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January 19th, 2014

[info]dgaf in [info]colosseum

WHO: Fawn Aras & Haymitch Abernathy
WHAT: Fawn & Haymitch meet for the first time.
WHEN: 50th Victory Tour
WHERE: Justice Building, District 10. Mostly on the roof.
STATUS: Complete
This log was meant to cheer Ruby up, so naturally it includes WARNINGS for general talk/insinuations of suicidal thoughts, assisted suicide, attack by knifes, and general losing of shit and having attacks of PTSD.
An immature part of Fawn wanted to ask him 'that’s it?'; she had grown up with knives her entire life. )

[info]oldmermaid in [info]colosseum

Well, I'm not going to sugar-coat this, but we all know we've got a rough Games ahead of us this year. We all know what the Game-- One and Two are like. And three victors in a row's never been done. Maybe it can't be done -- no one's ever tried.

But we're Four, and we're always done the impossible. I'd know, I've been around these parts longer than even these Games, my dears. I've seen it all. We got the first two victors in a row when they said it couldn't be done. Done it twice, even. Can Two say that? Why, back in the day, they even said we were a weak district that could never win. Even Nine and Eleven, bless them, had victors before we did. Can you believe that?

Guess what I'm trying to say is our district's nothing if not practical. We'll find a way.

[ For future reference, this includes the surviving pre-First Quarter Quell Career district victors, even if they weren't Careers -- Purbecka, Royal, Mags, Scoria, Sugar, and Velma; RIP Calixte and Selah ]

Happy as I am to see we've all made it to another year, I'll get right to it. What do we think of our young ones this year? Why, my dear Miranda reminds me so much of myself when I was a young tribute! Can you believe my Games were 45 years ago now? I always remember them like they were yesterday this time of the year. No plans set for the anniversary yet I'm afraid.

Back to mentoring again this year?

[info]malheureux in [info]colosseum

WHO: Feist & Ondine
WHEN: Post-55th Games
WHERE: The Capitol
WHAT: a parting.
STATUS: complete. x

For all they pretended at it, there were only slight, fragile things of wreckage they could cling to. )

[info]deadkidslol in [info]colosseum

Relax, people! I brought the party with me.

[info]cobaltyellow in [info]colosseum


So, what's our angle for these two? Anything you know about them that I don't that I ought to play up? I've got something in mind, but I just want to make sure I've got all of the info before proceeding. The Capitol was still abuzz with talk of our tributes from last year, and I think we can build on that.

I think our chances are good - what do you think?

[info]sevenislucky in [info]colosseum

I hope that everyone had as pleasant an off-season as possible. As usual, it's not under the best of circumstances, but I look forward to catching up with as many of you as I can while we're all here, and I mean that honestly.

I will say, the Capitol does know how to prepare and excellent tea service (though I am, admittedly, biased and will say that my cakes are better by far), and so if anyone else would like to join me, I would very much appreciate it.

I didn't see you last night. I hope you're not ill again this year.

[info]prematurely in [info]colosseum

SO GLAD to be back in the thick of it all. Can't tell you how much I've missed this city and its people. The Capitol has the best food and women of all time, man. I should write a song about it.

Excited to reconnect with everyone and get a glimpse of the tributes this year. Best of luck to you all!

ADULTS OF 1, 2, and 4.
This robe's got me feeling like an emperor again. Anyone up to pre-game?

[info]missytae in [info]colosseum

And we are back!!!


[info]a_blight in [info]colosseum

Who: Anita Pickling, Ash Blight
What: Gift giving
When: Arrival day
Where: Training Center
Status: Complete narrative

It helped to keep moving when she thought it increased her chances of seeing someone who she knew to be capable of improving her mood. )

[info]ettubrutus in [info]colosseum

[Filtered to District 2]
I get that you occasionally get the odd fat or tall kid from one of the Other districts, but what the fuck? Aren't they all supposed to have scurvy or rickets or something?

[info]milston in [info]colosseum

[Achilles, Olympia]

Omg I don't know if I want to congratulate how fabulous your boy is or laugh my ass off. I swear he has better hair than you do, Achilles and not just because of the glitter.


We should get some drinks and talk.


I'm back, beautiful. Sorry I missed your birthday again but I didn't forget your present.

[info]borax in [info]colosseum

[Filtered to D7]
That went really well! 😊 I thought Cypress really lives up to his name, so I went with strong, tall, solid, and silent. 🌲 And Amelia is lively, so green leaves. The dying ones have more colors, but I couldn't. 😞

And Ash, you look homeless. Can I cut your hair while they're training?

[Filtered to Chaff]
Chaff!!! πŸ’–

[Filtered to Brutus]
Babe, how are you??

[info]knightofgrapes in [info]colosseum

WHO: Aramis Rosegold [D1 tribute] and Narses Langfield [D1 stylist].
WHAT: Getting ready for the parade and talk about child murder as an art-form.
WHEN: Just before the parade on the first day in the Capitol.
WHERE: The Remake Centre.
WARNING: Low; Narses is vaguely creepy and technically, Aramis isn't entirely clothed, but it's never brought up at all.
STATUS: Complete log.

The first day of the 56th Hunger Games couldn't have gone any better, as far as Aramis was concerned -- for himself, that is. )

[info]kennewicks in [info]colosseum

Do you want to have a drink and make fun of Haymitch?

[info]colosseumodds in [info]colosseum

WHO: Escorts, Stylists, and Tributes
WHEN: Evening of the first day. Approximately 930 pm - roughly four hours after District Twelve arrived in the Capitol.
WHERE: Capitol, center city
WHAT: The Tribute Parade
STATUS: OPEN - please give stylists a chance to comment with tribute wardrobes

Escorts and Stylists have some time to do a little last minute fretting before sending their tributes out in front of all of Panem. The districts go forward from One to Twelve.

[info]harpooner in [info]colosseum

Placeholder for Ondine and Dimitri to have a girl's night in~ Sort of. Okay not really.

[info]nofortunateone in [info]colosseum

[District One Mentors and Victors]

Tomorrow I will size up District 2 and District 4, but I will also talk to everyone else. I like to have backup plans and I'm not sure yet if Aramis will try to kill me first. Please advise.

[info]oneachilles in [info]colosseum

Who: Achilles & Olympia
When: First night in the Capitol
Where: D1 training center
What: A conversation
Rating: Medium, for swearing and violence
Status: Complete

Nothing like the Capitol to bring out the best (and the worst, of course) of everyone.  )

[info]vellu in [info]colosseum

After the main event you all can come on over and march on up here and come and see how damn good I look in this silver suit. Narses, you have OUTDONE yourself.

Speaking of looking amazing, stylists. All amazing. Really. Even those kids dressed like goats or sheep or whatever. I mean not as amazing as Narses but come on.

[info]faraday_caged in [info]colosseum

[District 3]

Make sure to visit every station over the course of your training days. While some may not feel applicable, even with your current skill set, there are sometimes clues hidden in the activities they choose. I'd like you to contact Beetee and I tonight with what you think is your greatest strength and how you feel it will be best utilized in the Arena. I don't have to remind you that your time is invaluable and that you will dictate to us how best we might prepare you within it. As you are able to better analyze your opponents, we can tailor specific strategies.

[info]ikat in [info]colosseum

[Alex and Ariadne]
How are you settling in and such?

[Woof and Stitch]
Here we go again. Either of you care for a drink?

[info]dgaf in [info]colosseum

I'm too fucked to makea fitlerfor thepeople I like. You probably know who you are. If you think 'll want you to fuck off you're prrrrroooobably right

How's tricks, kiddywinks

    So you're going to die soon. Any last requests? Pickles will help you fufill them. Pickles, wave to the litle poor fuckers

[info]frowning in [info]colosseum

You know. I think this is it. This is finally the year we're all going to hold hands. And get along. And roast marshmallows by fake Capitol campfires.

I have a good feeling.


Good job in the parade. You looked fine. Did the shocking jar you permanently or are you both with us still?

Anyway, training advice. If you have a special skill do NOT show off. But do look for new skills. Play with everything over the week, at least a little. Keep an eye out for Arena clues, especially in the survival areas and weaponry. Look for potential allies as well as threats. Do NOT base this on people you think are friendly and you can be best pals with, because that's not what you're here for. Try to find people with skills you don't have. Nine, eleven, ten, seven, places used to the outdoors instead of factories. Avoid the Careers. The less they know of you, the better. That's just how it is.

[info]ex_goldened231 in [info]colosseum

[District 2 Victors]
I'm already exhausted with these other district victors. All up on their high horse because they are mentoring non-volunteers. Like it is any easier on us, just because our victors manage to have some skills that may benefit themselves. Not to mention have their head in their game to not be idiots about it.

I'm not sure if this headache is going to get worse or better at this point. The less I am required to see of Haymitch the better at this point. Though it is unlikely they will last long.

I need a drink.

But more importantly. I think our tributes look promising. Not to mention the parade did a good job of showing off our male a bit. Though training is going to have the most show of their own talents. But I think it shall be interest to see what alliances will crop up. Early days yet, but are we having the career pack? Is four girl tossing a wrench into the works? She seems to have the stature of a career but is the fact she wasn't a volunteer a soft spot?

[info]ohsei in [info]colosseum

Amelia, I sincerely apologize for my comment about your last name at the Reaping. It was inappropriate.

That said, I am here to help you win. Everything I do is in your best interest. Do not think for a moment that if I am not "friendly" enough it means I don't like you. You are my top priority from the moment you were Reaped until the moment you die the end of the Games. I will give my all finding you sponsorships, and all I ask is you give your all in trying to win.

Now, tell me a little about yourself and what you might be good at in the arena.

Cypress, I told Amelia something similar, but I need you to know that I am here to help you win. Everything I do is in your best interest. Do not think for a moment that if I am not "friendly" enough it means I don't like you. I am simply focused.

You have my word that I will not rest until the Games are over, and all I ask from you is that you trust me. You should know as well as anyone that a sponsorship can be the difference between life and death in the arena, and I know how to get sponsors. I've helped bring two Victors home already, so I know what I'm doing.

Now, what are your strengths?

I will need ALL of you to take this quiz and this quiz, and give me your answers. This is completely relevant, even if you think it seems silly. I need your results immediately.

Do not let Narses get you down.

Judging by the parade, pastel tones are certainly out this year, hm?