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February 11th, 2014

[info]tallstalks in [info]colosseum

Silver Parachute for D9 )

[info]gloomanddoom in [info]colosseum

WHO: Zap Volta [D5]
WHAT: A more successful hunt for treasure! [PLOT SLOT]
WHEN: Day 5
WHERE: Lost & Found Building
STATUS: Completed Narrative

The possible benefits of this venture likely outweighed the possible risks. )

[info]ohsei in [info]colosseum

I must say, I'm disappointed my alliance no longer needs to tend their wounds with tampons. I have always found the lows tributes stoop to in the arena to be the most enjoyable and inspiring aspects of the Games, so I was quite amused they could barely say the word but had them stuck on their bodies.

That is a fashion trend I wouldn't mind seeing more of, though tampons are probably not what most people took away from that scene.

And so I don't have to repeat myself, I am still technically married. It seems that I am forced to wait 48 hours for an annulment from Mr. Nightjar.

[info]whatthereap in [info]colosseum

WHO: Amelia Butts [D7]
WHEN: Day 5
WHERE: Porta Potty in the Arena
WHAT: Amelia learns the dangers of public restrooms.
STATUS: Completed log.

Ha ha, Gamemakers. Ha. Ha. )

[info]trict in [info]colosseum

Who: Halle Gremlin
When: Day 5
Where: Zoomer Boomer Go Karts (aka Halle's home sweet home)
What: Halle finds half a gallon of gasoline (plot slot!)
Rating/Status: Low / Complete

She dug through the pile and hit the jackpot. )

[info]hardening in [info]colosseum

[D7 & D8 Victors]
Reckon you all are about as surprised as me that all four are still alive. Ain't sure how that happened. But since they're together for now, and at least on our side we ain't hurting too much for sponsors yet, reckon we might go in together to send some bread or water. Hurt like they are, they're gonna need their strength when the next fight comes.

[D7 Victors]
If he don't get one on his own, I want to get Cypress a proper weapon. He can't go after them Careers with nothing but his damn bare hands, specially now it looks like them ribs are broken. One of them maces would do fine, and we could just about afford that and a loaf of bread to share. Lump, thoughts.

[info]fins in [info]colosseum

WHO: Miranda Tern [D4] and Brock Samson [D2]
WHAT: Miranda tries to make Brock laugh
WHEN: Vignettes, set over the past few days
WHERE: ~Everywhere~

We call it a whale of a tale! )

[info]sidewinders in [info]colosseum

WHO: Shay Hylan and model train-loving sponsor.
WHEN: During this.
WHERE: Sponsor's home, living room.
STATUS: Complete.

Read more... )

[info]deadkidslol in [info]colosseum

You fine people notice what Zap got his hands on?! Fuck yes. #ZAPIT!!!

So I get to cross one item off my bucket list I never knew I even had, I get to be in a capitol wedding! Can't wait for the reception, bet it's gonna be goddamn fantastic!

But I have to wear a dress. Less fantastic. Thanks Jai, couldnt negotiate that out somehow? I wouldn't normally give a single shit but I was JUST making fun of d1's dory-in-drag. Shitty timing or shitty timing? ANSWER: shitty timing. whatever, kid needs it.

did you guys see that d9 sent reaper a sickle?! gets my goat. CRAZY fucking waste of money in my expert opinion. Guess we'll see.

[info]oldmermaid in [info]colosseum

WHO: Mags Diver [D4 victor], NPC!sponsor, and a lobster.
WHAT: Mags gets asked to take care of a pet lobster for a week without eating it.
WHEN: Day 5; early afternoon.
WHERE: A sponsor's house somewhere in the Capitol.
STATUS: Complete narrative; sponsorship plot slot.

'Oh, don't be silly, darling -- how is this any different from Pecan's corgi?' )

[info]knightofgrapes in [info]colosseum

WHO: Aramis Rosegold [D1].
WHAT: Vellum :}
WHEN: Day 5; idk whenever only Careers would be there.
WHERE: The House of Wax [B4].
STATUS: Complete narrative.

[info]philistines in [info]colosseum

delivered to Pecan )

[info]philistines in [info]colosseum

Well. Does anyone else have anything they'd like to share?

(Beeps with increasing frequency and volume until read, sry.)
I'm going to want the bottle back when you're done.

[info]milesperhr in [info]colosseum

Sponsor Gift for Halle )

[info]lyme in [info]colosseum

It may be sleep deprivation talking, and for that I'm sorry, but please please please tell me that you saw that. I don't even know what to say to Pecan.

They're doing well, but it's early days yet. Did you try hammer down that sponsor yet?

[info]probablydead in [info]colosseum


i spent almost four hours going to and from work today, do you expect me to write a narrative?