Mar. 30th, 2009


Poufy sent this to me in IM.
Ash: lmao i hope that snape never hits on kingsley
Poufy: what
Ash: i just realised that he got all up on my other two characters' bffs

From Ash and Poufy's IM

Dec. 18th, 2008


lol look at what yall miss not being in chat in the mornings.

After asking if they think Kingsley's parents should leave the country...
Poufy: they can move to Bel Air
Ash: LOL
Me: i'm trying to figure out if they should leave in time or not. they won't leave until after christmas
Poufy: because a couple of guys were up to no good
Me: aka voldy
Me: started making trouble in their neighborhood?
Poufy: yes
Ash: kingsley got in one little fight
Ash: and his mum got scared
Me: (that fight was at hogwarts btw)
Ash: and said their moving all his aunties and uncles to bel air
Me: y
Ash: he put his wand out for the knight bus
Ash: and when it came near
Ash: Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down, and I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, I'll tell you how I became the KINGley of a town called Bel-Air
Ash: In West Londondelphia, born and raised, on the quidditch pitch is where I spent most of my days, Chill' out maxin' relaxin' all cool, and shootin' some quaffles outside of the school
Ash: I put my wand out for the knight bus and when it came near, there was an old dude and a young dude and a shrunken head on the mirror!

From chat

Oh and then Poufy found this:

Nov. 11th, 2008


ladies love the shack.

Kingsley, regarding That One Time When Junior Stood Up to Senior:
1. "OKAY WHO SAW THAT PLEASE TELL me someone saw that!

I hope I wasn't the only one because that was about the best thing I've seen in years. Shiiiiiit little Crouch has got the fighting spirit tonight. I think I want him to be my new best mate."

From here.

2. Pepper: Yeah I have no idea where that came from, he's normally such a sweet little thing.
Kingsley: He was almost as scary as my Mum! And she's the scariest person I've met.

From here.

3. "Ol' Crouchy looked all sheepish, like a cat caught not using the litterbox and when it knows better."

From here.

October 2009




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