July 2011


ACADEMY X: because saving the world is easy...teenage hormones? not so much.


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Jul. 2nd, 2010


who: Emma and Kurt
when: Friday morning
where: Frost's office
what: Some women love to play matchmaker. Emma Frost likes to play life ruiner.

The fact it would sweep Mystique under the bus was a glorious and intentional bonus. )

May. 30th, 2010


To: "Emma Frost" [efrost@xaviers.edu]
From: "Kevin Ford" [kford@xaviers.edu]
Subject: (no subject)

You have (1) unread message. )

May. 20th, 2010


who: Bobby and Tabitha
when: Thursday morning
where: Classroom before class starts
what: It's time for this week's installment of the Bobby and Boom Boom Comedy Hour. This episode: my broho, my ... lover?

It was like Tandy had filled his head with all these horrible, horrible ideas. )

May. 18th, 2010


who: Danielle Moonstar and Emma Frost
when: Tuesday May 16, 2010
where: Open field
what: Horseback riding with Brightwind
rating: Not high

May. 1st, 2010


Who: OT Everyone!
When: Saturday night
Where: The (decked-out) gym
What: PROM

A night to remember. )

Apr. 28th, 2010


Who: Noriko, Julian, OTA!
When: Wednesday afternoon sometime.
Where: The drive in front of the mansion.
What: Homeless Nori shows up, Julian doesn't like it, there are TURF BATTLES! It's like the 90s around here! Only with better hair.

Stranger! Danger! )

Apr. 27th, 2010


Who: Raven and Emma
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Danger Room
What: Testing new rounds down at the range, and guess what? Her head plate is still broke from Weapon X (Thread Complete!)

Raven had been quiet lately. Perhaps...too quiet. )


To: efrost@xaviers.edu
From: kford@xaviers.edu
Subject: (no subject)

You have (1) unread message. )

Apr. 13th, 2010


who: Emma Frost and Bobby Drake, OT Regan and Jean Grey
when: After lockdown ends
where: Infirmary
what: After seeing to everyone who had been tranquilized, Emma has somehow landed the job of assisting Hank with the other injured students.

Wasn't this usually Jean's job? )

Apr. 12th, 2010


Who: Rogue and Emma Frost
When: After classes, Monday (Before the big attack!)
Where: Emma's office
What: Working on defragmenting Rogue's mind, so she can get a better control on her powers
Note: If this is okay with you! :)

Read more... )


who: Josh and Bobby, with appearances by Alex, Emma, and Hank!
when: Weapon X attack, Monday night
where: The hallway of the boy's dormitory
what: During the attack, Bobby decides to fight back resulting in both boys learning quite a bit about their powers.

And paying some prices. )

Apr. 5th, 2010


When: Foredated to Tuesday morning
Where: The American Museum of Natural History, New York City
What: Field Trip! Feel free to branch off into separate threads if you want to. *There is a nifty floor plan of the museum here: http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/floorplan/pdfs/AMNH_Floorplan_English.pdf

All of the students and staff members had been herded out to the drive way promptly at 7 am on Tuesday morning where a large charter bus was waiting. Before they left, the Professor gave everyone a run down of the usual rules: stay in your groups, be on your best behavior, no powers, listen to the staff, and so on and so forth. Those who needed image inducers had been fitted with them the day before and given a tutorial by Dr. McCoy on how to use them. Dr. McCoy made sure of course to remind everyone to be mindful of the devices and to keep an eye on the batteries. Finally Scott read the list of the groups aloud so that everyone knew who they were supposed to be with before they all piled into the vans for the four hour drive to New York City.

After a carefully timed (by Scott of course) pit stop or two, the bus finally pulled up in front of the American Museum of Natural History around noon. The professors ushered the students out and corralled their own groups together. There were quite a few ways to make one's way through the museum, and each professor had a different track to take. Everyone was supposed to meet back in the main lobby at 5 o'clock. Xavier tried very hard to plan everything, trusting Scott to keep the order. But the best laid plans - they never go right.

The professors took their groups through the large doors of the entrance. The group remained large as tickets were passed out, guides picked up, paths selected. The group branched into two still-large groups first, as there were only so many entrances to the exhibits, and then each group splintered off until the six groups had separated and started on their tours.

Field Trip Groups )

Apr. 4th, 2010


To: [Contact Group: Staff]
From: scassidy@xaviers.edu
Subject: Broke the Code )

To: efrost@xaviers.edu
From: scassidy@xaviers.edu
Subject: Class )

To: tcassidy@xaviers.edu
From: scassidy@xaviers.edu
Subject: Easter )

Mar. 28th, 2010


Who: Emma Frost, Julian Keller
When: Sunday evening
Where: Kitchen
What: Patrolling the halls for the inevitable hysteria from the memories returning, Emma finds a *gasp* plate dropper in the kitchen.

She was fully expecting having to explain to them how to sweep up broken glass. )

Jan. 24th, 2010


Who: Open
Where the rec room.
When: Whenever.
What: Mass panic?

Read more... )

Jan. 22nd, 2010


Who: Jean Grey, Emma Frost, OTA
Where: Outside what is left of the girl's dormatories
When: Friday Night
What: Investigating, finding people
Warnings: None

Jan. 20th, 2010


Who: Emma and OTA (any and all students)
Where: Classroom
When: Morning
What: History Class

*Note: I figure this thread can start in the middle of class so if you tag in you can imply your character has been in class since it started.

Henry the VIII I am, I am. )

Jan. 13th, 2010


Who: Emma & OTA
When: Mid-morning
Where: Atrium
What: Having a cup of coffe, looking over her lesson plan
Open?: Yes

Read more.. )


Who: Tabitha and Emma
What: Training session with Prof. Frost!
Where: Danger Room
When: Wednesday Afternoon, in the middle of classes.

To say she was intimidated and nervous was an understatement. )

Jan. 11th, 2010


Who: Tabitha and OTA
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Observation tower
What: Chilling after ditching classes again

What was this...funk she'd been feeling lately? )

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