May 2014



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March 17th, 2014

[info]cad in [info]colosseum

WHO: Camilla Infair; mentions of Sugar Blue and Halle Gremlin.
WHAT: Vignettes. Prompt: chocolate.
WHEN: 32nd Games; shortly thereafter, in the Capitol; just after the 56th games end.
WHERE: Arena; Capitol; Capitol.
STATUS: Complete.

On the assumption, or the hope, that chocolate has not lost its savor for her yet. )

[info]pere in [info]colosseum

WHO: Peregrine McGill & Kennewick Pike
WHAT: Thirty years of friendship [ Childhood (Pere's table will be linked in an upcoming drabble w/Char) ]
WHEN: Early Summer '29 (ages 9/10), Mid Summer '38 (ages 18/19), Spring '57 (ages 37/38)
WHERE: District 4, Capitol, District 4
WARNINGS: Mention of non-consensual sex/drug use, swears
STATUS: Complete

I wish we always had Parcel Day. )

[info]twistnpull in [info]colosseum

Who: Jaishree Rao and random NPC Capitolite
When: 34th Games, 45th Games, 56th Games
Where: Capitol
What: Prompt: Ghost
Status: Complete

Oh, right. )

[info]chaffed in [info]colosseum

Who: Chaff Fields and NPC Capitolites
When: 46th Games
Where: Capitol
What: Prompt: Chocolate
Status: Complete

Chaff hadn’t made a conscious decision to avoid chocolate, but he did so all the same. )

[info]a_blight in [info]colosseum

Who: Chaff Fields [D11] and Ash Blight [D7]
When: 56th Games
Where: Capitol
What: Prompt: Eternity (Ash | Chaff)
Status: Complete

Well, the odds are ever in our favor. )

[info]philistines in [info]colosseum

WHO: Marcus Greenstone (mentions of his parents, sister, Scoria, Zinc, and fellow trainee Junia)
WHAT: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
WHEN: The years leading up to the 42nd Games
WHERE: District 2
PROMPT: Childhood

But isn't it sweeter and more fitting to live? )

[info]ettubrutus in [info]colosseum

WHO: Brutus Roach
WHEN: Post 51st Games
WHERE: His house, in the District
WHAT: Prompt: Ghosts
STATUS: Complete

I'm not haunted )

[info]cobaltyellow in [info]colosseum

WHO: Aureolin Fleer
WHAT: Ghost [Serial Vignettes prompt!]
WHEN: Past Games, and current Interim
WHERE: The Capitol
STATUS: Complete

It was, of course, impossible. )

[info]deadkidslol in [info]colosseum

WHO: Dimitri Watts and Jaishree Rao. Or Dimishree. HA.
WHAT: Chocolate prompt!
WHEN: During the 56th!
WHERE: Five’s floor.

If I give a shit next year, just - I dunno, smear it on my face, will ya? )

[info]cobaltyellow in [info]colosseum

WHO: Aureolin Fleer
WHAT: Childhood [Serial Vignettes prompt!]
WHEN: The past
WHERE: The Capitol
STATUS: Complete (Crap, that is. Sorry!)

Age is no excuse to be gauche! )