July 2011


ACADEMY X: because saving the world is easy...teenage hormones? not so much.


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Jul. 3rd, 2010


Who: Jean-Paul, Jono, and Cessily!
When: Early Saturday afternoon, after the Germany/Argentina match massacre.
Where: Out on the grounds
What: JP is in a celebratory mood and getting his soccer on.

It was almost too easy. )

Jun. 26th, 2010


Who: Kevin and Cessily
When: Backdated like whoa to June 22, after Cessily's party.
Where: Kevin's room to start, then out and about.
What: Cess and Kev have reached an agreement of friendship, and now they have to practice acting like it. :P

Kevin was not a party sort of person. )

Jun. 5th, 2010


Who: Angelo and Cessily!
When: Saturday, 9-ish in the morning.
Where: The dorms to start, then out on the town!
What: Ice cream for breakfast? Sure, why not. Also, mucho chatting and lightening Cess's load of stress, hopefully.

Nine o'clock on a Saturday morning was sort of ungodly early to most teenagers around Xaviers. )
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May. 25th, 2010



Who: The Inmates: Cessily Kincaid, Tabitha Smith, Remy Lebeau, Julian Keller and of course the Warden, Scott Summers
What: 8AM Detention!
When: Monday, April 24, 2010 [backdated]
Where: Scott's classroom.

No laughing or you will get the lash! (whipcrack) )

[Julian! Remy! Scott! Tabitha!]

May. 21st, 2010


Who: Kevin and Cessily (again!)
When: Friday evening.
Where: The garage, in Kevin's special corner.
What: Er, reconciliation? Time will tell!

This was the one place in the school he felt almost entirely comfortable, since few people ever came in here and those who did were people he generally sort of almost liked. )


To: "Cessily Kincaid" [ckincaid@xaviers.edu]
From: "Kevin Ford" [kford@xaviers.edu]
Subject: one question

You have (1) unread message )

May. 20th, 2010


who: Sam and Cessily
when: Thursday night
where: Foyer
what: Sam returned from work, growing cynical fast from a job that deals with *gasp* - customers!

In marches the red shirt, awaiting his death. )

May. 19th, 2010


Who: Sean Cassidy, Cessily Kincaid, Remy LeBeau, and Scott Summers
When: Backdated to Tuesday, May 18, after this thread
Where: Scott's office
What: Detention Party!

Could you describe the ruckus, sir? )

May. 18th, 2010


Thread: Cess + Kevin F.

Who: Cessily Kincaid and Kevin Ford (and OT reactions from his roommate - Kurt Wagner)
When: Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Where: Hallway outside Kevin's Room → Boy's dorms → The Academy → Westchester, NY
What: Cess goes and does something that she's going to regret.

God, she just wanted to shake him. Shake him and say 'stop being a douche bag - just stop!' )

[Kevin F!]

May. 9th, 2010


Who: Julian Keller and Cessilly Kincaid
When: Saturday, May 8, 2010 [evening]
Where: Cyberspace via Xaviers!
What: AIM conversation!

That guy is such a dickweed )


May. 3rd, 2010


Thread: SECRET ORGINS OMG [Cessily Kincaid]

Who: Cessily Kincaid and Mark Kincaid [NPC]
When: About a year and a half ago -ish.
Where: The Kincaid residence → Portland, OR
What: Hardcore mutating.

Daddy...h-help me...please....help me.... )


May. 2nd, 2010


Who: Kevin Ford, Cessily Kincaid and Rogue
When: Saturday, May 1, 2010 - [During the Prom]
Where: Local movie theater - outside
What: Movies!

Cessily could give whatever reason she wanted for not wanting to go to the prom... )

[Kevin! Rogue!]

Apr. 30th, 2010


Who: Rogue and Cessily
When: Today, Lunch
Where: Cafeteria
What: Meeting, talking, eating

Read more... )
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Apr. 29th, 2010


Who: Cessily Kincaid and OTA
When: Thursday, April 29, 2010 - afternoon
Where: Outside at Xavier's
What: Cess goes outside to play soccer and think about things, like...why all of her classmates are weird.

Humping and the like. )


Apr. 19th, 2010


Who: Kevin & Cessily.
Where: In the library.
When: Monday. Break time, right after lunch.
What: Kevin is sketching and being actually tolerable, for once. Mostly because he's too wiped out to bother being mean.

Kevin had spent a week's worth of nights lying awake, and thus he didn't really have the energy to be awful to other people. )

Apr. 12th, 2010


Who: Everyone!
When: Late Monday night, after curfew
Where: All over the mansion
What: Weapon X attack!
Notes: This is a bit long but please read all of it so everyone is on the same page. This thread will run like the field trip thread and you can also make separate threads if you want to. The attack will end with Weapon X eventually retreating, there will be another post for that later. Have fun :D

They had their orders. )

Apr. 5th, 2010


When: Foredated to Tuesday morning
Where: The American Museum of Natural History, New York City
What: Field Trip! Feel free to branch off into separate threads if you want to. *There is a nifty floor plan of the museum here: http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/floorplan/pdfs/AMNH_Floorplan_English.pdf

All of the students and staff members had been herded out to the drive way promptly at 7 am on Tuesday morning where a large charter bus was waiting. Before they left, the Professor gave everyone a run down of the usual rules: stay in your groups, be on your best behavior, no powers, listen to the staff, and so on and so forth. Those who needed image inducers had been fitted with them the day before and given a tutorial by Dr. McCoy on how to use them. Dr. McCoy made sure of course to remind everyone to be mindful of the devices and to keep an eye on the batteries. Finally Scott read the list of the groups aloud so that everyone knew who they were supposed to be with before they all piled into the vans for the four hour drive to New York City.

After a carefully timed (by Scott of course) pit stop or two, the bus finally pulled up in front of the American Museum of Natural History around noon. The professors ushered the students out and corralled their own groups together. There were quite a few ways to make one's way through the museum, and each professor had a different track to take. Everyone was supposed to meet back in the main lobby at 5 o'clock. Xavier tried very hard to plan everything, trusting Scott to keep the order. But the best laid plans - they never go right.

The professors took their groups through the large doors of the entrance. The group remained large as tickets were passed out, guides picked up, paths selected. The group branched into two still-large groups first, as there were only so many entrances to the exhibits, and then each group splintered off until the six groups had separated and started on their tours.

Field Trip Groups )


Who: Cessily Kincaid and Logan
When: Monday, March 29, 2010 - evening [backdated]
Where: The Kincaid Residence, Portland, OR
What: Logan goes to retrieve Cessily and bring her back! (Rating: PG?)
OOC: Sorry it took me so long to get this up!

Cessily felt numb. )