January 28th, 2009

[info]naught in [info]blurred_quotes

While tagging this.
Kati: ...ohdear
Em: ?
Kati: the things nott wants to say in my head
Em: lmfao omg what
Kati: "How womanly of you to play matchmaker"
Em: lmfao lmfao dolph objects
Em: he didn't make the match
Em: just told walden to get off his lazy ass
Kati: haha but nott doens't know that
Em: he should say it lololol
Kati: I think he's going to
Em: dolph will threaten to beat him up
Em: it'll be awesome
Em: is nott's motherd ead
Kati: yes
Em: lol tag
Em: this would be an opportune time to bring up aeneas x atticus
Kati: that will never be brought up
Em: XD i wish
Kati: it didn't happen >>
Kati: haha nott should turn his womanly charms on to graley
Em: loooooool
Kati: tag
Kati: if encouraging = womanly charms re: matchmaking, then nott did say he would turn his womanly charms on graley :D
Kati: indirectly
Em: lolol aeneas
Em: tag
Kati: tag
Em: goddamn it i need to log in so i can use my icons
Em: i'm so tempted to just comment with maugrim
Em: no one would notice
Kati: haha
Kati: same PB?
Em: yep
Em: tag
Em: lmfao
Em: watch dolph and annie imperius graley
Kati: make him get married
Em: then take it off
Kati: he wakes up next to thubana "hey what happened here?"
Em: if dolph imperiused him he would NOT make him marry his mother
Em: he'd make him marry like... araminta or something
Kati: tag
Em: lol this convo is much better with dolph icons
Em: tag
Em: lmfao annie/dolph plotting hurts my soul lmfao lmfao
Kati: they could even make him sing at his own wedding
Kati: they know how much he loves to sing
Em: lmfaooooooo
Kati: and tag
Em: homg why have these two not interacted before lmfao lmfao lmfao tag
Kati: they HAVE just not like this
Kati: tag
Kati: ...they are not good for each other
Em: >.>
Em: hahahaha oh god oh god this is amazing
Em: i hope hannah sees it
Kati: they are convincing each other to do this
Em: rodolphus was joking at first but now he's like hmmm maybe it IS a good idea
Kati: Nott thinks it's probably easier than tryig to convince him.

From Chat

October 2009



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