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March 4th, 2014

[info]fins in [info]colosseum

WHO: Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: A hint from the Gamemakers
WHEN: Early evening 15
WHERE: Under the Stars Cinema

I'm gonna need a little more than that if I'm supposed to find them )

[info]tallstalks in [info]colosseum

WHO: Maizy Rawson (D9).
WHEN: Early evening 15.
WHERE: The Capitol, a city square.
WHAT: Having a tribute in the Final 3.
STATUS: Complete.

She couldn't believe it. )

[info]aintdeadyet in [info]colosseum

WHO: Grim Ballard [D9]
WHEN: Night 14, prior to the parachute
WHERE: Dining area, District 9 Floor
WHAT: Grim picks which bit of home to send to his replacement
STATUS: narrative complete

Would he make it home? )

[info]knott in [info]colosseum

Whiskey, anyone?

Career Bros
This'll be over in a day or two. Reckon we ought to go out with a bang and hit a few clubs before they kick us out.
Haha. Floral till the end.

[info]aintdeadyet in [info]colosseum

Spoilers )

[info]trict in [info]colosseum

WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9], Miranda Tern [D4], and Halle Gremlin [D6]
WHAT: Finale, Part I
WHEN: Night 15
WHERE: House of Wax

[Part I] [Part II] [Part III]

Three people would walk in. One would walk out. )

[info]fins in [info]colosseum

WHO: Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: Finale, Part II
WHEN: Night 15
WHERE: House of Wax

[Part I] [Part II] [Part III]

Things that haven't been done before are not impossible, only uncharted )

[info]goners in [info]colosseum

WHO: Halle Gremlin [D6] and Reaper Spelt [D9].
WHAT: Finale, Part III.
WHEN: Night #15.
WHERE: House of Wax.

[Part I] [Part II] [Part III]

Those who are about to die salute you. )

[info]colosseumodds in [info]colosseum

Victor )

[info]prismos in [info]colosseum

005 →

Well, now that that sham is over, shall we get wasted before you're all shipped back to the farm?

My place. 9:30. Bring whomever. No, Rake.

[info]borax in [info]colosseum

Spoiler )

Filter to Angelina )

[Filtered to Seeder and Chaff]
Sorry for not getting in contact sooner. 😔 I really thought Rye had a chance. 🌾

Filter to Dahlia and Stella )

[Filtered to D7]
I have that picture framed. Sorry it took so long! Let me know if any of you really liked a skin product you tried, and I can get you more of it! My car smells of the pine perfume! Sooooo nice!! 😘 I hope to see you guys next year!!

[Filtered to Hegias]
omg Heg, can you put in a good word for me if I want a transfer?

[info]oldmermaid in [info]colosseum

First the go-kart, now this nonsense with the sta--

Well, that's that. If anyone else wants island tea instead of Lorcan's whiskey, I've more where that came from. And we all knew it was coming, just not like that.

Let's just focus on next year when they actually have a ch-- now.

I know what you're going to say, but well-done all the same. Your girl's going to be a lovely victor.

[info]kennewicks in [info]colosseum

Who: Kennewick Pike
What: a reaction to SPOILERS
When: the finale of the 56th Hunger Games
Where: The Capitol
Status/Warning: completed. contains guilt and the usual hunger games warnings. contains spoilers for the finale! possibly way too many sentence fragments and wangst.

The only lie some of them still believed. )

[info]terraza in [info]colosseum

Don't replace me with her. I'm joking. Mostly. But congrats. You did great. Reminds me of bringing you home.

So I can retire now, right?

Sorry. Though who knows, maybe they're better off than Halle is.
