July 2011


ACADEMY X: because saving the world is easy...teenage hormones? not so much.


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Jul. 2nd, 2010


who: Emma and Kurt
when: Friday morning
where: Frost's office
what: Some women love to play matchmaker. Emma Frost likes to play life ruiner.

The fact it would sweep Mystique under the bus was a glorious and intentional bonus. )

Jun. 22nd, 2010


WHO: Alex Summers, Josh Foley, Bobby Drake, Mark Sheppard, and the MOTHER F'ING TEAM GAZPACHO (plus srsly, anyone else) - OPEN TO THE ENTIRE SCHOOL
WHEN: Nighttime, after dinner, 'round 8pm.
WHAT: This. Is. XBOX!
RATING: High because Alex get's really competitive and curse.. wordy. I'm sure others might as well.
HOW?: We are doing this via 'dialogue only' -- what you write is what other's are saying in their headsets. Time for some Halo, kiddies.

Stop pressing A. )

Jun. 15th, 2010


Who: Doreen, Kurt, Kitty, and Jubilee (it's a party!)
When: Tuesday night, toward the end of dinner
Where: Running up to the girls' dorm
What: Fake Date Party!

And of course, plenty of nuts. )

Jun. 3rd, 2010


Who: Doreen and Kurt (OT Kevin?)
When: Thursday night
Where: His dorm room!
What: Surprise present! :B

The curtain was a few inches shorter... But she had a present! )

May. 18th, 2010


Thread: Cess + Kevin F.

Who: Cessily Kincaid and Kevin Ford (and OT reactions from his roommate - Kurt Wagner)
When: Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Where: Hallway outside Kevin's Room → Boy's dorms → The Academy → Westchester, NY
What: Cess goes and does something that she's going to regret.

God, she just wanted to shake him. Shake him and say 'stop being a douche bag - just stop!' )

[Kevin F!]

May. 4th, 2010


Who: Sean, Logan and Kurt!
When: Almost 3 years ago
Where: Deutschland!
What: Tracking the Elf. (11)
Status: In progress

A 'machine that helps find mutants in trouble?' Okay, now that just sounded crazy. )

May. 1st, 2010


Who: OT Everyone!
When: Saturday night
Where: The (decked-out) gym
What: PROM

A night to remember. )

Apr. 15th, 2010


who: Rahne and Kurt
when: Thursday afternoon
where: Library
what: Rahne is helping Kurt with an English paper to help get her mind off Josh things. They quickly diverge into an honesty session.

Kurt just looked so ... trustworthy! )

Apr. 12th, 2010


Who: Everyone!
When: Late Monday night, after curfew
Where: All over the mansion
What: Weapon X attack!
Notes: This is a bit long but please read all of it so everyone is on the same page. This thread will run like the field trip thread and you can also make separate threads if you want to. The attack will end with Weapon X eventually retreating, there will be another post for that later. Have fun :D

They had their orders. )

Apr. 5th, 2010


When: Foredated to Tuesday morning
Where: The American Museum of Natural History, New York City
What: Field Trip! Feel free to branch off into separate threads if you want to. *There is a nifty floor plan of the museum here: http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/floorplan/pdfs/AMNH_Floorplan_English.pdf

All of the students and staff members had been herded out to the drive way promptly at 7 am on Tuesday morning where a large charter bus was waiting. Before they left, the Professor gave everyone a run down of the usual rules: stay in your groups, be on your best behavior, no powers, listen to the staff, and so on and so forth. Those who needed image inducers had been fitted with them the day before and given a tutorial by Dr. McCoy on how to use them. Dr. McCoy made sure of course to remind everyone to be mindful of the devices and to keep an eye on the batteries. Finally Scott read the list of the groups aloud so that everyone knew who they were supposed to be with before they all piled into the vans for the four hour drive to New York City.

After a carefully timed (by Scott of course) pit stop or two, the bus finally pulled up in front of the American Museum of Natural History around noon. The professors ushered the students out and corralled their own groups together. There were quite a few ways to make one's way through the museum, and each professor had a different track to take. Everyone was supposed to meet back in the main lobby at 5 o'clock. Xavier tried very hard to plan everything, trusting Scott to keep the order. But the best laid plans - they never go right.

The professors took their groups through the large doors of the entrance. The group remained large as tickets were passed out, guides picked up, paths selected. The group branched into two still-large groups first, as there were only so many entrances to the exhibits, and then each group splintered off until the six groups had separated and started on their tours.

Field Trip Groups )

Apr. 3rd, 2010


who: Bobby, Dom, John, Josh, Jubilee, Julian, Kitty, Kurt, Rogue, and Tabby. OT Jean-Paul.
when: Saturday night
where: Room B009 (Alex and Josh's room)
what: While the girls are away, the boys (and remaining girls) will play ... truth or dare! These really aren't smart boys.

Bobby scanned the crowd of potential victims... )

Thread rules )

Feb. 19th, 2010


Who: Warren and OTA
When: Friday evening
Where: Campus second floor; overlooking the foyer
What: Contemplating his future

And sometimes lack of. )

Feb. 16th, 2010


Who: Bobby Drake and close friends; crashers invited
When: Tuesday night
Where: The Bro Harem
What: Bobby's Super Sweet Seventeen Party of Ass-Kickery

aka Halo Night with lots of cookies )


Who: Megan and Tandy (OTA)
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Rec Room
What: Bowen and Gwynn, Super Detectives: The Case of the Missing Helmet

Note: Megan and Tandy are ready to question anyone who walks in the rec room about their missing items.

Feb. 3rd, 2010


Who: Tyrone (and OTA if they wanna help lmao. No biggie)
What: Spazing OUT! And getting his cursed powers back! (Gee thanks Wanda)
Where: Hallways outside the Boy's dorms
When: Wednesday Mid-day

It roared through him like a tempest of rage and hate and hunger, and it lunged out for anything moving nearby. )

Jan. 26th, 2010


Who: Warpath and Kurt
What: Warpath is bored, annoyed, and getting angry again. Its time to explore the town.
When: Evening, Jan 26
Where: More than likely Buffalo, NY

Read more... )

Jan. 24th, 2010


Who: Kurt and Warren
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Foyer
What: Two of the school's most graceful students are now tripping over everything in sight.

Magazine rack: 1. Warren: 0. )


Who: Kurt and OTA Dr. McCoy
When: Sunday Morning
Where: The hallway and then...?
What: Being normal O_o

Read more... )

Jan. 20th, 2010


Who: Remy, Kurt, Piotr
When: Wednesday after classes
Where: Out on the town
What: Trying to have a good time

A night on the town could only end well, right? )

Jan. 19th, 2010


Who: Kurt and OTA
When: Tuesday late afternoon
Where: The gym and then ?
What: Finishing up a training session

Read more )

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