May 2014



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January 22nd, 2014

[info]colosseumodds in [info]colosseum

WHO: Tributes
WHEN: Day #3. Spans from mid-morning until early evening. There is a lunch break.
WHERE: Underground gym
WHAT: Training for the 56th Hunger Games

The gym is located in the basement of the training center building. Above it sit each district’s personal living quarters for the tributes’ stay in the Capitol. Tributes are escorted to the training center in the mornings and spend most of the day here. Lunch is provided at 1230 in the cafeteria off the gym. Afterward training ends for the day they are sent to spend time with mentors for strategy and discussion.

Tributes can interact as long as there are no physical altercations. Peacekeepers are at the ready for any needed interventions.

This year's stations )

[info]ex_pickling617 in [info]colosseum

Catsitter needed pronto! Anyone have a bored kid? Full suit of armor suggested but not required. Thick clothes, a face mask, and gloves should do the trick.

Like a cuckoo, huh? I don't care what anyone says, you are good at this. Stay alert! I'm worried they'll just keep on appealing to him and convince him to keep it from us. I'll be totally shocked if they give up so easily.

You said the good ones never last long and I didn't get to say so but I want you to know I disagree. I know a few good ones who won. With the right preparation, maybe we could add Eli to those ranks.

Note: I can feel you rolling your eyes from here. Not appreciated! Have a little faith. It could happen.

Eli, Ruth! Anything specific you plan to tackle in training today? Don't forget to chat up your fellow tributes! We've already gone over which ones we won't consider but there are plenty others to choose from. We'll weigh our options later but it's never too soon to start mulling things over.

Ruth, you should destroy another dummy today. If I think that's impressive, so do they!

[info]missytae in [info]colosseum

As we are a few days into training now, I wanted to check in. How are things going? Anything anyone needs?

Please let me know anything I can do to assist. I am all about helping with the sponsoring, as you know. So please tell me if there is anything I can do to make things easier or be of aid. I don't want to get in the way but I also want to make sure we get out tributes everything they deserve.

[info]vellu in [info]colosseum

[text message to Pecan + Gemma + Cabernet]

word on the street is that everyone's thinking of aramis as the white knight or something like that. also talking about D4 girl a lot. maybe more than aramis?? might need better angle for sephora? at parties and bakeries so will find out more

[info]asurething in [info]colosseum

All this gold and black, it feels like the Capitol is already celebrating.

Odds have been against Four pre-Reaping. They find Ariel intriguing, but have a poor experience from Jet last year. Two have not been outstanding. Bets are skewed to One for now with Aramis' Reaping performance.

What angles are you taking for Aramis and Sephora?

Questions for a Capitolite?

[info]borax in [info]colosseum

[Filtered to Thalia, Anita, Mags and Sei]
[picture of Ash and the tributes at breakfast]

Ugghhh, don't mind how messy his hair is. Or his eyebrows. Or the rest of him. Baby steps!


[Filtered to Ash and Sei]
[same picture, with a monobrow clone-stamped onto him]

Ash, you have to realize this is what people see when they look at you.

[Filtered to D7]
Hi!! I have a picture of breakfast. I will print one for you!!

We're working on final touches for the interview outfits.

I was thinking of something that could be very relaxing for all of you and could be really helpful for me. Just talking to you made me realize there are like 3495820842903 types of lumberjacks. I think some of us are much better at words than others, so how do you feel about DRAWING ME A PICTURE OF YOUR DISTRICT? You can do it on your tablets or computers, or I can look into getting you paints and paper.

Promise me you won't huff the paints or I could get in trouble.

[info]deathslotted in [info]colosseum

WHO: Amelia Butts [D7] and Ruth Smithee [D12]
WHEN: Day 2 of Training/Day 3
WHERE: Training Center
WHAT: Amelia joins Ruth for lunch.
STATUS: Completed log.

Ruth was just glad to find someone who wasn’t trying to be a manipulative douchebag. )

[info]venividivita in [info]colosseum

Kobe Bryant, you little darling, I quadruple-checked just for you and it's bad news so I brought hot chocolate instead. The marshmallows are itty bitty but they are shaped like sheep...!

Are we playing nice with the other tributes? Good.

What else do we need for our little lambs? I did look into modifications re: minotaurs (although I'm still highly highly highly opposed to nose rings, Feist you little rascal) but we'd be pressed for time and I don't even know which way Dahlia is aiming for the interviews do we have angles yet??

[info]a_blight in [info]colosseum

Who: Ash Blight, Thalia Flowers
What: Ash (and his new hair) goes out for lunch.
When: Day 3
Where: Capitol lunch spot
Status: Complete

He supposed that was the difference between someone who had survived the games and someone who had merely observed them. )

[info]terraza in [info]colosseum

Excuse all mistakes please I wrote this on the train on my phone

WHO: Terra Cruze
WHAT: Reflecting
WHEN: Day 3
WHERE: Training Center level 6 - District 6 Apartments
WARNINGS: 1st Person.
STATUS: Complete

Like the rest of my body, erased of all marks on my skin. )

[info]ex_pickling617 in [info]colosseum

Ash )

[info]deadlybotany in [info]colosseum

Who: Chaff, Seeder and Thalia Flowers
When: Night 1 of training.
Where: Capitol.
What: Dia-Log discussion of sponsor/interview strategies. Kelly and Rye, your ears must be burning.
Rating/Status: Complete.

That only works if she DOES have a trick or two up her sleeve, my lovies... )

[info]sidewinders in [info]colosseum

Everyone still alive?

[info]probabledeath in [info]colosseum

WHO: Ace Packet and Machine Cord
WHEN: Day 2.
WHERE: D3 floor.
STATUS: Complete.

The food here is very rich. )

[info]fourforu in [info]colosseum

So did you kids have fun at camp today? Make any new friends? Learn something new in arts & crafts?
Hi Marcus! How are you?
Oh honey. I saw you earlier today and your hair looked atrocious. And I think I saw some grays. I know a great hair stylist here who could do wonders on you. Let me give you her number!

[info]rakenroll in [info]colosseum

[District 9]
Interview time, kids. Any last fucking words? Shoot.

You know, if there's anything these past 6 months have taught me, it's that life ain't all about how you look. That, and you should never trust a broad with phony tits.

[info]sevenislucky in [info]colosseum

I've always thought it important, despite the usual hustle and bustle of the Games, to take a moment and commemorate the anniversaries of those who've won in years past. I can say with confidence that a victory is no small feat, and I want to offer my congratulations to everyone celebrating a milestone anniversary--or really, all of us who've simply returned for another year. Congratulations!

And related, congratulations to both of you on your 40th and 15th anniversaries. We all know that it's something of a hollow celebration, but I wanted you to know that I'm proud of you both.

Unrelated, I'm honestly very impressed with both Amelia and Cypress so far. I don't want to get my hopes up for either of them, but I think it would be foolish to count either of them out at the very least.
Aside from those--interesting outfits in the parade, how's the Capitol treating you and yours this year?

[info]deadlybotany in [info]colosseum

Who: Seeder, D11 mentor + Rye, D11 tribute
When: Night 1 of training [slightly backdated]
Where: Capitol.
What: Rye and Seeder chat interview strategy and how to make franz, eat D11 bread.
Rating/Status: Complete.

And… angle? )

[info]gloomanddoom in [info]colosseum


Cornucopia - can we discuss it?

[info]maalik in [info]colosseum

WHO: Char Lorcha and Maalik Van der Zee
WHAT: I’m on a train~
WHEN: Backdated: After the 56th Reaping, heading to the Capitol
WHERE: In-between Districts.
STATUS: Complete.

The implicit consensus this year seems to be this: Not Four. )