Jan. 3rd, 2009


it's so hard to be young, rich, white, Pureblooded, and crazy. :[

(4:46:30 PM) Sab (Sev, Carlotta, Kate): Carlotta wants to know why her Kneazle was not included in the poll. it is a very pure Kneazle
(4:46:47 PM) SailorStarPoet: Barty says because it's a freaking Kneazle, lady.
(4:47:21 PM) Sab (Sev, Carlotta, Kate): Just for that she is voting for you Barty
(4:47:40 PM) SailorStarPoet: Barty: *abdicates to Dolph*
(4:48:41 PM) Emily (Demetrius, Akhil, Libby): Walden and Dem are tied! So are Dolph and Your Mom
(4:48:56 PM) Sab (Sev, Carlotta, Kate): and Barty got more than Sev! >:|
(4:49:04 PM) Sab (Sev, Carlotta, Kate): I blame Carlotta
(4:49:21 PM) SailorStarPoet: Actually blame Xeno.
(4:49:29 PM) SailorStarPoet: He thinks Barty as Minister would be funny.
(4:49:42 PM) Em (Rodolphus, Rufus, Agnes, Tabbit): you guys are cracking me up
(4:49:43 PM) Sab (Sev, Carlotta, Kate): Your characters are at war in their opinions Kassie
(4:50:00 PM) Emily (Demetrius, Akhil, Libby): DOLPH PULLED AHEAD
(4:50:00 PM) SailorStarPoet: Yes, they are.
(4:50:03 PM) Sab (Sev, Carlotta, Kate): Walden and Demetrius are tied.
(4:50:04 PM) SailorStarPoet: Luckily, I'm used to this.
(4:50:10 PM) Sab (Sev, Carlotta, Kate): That was Kate's fault, she didn't think Your Mum was qualified
(4:50:10 PM) Emily (Demetrius, Akhil, Libby): BARTY AND SEV ARE TIED
(4:50:11 PM) Em (Rodolphus, Rufus, Agnes, Tabbit): ITS LIKE LISTENING TO A RACE ON THE RADIO :-D

from chat.

Nov. 28th, 2008


i can't brain today, i has a dum.

(3:29:13 AM) SailorStarPoet: Maybe I'm just decaffeinating, but... suilihponex ?
(3:29:25 AM) Em (Rodolphus, Rufus, Agnes): oh come on kassie
(3:29:27 AM) Em (Rodolphus, Rufus, Agnes): you of all people
(3:29:29 AM) Em (Rodolphus, Rufus, Agnes): should know what that is
(3:29:30 AM) SailorStarPoet: ................
(3:29:38 AM) SailorStarPoet: uhm.
(3:29:48 AM) SailorStarPoet: ...In my defense, I saw my extended family today?
(3:29:52 AM) Em (Rodolphus, Rufus, Agnes): XD
(3:30:02 AM) Em (Rodolphus, Rufus, Agnes): did you figure it out or are you still staring
(3:30:06 AM) SailorStarPoet: I got it. XD
(3:30:13 AM) Em (Rodolphus, Rufus, Agnes): oh good XD
(3:30:17 AM) Kei (Benjy, Pepper, Astra, Clara): haha

from chat.

October 2009




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