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January 1st, 2014

[info]babysat in [info]colosseum

WHO: Ianto Jay and NPC Tollart Tyler, yes! The creepy shower dude!
WHEN: Backdated to sometime in the 55th Games.
WHERE: A quiet corner of the Capitol, in a cafe.
WHAT: Ianto tries a new business method; aka Fun With Blackmail
STATUS/WARNINGS: Completed drabblearrative; Prompt Coffee/Discussion of Victor prostitution/language because I'm me.

At the end of the day, that was all this was. Just business. )

[info]harpooner in [info]colosseum

Who: Ondine feat. her mother, President Snow, and Capitolites
When: Non-linear progression of Ondine's childhood, Snow's election, and beyond
Where: The Capitol, District Four
What: Now that she's won, they call her a beauty. An inhuman one. [Prompt: Exotic | Card] Blatantly inspired by Xan's superior mermaid narrative for Mags. I'm sorry I'm such a thief, Xan.
Warnings: Allusions to sexual harassment, prostitution. Mild objectification.
Status: Completed narrative

The cure for anything is salt water- tears, sweat, or the sea. )

[info]deadkidslol in [info]colosseum

Who: Dimitri Watts & his parents.
What: Spying Boy Gets His First Migraine.
Where: His parents' house.
When: After the 23rd Hunger Games.
Status: Narrative, complete. Spy.

That house is going to be a glorified clubhouse until the day it matters to him that girls aren't allowed in his bedroom. )

[info]milston in [info]colosseum

WHO: Livya Milston, NPC sister-in-law
WHEN: Sometime after the 38th Games
WHERE: Her brother's house.
STATUS: Completed Narrative, [prompt table]

Don't you dare pull that volunteer bullshit! )

[info]retinued in [info]colosseum

Who: Thalia Flowers
When: Before the 50th Games
Where: District 11
What: Her first visit. Prompt: Sun [table]
Rating: Low
Status: Complete, solo.

She hadn't expected it to be so hot. )

[info]faraday_caged in [info]colosseum

WHO: Faraday Novak
WHEN Home after the 27th Games
WHERE D3 Cemetary
WHAT Faraday has a conversation with her brother about dead Tributes and their Victors
STATUS narrative complete


[info]knitwit in [info]colosseum

WHO: Felix Cloverhill & Verily Nadel
WHEN: The 52nd Games
WHERE: The Capitol
WHAT: Hours upon hours invested in an appearance, but only minutes to die.
STATUS: Complete Drabble Log [Prompt - HOURS for Verily and Felix]

... a monumental undertaking of countless hours now rendered into litter. )

[info]deadkidslol in [info]colosseum

Who: Dimitri Watts & Ampere Paraffin.
What: A slightly serious exchange between the D5 mentors.
Where: Dimitri's house in the Victor's Village, D5.
When: Three days before the 56th games.
Status: Log, complete. Future (Dim, Amy).

Just 'cause you survived my emotional coaching doesn't mean anyone else will. )

[info]prismos in [info]colosseum

WHO: Narses Langfield (ft. his mother, Rubella).
WHEN: Many, many years ago.
WHERE: The Langfield home.
WHAT: That inevitable friendly conversation over breakfast.
STATUS: Prompt: Marriage [ Narses ]

When are you going to give me some grandchildren, Narses? )

[info]oneachilles in [info]colosseum

Who: Achilles Held (D1) and Livya Milston (D2)
When: During the 37th Games.
Where: A sponsor party in the Capitol.
What: Prompt: Exotic. [Achilles' table, Livya's table]
Rating: Okay.
Status: Complete.

Upon closer inspection, Achilles realized the flowers had fangs. )

[info]ikat in [info]colosseum

WHO: Ishtar Ikat.
WHEN: A week or so after the 44th Hunger Games.
WHERE: District 8 Victor's Village.
WHAT: Ishtar doesn't handle the results of her first Hunger Games well.
STATUS: Complete log [Prompt - Touch].

I guess I should just be glad a Career didn’t win again, right? )

[info]boltwheeler in [info]colosseum

Who: Dahlia Spark and Bolt Wheeler
When: Just before the 55th games
Where: The 10th Floor
What: Discussions of what District 10 feels like.
Warnings: n/a
Status: Completed log
Prompt: Exotic | Dahlia | Bolt

We don't hide who we are in District 10. )

[info]goldenwire in [info]colosseum

WHO: Ondine Isaacs and Beetee Latier
WHAT: What happens when victors watch the Games?
WHEN: 25th Games, 33rd Games, 33rd Victory Tour
WHERE: Districts 3 and 4
STATUS: Complete!
PROMPT: Spy (Ondine, Beetee)

It's a verb. To quell means to calm or to quiet. )