September 9th, 2008

[info]proudkate in [info]blurred_lines

RP Log: Elle Abercrombie & Kate Proudfoot

Who: Elle Abercrombie & Kate Proudfoot
When: 8 September 1979; Evening
Where: DMLE Offices
What: Kate brings her friend some take-away and some moral support.
Rating: TBD
Status: INCOMPLETE, posted for activity check.

Right now, at least, the advice was coming in the form of chicken tikka masala takeaway from Kate's favourite restaurant, plenty of Naan bread, and the plan to stay in the office as long as Rufus didn't kick her out and her eyes would stay open. )

[info]abandonedheart in [info]blurred_lines

RP Log: Elle & Al

Who: Elle Abercrombie & Alastor Gumboil
When: 9 September 1979; 10 in the morning after Elle's shift
Where: Ellen & Galen Gumboil's place in protective custody
What: Elle is sort of taking Sirius' advice. (OMG.)
Rating: R?
Status: FINITO!

Sacrifice. Wasn't that what relationships were about? )

[info]loose_cannon in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Al and Dedalus
When: 9 September; morning.
Where: Gumboil residence.
What: Dedalus puts a roof over Al's head.
Rating: PG.
Status: Completed log!

As Dedalus stepped out of the house that morning, he briefly wondered if he should have let Alastor know he was coming. )

[info]naught in [info]blurred_lines

RP Log: Aeneas and Lucius play dueling

Who: Aeneas Nott and Lucius Malfoy
When: 8 September 1979; Mid-Afternoon
Where: Nott Manor, Surrey
What: Lucius wants more practise with dueling.
Rating: TBD
Status: POTENTIALLY PLACEHOLDING. Zee is not around and I think this needs to happen before the BFOB but if we decide differently later when she is off hiatus I will just delete this.

August 2009



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