March 8th, 2009

[info]savaged in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Tabitha Pryce.
What: She feels confused and unhappy about where her life is headed.
When: 8 March 1980, shortly after Fenrir's post.
Where: The Dark Army camp.

Status: Complete.
Rating: PG.

It was no one's business what happened. Everything she had to go through. None of them deserved to know -- NONE OF THEM. )

[info]blurred_mods in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Marchers, Hecklers, Confused Passer-byers
What: The International Women's Day Celebration March
When: 8 March 1980 at 8 am
Where: Diagon Alley
Status: Thread

Please put your threads for the march here. This is old school style open threading, folks, so please feel free to jump on each other's comments and have fun with it!

[info]moonstricken in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Remus Lupin & Marius Lestrange.
What: Remus goes in for his annual werewolf health examination.
When: 8 March 1980, around 10:30 AM.
Where: Ministry of Magic, Werewolf Support Services.

Status: Complete.
Rating: PG-13.

a generation drenched in hate; yes, he has been here; and i see no bravery; no bravery in your eyes anymore )

[info]on_the_wall in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Marlene Lupin.
What: Marlene receives a present.
When: 8 March 1980
Where: Hogwarts.
Status: Completed narrative
Rating: pg13

you're still bloody from last year's war; your bandages, your bullet holes like mine; and I'm here with my stars out; you say you're scared, well so am I )

[info]ex_shebear839 in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Úrsula Caldeira, and Daniel Rourke
When: Sunday March 8th, Midday
Where: The woods
What: A romp
Rating: ?
Status: Incomplete but something

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? )

[info]on_the_wall in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Marlene and Lily.
What: After this and this. Marlene tries to make a break for it.
When: 8 March 1980
Where: Hogwarts.
Status: Finished Log

We'll see if you could handle things yourself without me here to scrape you up; this is the last time I'll warn you; don't make me leave you all alone; it doesn't matter anyway )

[info]notamuggle in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Ted, brief appearance of Dora and the puppies
What: Reflections
Where: The Tonks' home
When: Evening, 08 March
Rating: G
Status: Narrative, Complete

and we are so fragile, and our cracking bones make a noise and we are just breakable breakable breakable girls and boys )

August 2009



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