June 14th, 2008

[info]jamesopotter in [info]blurred_lines

Who: James, Marlene, Remus and NPC!Mrs. Potter
What: The two chat about Remus delicateness, secrets, and having kids. James is over-protective.
Where: The woods behind the Potter's house in Godric's Hollow
When: Backdated to Wednesday June 11th

Status: Finished Log
Rating: PG13 for some swears and drinking

Hey there little red riding hood, you sure are lookin' good... )

[info]on_the_wall in [info]blurred_lines

Marlene and Riley's Crazy Friday the 13th Double Birthday Party Extravaganza!

SO! In an attempts to keep things organized and easiest for everyone, I figured it'd be easiest to set this post up ala the Order Meeting, and just have everyone chime in with what they did, any crazy fun interactions that might've happened from that, and so on. Feel free to plot things in the comments! This is just so that everyone knows what happened, so that those who stayed sober or who have a talent for remembering things even when drunk can bring things up later.

Just for clarifications sake, the party was at Old Suffolk Punch on the muggle side of London (v. much safer + no curfew!) last night at nine, probably going into the early hours of this morning. The whole big group sort of laid claim to a couple of tables and a booth in one of the back corners and shoved things together so that everyone would be sitting by one-another.

The pub also had this interesting newfangled contraption called a karaoke machine. It's this strange muggle thing that just came out recently, and for some strange reason intoxicated muggles seem drawn to its power, forced to embarrass themselves through song! While of course they only have muggle songs available to sing, it could be entertaining :D

[info]moonstricken in [info]blurred_lines

Who: Remus Lupin & Marlene McKinnon.
What: Remus steals Marlene away for the day for her after-birthday birthday.
When: 14 June 1979, early afternoon.
Where: Box Hill in Surrey.

Status: In Progress.
Rating: PG.

A few cups of coffee and hangover potions later, Remus felt it was time to get going before they wasted the whole day away. )

August 2009



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