June 13th, 2008

[info]saintagnes in [info]blurred_lines

RP Log - Severus/Agnes

Who: Severus Snape & Agnes O'Hare
When: Thursday night/Friday morning
Where: Hogs Head, Hogsmeade
What: Duty, Drinking, Discussion of Death Eaters, Yelling at each other, & Kissing each other... I think this one has everything covered.
Rating: R
Status: Complete

The clock had never moved so slowly for Severus Snape. He sat in the chair at his desk, his entire body stiff with something between anger and dread. He had figured that the Dark Lord was an accomplished Legilimens when he'd learned about the magic, but he hadn't realised how accomplished, or how frequently he was likely to invade the mind of his followers. Yet, there was no other answer for it that Severus could tell. The only way the Dark Lord could know about Agnes, and about his meeting with Pettigrew, was through Legilimency. Well, it wasn't the only way - someone could have noticed the meeting and have told - but the likelihood of that occurring, particularly when Severus was typically on his guard watching whom was around when he was meeting with people, seemed somewhat smaller. Legilimency was obvious, and it infuriated Severus that he had allowed it to happen. Somehow all of his practise keeping his mind clear and calm had been utterly fruitless, which meant that he needed to actually have someone test him. He needed someone to practise with, to teach him, because this could not happen.

Read more... )

[info]theoldgoat in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Aberforth Dumbledore, Aaron and Tabitha Pryce
Where: The Hog's Head
When: 13 June 1979, around 3am
What: Aberforth finds out curiosity can have its consequences.
Rating: R for violence
Status: In Progress

Actions always have consequences. )

[info]moonstricken in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Remus Lupin & Ted Tonks.
What: Fenrir's gift wasn't something that could be ignored this time, and Remus goes to someone he trusts.
When: 13 June 1979, early morning.
Where: Ministry of Magic, Werewolf Support Services.

Status: Complete.
Rating: PG

This was the last place he wanted to be on Marlene's birthday, but Remus did not have much of a choice. )

[info]torridily in [info]blurred_lines

Fic/Narrative: Lily & Petunia

Characters: Lily & Petunia
Setting: Their childhood home; During the mid-afternoon of Friday, June 13, 1979
Summary: They have come to gather some belongings before their parents' household becomes an estate auction. Lily and Petunia face their final falling out.

So long and thanks for all the fish. )

August 2009



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