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February 3rd, 2014

[info]choppingblock in [info]colosseum

WHO: Cypress Ramsey & Amelia Butts.
WHAT: Amelia's up past her bedtime.
WHEN: Night 8.
WHERE: D7 floor, training complex
STATUS: Complete log.

Do you feel ready? I thought I’d feel at least a little bit ready, but now I’m not sure. )

[info]knightofgrapes in [info]colosseum

WHO: Aramis Rosegold [D1 tribute] and Pecan Glint [D1 victor].
WHAT: Good-bye.
WHEN: The night before the arena.
WHERE: District 1's floor at the Training Center.
STATUS: Complete log.

[info]elver in [info]colosseum

WHO: Ariel O'Connell [D4]
WHEN: Night before the Cornucopia
WHERE: The Capitol
STATUS: complete.

In the dark of the Capitol room, Ariel waits, dreaming. )

[info]knightofgrapes in [info]colosseum

WHO: Aramis Rosegold [D1 tribute].
WHAT: District tokens and cold Career childhoods.
WHEN: The night before the arena.
WHERE: Private quarters on District 1's floor at the Training Center.
STATUS: Complete narrative.

District tokens weren't one of the details that Aramis often remembered about the Games. )

[info]deadkidslol in [info]colosseum

Who else can't wait to dig into the food at the viewing party? Don't get in my way!

Today's the day, kiddies. Nine says YES to an alliance. Don't worry about holding hands and skipping away from the corny together, just know that if you meet up with them later they are SUPPOSEDLY not going to kill or steal from you. Nice of them, right? Just don't expect that to hold up if there's only four of you left or something, try finding them quick if you want them with you at all. Last year, it took nine's kid a while to find our kid and 12's kid and shit fell through. It happens so just look out.

Get in there and fulfill our ancient prophecy. We're gonna do for you what we can but that's REALLY NOT A WHOLE LOT. So. Good luck in there. [...] I got faith!

[info]barked in [info]colosseum

Possible placeholder. All the cool kids are doing it these days.

[info]ettubrutus in [info]colosseum

Placeholder for Brutus stuff.

[info]pocketmonsters in [info]colosseum

posted the night before the arena

Thanks for all your help. I'll try to make it easy for you to get us sponsors. I can guarantee you no one else out there has my rock-hard determination.

See you soon, hopefully.


[info]ex_pickling617 in [info]colosseum

Eli, Ruth - you are both strong, smart, and brave. I know you picked up a good variety of knowledge this week at training and I hope you have even just half the confidence in yourselves that we have in you.

The sponsors are going to see my face and know you mean business. Those kids are going to underestimate you and I know firsthand that they'll regret it. You've surprised me this entire week and I know you're going to surprise everyone else, too.

You are such a great person. I miss you already. The cameras will love you just as much as we do and I don't doubt that you're going to keep winning hearts just like you did during your interview. You may make allies while you're in the arena but please remember that the kindness that makes you so special isn't common. If you see it in anyone else, regard it with suspicion and don't let yourself be exploited for any longer than it's mutually beneficial. Easier said than done, I know, but I know you can do it.

[...] I wish they were going in there with allies but I guess it may actually be best that Eli doesn't expect to be able to trust anyone in the arena (apart from Ruth, of course). Are you going to be watching?

Are you going to the viewing party?

[info]ohsei in [info]colosseum


Now that we've done most everything we can for our little tributes (or, some of you have), I think it's time for a friendly wager on the bloodbath. No money, of course. We all know we're not allowed. We'll bet with bottles of wine.

The categories:
  1. First to kill
  2. First to die
  3. Method of first to die
  4. First outlier to kill
  5. First Career to die
  6. First to draw blood (that doesn't end in a death)
  7. First to injure a Career
  8. Most kills
  9. First district to lose both tributes
  10. Total number of bloodbath deaths

Place your bets.

[info]probabledeath in [info]colosseum

WHO: Sephora Kohl and Machine Cord
WHEN: The Bloodbath of the 56th Games.
WHAT: This bitch.
WHERE: The Cornucopia.
WARNINGS: Bloodiness?
STATUS: Complete.

Adrenaline pumping through her, it was hardly on her radar as she completed the crouching motion and kicked out at Machine’s gut. )

[info]colosseumodds in [info]colosseum

The Cornucopia

The tributes rise through their tubes and into a warm arena. The temperature is approximately 75F/24C, but there is a noticeable breeze that makes it feel less intense. The sky is clear but there is a light dusk. Nightfall is on the horizon. The Cornucopia is clearly visible to all tributes. It is a large, gold and gleaming piece around which the tributes form a circle. It's mouth points to the north east, and those with a view can see it is stuffed full with large wooden crates. Few weapons can be seen, but the glint of silver is unmistakable when the sun hits at the right angle. Some backpacks and loose items of gear and food are scattered both close to the mouth and closer to the tribute plates on the outskirts.

To the south and east (as well as the west, but at a further distance) of the Cornucopia there is a line line of trees. They aren't thick enough to be considered a forest, but can provide some cover for escape. It's advisable not to hide in them for long, however, because the line is thin enough to see through. The ground here is of grass and dirt, which extends in all directions.

There are three real escapes from the Cornucopia: north, west, and east. The south looks exactly like the other directions and can easily fool tributes into thinking safety lies that way - unfortunately, at a short distance past the trees, there is a thick concrete wall that blocks any tribute's path.

The arrangement of tributes is fairly random, with some district partners closer together than others. Tributes cannot see through the Cornucopia, however, so locating friends and allies (or enemies) can be difficult.

...Tributes must wait sixty seconds for the gong to sound before leaving their platforms...

Arrangement of platforms. )

[info]ex_pickling617 in [info]colosseum

WHO: Anita Pickling and Eli Greenfield
WHAT: Eli's making sure Anita's okay. :(
WHEN: The night before the Arena, after this.
WHERE: 12th floor of the Training Center.
STATUS: Complete log.

You know, if I do get to come back, I hope you still like me. I really hope we can still be friends. Even if I do things that are… bad. )

[info]colosseumodds in [info]colosseum


Let the 56th Annual Hunger Games begin!

[info]borax in [info]colosseum

WHO: Adults
WHEN: First day
WHERE: Viewing Room
WHAT: Watching kids kill each other.

NOTE: Stylists don't get back until the replays. :(

I put all the food here again. Yaaay. )