July 2011


ACADEMY X: because saving the world is easy...teenage hormones? not so much.


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Jun. 28th, 2010


Who: Tandy and OTA
Where: By the pool
When: Monday after training, June 28
What: Tandy is starting to worry about what she's going to do with the rest of her life... and clearly the best solution is to dance! And then swim after a good work-out.

Dancing always made her feel better, and there was no use dwelling on something she didn't have an answer to anyway, right? )

Jun. 22nd, 2010


WHO: Alex Summers, Josh Foley, Bobby Drake, Mark Sheppard, and the MOTHER F'ING TEAM GAZPACHO (plus srsly, anyone else) - OPEN TO THE ENTIRE SCHOOL
WHEN: Nighttime, after dinner, 'round 8pm.
WHAT: This. Is. XBOX!
RATING: High because Alex get's really competitive and curse.. wordy. I'm sure others might as well.
HOW?: We are doing this via 'dialogue only' -- what you write is what other's are saying in their headsets. Time for some Halo, kiddies.

Stop pressing A. )

Jun. 17th, 2010


Who: Lorna; OT Pietro and Wanda
When: June 17, 2010, evening
Where: Rec Room
What: A meeting between the siblings...possible bonding?
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Incomplete


To: <pmaximoff@xaviers.edu, wmaximoff@xaviers.edu>
From: <ldane@xaviers.edu>
Subject: Possible meeting

Mar. 10th, 2010


Who: Bobby and Lorna
When: Wednesday, 3 pm
Where: Flagpole (Bobby's office)
What: It's not that he wants to put a ho before his bro. He just needs a ho to help look out for this bro. Er.

Everyone shut up. )

Feb. 18th, 2010


Who: Lorna Dane and Open
Where: The library
When: Thursday Afternoon
What: Done with her own work, Lorna's simply settled in the library since a lot of other people are most likely still in their classes. Simply put? A generic open thread.
Rating: --
Status: WIP

She had picked two off a shelf in her passing, but really had no intention of reading them a second time. )