikely that you'll all they'll make it out of the bloodbath. I don't think you need an alliance and if you all live it's almost too big to sustain, but it's up to you. Just be willing to get out if you need to.

[info]atribute in [info]colosseum

D8 - Challis
Set in stone with six and nine?? and what about my interview? Should I talk about my job?

[info]frippery in [info]colosseum

public flitter post: reactions to training scores!

dsparkles @mopsa i guess the mother is murderous?? #shocker
1 hour ago

Get the code here or here!

[info]inputoutput in [info]colosseum

so is a 4 really bad or is it ok? i was trying to get at least a 5 but i guess i wasn't fighting as hard as i thought and i'm sorry but is it going to be ok?

also what do i talk about at my interview? i've never been interviewed before and i don't want to make a mess of things and say something wrong or stupid or anything.

ok bye

[info]geerntet in [info]colosseum

Who: Shay Hylan and Oyle Slick
What: Discussing tactics.
When: Today maybe? TIME IS HARD.
Where: D6 living quarters
Status/Warnings: child murder discussions and tears.

Can you talk when you cry? )

[info]dgaf in [info]colosseum

    Yes or no

    3+5+12, y/n/m? Doubtful all of them will get out of the bloodbath, 4 no-kill-on-sight faces better than 2, and the 5 boy's apparently brains/brawn/good-looks so dolla dolla bills could be likely.

    Still alive?

    Whyyyyyyyy does soberness exist.

[info]breadfruit in [info]colosseum


Did you make peace yet? You don't have to take my grandmother's advice, but we don't have much time left. Hickory said we might see him in heaven, but he's wrong. Most of us won't make it there after what we do. And it'll be too late to ask for forgiveness anyway, not that God can hear us from here in the first place.

I'm sorry if I This'll be the last time we all see each other. Sorry if I sound like that old preacher who broke his hip getting too excited and doing the splits in the air. I just want you to be okay.

[info]colosseumodds in [info]colosseum

WHO: Anyone watching Television when the scores come out (aka, everyone).
WHEN: Day 8 in the Capitol; split day: night
WHAT: Scores released
STATUS: You can post reactions here, if you want, or make your own posts for that purpose!

Training Scores )