July 2012



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May. 6th, 2012


Here's Henry!

Okay, Alison persuaded me to do it, and I deliver. Absolutioneers, meet Henry Gordon Cresswell.

For those of you who were in May 02, Henry is the same as he ever was, only he's a Gryffindor now. For those who are only meeting him for the first time, here's a few facts:

* Son of Muggleborn Dirk Cresswell and Pureblood Claire Max, both Hufflepuffs. Dirk was Head of the Goblin Liaison Office at the Ministry and a former Slug Club member, was on the run alongside Dean, and was eventually killed by Snatchers. Claire came from a purist family, was disowned for marrying Dirk, but was eventually welcomed back by her brother when he became head of the family.
* Sixth year Gryffindor prefect. He's as clueless over being made prefect as he is over being sorted into Gryffindor - but still, he tries to get the job done and deal with Romilda.
* He's very sweet and shy, and very hardworking, and would have fit quite well in his parents' house. Still, he likes it at Gryffindor and gets along well with everybody there (or tries, anyway) even if he lacks the boisterousness of the average Gryff.
* Last year was a very difficult time for him, as he was worried sick about his dad's whereabouts and was torn between hiding from the Carrows and the IS (being the son of a known Muggleborn on the run is almost the same as having "hex here" tattooed on his forehead) and doing his duties as a prefect. His brother's attitude didn't help things.
* Speaking of his brother, he's Chase Cresswell, seventh year Ravenclaw. Chase has been angry at the world ever since Dirk disappeared, and got even worse when they got news that he had been killed. Henry, on the other hand, is trying to cope by trying to make his dad proud.
* Henry is bi, but he's still a bit uncertain about how he feels and what he likes. He hasn't told anyone about it, though.
* And, as a bit of trivia, I was rereading his app for May 02, and realized that I had put Logan Lerman as a second PB option for him. Small world.

That's the boy in a nutshell. Go here for his bio.
Sooooo, questions, comments, plots?

PS: I keep forgetting you guys aren't clairvoyants. *shakes head* This is Patricia. Hi! *waves*

Apr. 11th, 2012


And now for something completely diff- oops, wrong journal a little bit of silliness.

I told Julie this earlier, but I decided I should share it with you guys as well. I'm currently rereading OotP, and came upon this paragraph:
Filch prowled the corridors with a horsewhip ready in his hands, desperate to catch miscreants, but the problem was that there were now so many of them that he did not know which way to turn. The Inquisitorial Squad were attempting to help him, but odd things kept happening to its members. Warrington of the Slytherin Quidditch team reported to the hospital wing with a horrible skin complaint that made him look as though he had been coated in cornflakes. Pansy Parkinson, to Hermione's delight, missed all her lessons the following day, as she had sprouted antlers.

Raise your hand if a certain red-haired Ravenclaw popped into your head when you read that last bit I bolded.

Mar. 22nd, 2012


Declan's talk with Allegra about My Little Pony is not only making me laugh like crazy (especially now that she threw the word "girly" at him and he's going "eww, cooties!" XD) but it reminded me of the time I was playing with a Pony Generator and created this. )

So, thinking of this has given me an idea for a cracky OOC meme: how does your character look like as a pony? Go wild!

Feb. 16th, 2012


Heeeeere's Luna!

Hey guys! Patricia here with her sixth(!) and (I hope) final character, one Luna Lovegood.

What can I say about Luna that hasn't been said so many times before? She's a 7th year Ravenclaw, and she's a little... odd. Her dad is Xeno Lovegood, editor of The Quibbler, and she shares his believes about things everybody else dismisses as rubbish. Her mum, Caroline, was a Gryffindor - I've left her surname blank in case anyone wants to have their characters associated with the Lovegood family (it can be the embarrassing little family secret they hope will never come to light!). She's very close to the trio and to Ginny and Neville, and took over as co-leader of the DA with the latter two the previous year - that is, until she was kidnapped by Death Eaters around Christmas in order to force her dad to cooperate with Voldemort's regime. The trio has never revealed what Xeno almost did to keep her safe, though she's no fool and suspects there's something they're not telling her.

She spent a considerable amount of time as a prisoner at Malfoy Manor with Mr Ollivander (and later Dean and Griphook) until the trio and poor Dobby showed up. She and Dean spent the rest of the school year hidden in Shell Cottage, returning to Hogwarts to fight at the Battle. As a result, she requires some tutoring to catch up - with Muggle Studies being mandatory she's now taking as many NEWTs as Hermione, which is not for the faint of heart. Still, she's coping pretty well with the workload; as she believes that all of her other classes are vital for her chosen career as a naturalist, and that proper Muggle Studies is vital after the damage caused by the Carrows, she sees no reason to complain.

Anyway, her profile is here. I can't wait to hear your ideas!

Feb. 2nd, 2012


Parvati's baby

Declan's latest post is the result of an idea Ashley (who played Parvati back at [info]thispurgatory) and I had toyed with a few months ago, after it dawned on us that, when Parvati and Cal met to say goodbye before she went into hiding at the RoR, neither of them had any form of contraceptives at hand.

My thanks go to Ashley for giving me permission to use our idea, and for coming up with the name and photo of the baby. You're a gem. :)

EDIT: Ooh, I just remembered that, when I made the batch of icons of Declan's PB that I'm using for his journal, there was a small group of icons I didn't get to use but which I think are now very appropriate for the proud new godfather: Cut for heartmelting adorableness. )

Jan. 22nd, 2012


Hello! Yes, it's Patricia back again with yet another character - this time one Amrita Chopra.

Here's a few facts about her:

* 7th year Slytherin.
* Her brother is Bhuvan Chopra, 6th year Hufflepuff prefect.
* She was born in India, but her family moved to Nottingham when she was just a baby, and so she has practically no contact with her Indian heritage.
* Her dad is Bhaskar Chopra, AKA Bozo, Rita Skeeter's trusty photographer sidekick. He's also a Muggleborn, but thanks to Rita he was able to produce a forged family tree. Being born and raised in India also helped to disguise his true origins from Umbridge's team.
* Amrita joined the IS to help her family in their deceit, and to protect her brother. She's still convinced it was the right thing to do, and would have done it all over again if the situation was to repeat itself - and so, as a result, she'll react badly to anyone who gives her a hard time for her past actions. In her eyes they're all idiots who are not worthy of her time.
* She wants to be a journalist like her parents (her mother, also a former Slytherin, is a reporter for the WWN) and their good friend Rita, but doesn't approve of some of the former's methods. Oh, and she's the one who introduced Draco and Pansy to Rita as the people to talk to about what she felt was an unbiased perspective on Harry's role in the Triwizard Tournament - so if your kids are still angry about Hermione being hit by Bobotuber pus, you know who to blame.
* Oh, and she's a vegetarian and sings in the Choir.

You'll find more on her here. And now, hit me with your plots!

Jan. 21st, 2012


Today we have another trip to Hogsmeade - and, as you can see here, Su and Declan have decided to extend their date beyond Hogsmeade and will be spending the evening together at their cottage. Now, get your mind off the gutter (yes, Romilda, I am looking at you), it won't be that kind of evening. After Declan's bad experience rushing things with Cece, and after that drunken night in August, he and Su want to take things slowly and just spend some quality time with each other, without classes or Head Boy duties getting in the way. However, they will get distracted, and fall asleep in Su's bed. I doubt anyone will realize Declan spent the night somewhere else - well, anyone except for a certain couple of people.

Anyway, if your characters were up to something today, please share!

Jan. 17th, 2012


My boys are such bad influences for impressionable (ha!) young girls.

Be careful when you go on your date with Jamie, Lucy. He's a bad, bad boy.

Jan. 5th, 2012


The pre-party Declan/Su thread is now complete - as is the Cormac & Su one for the Secret Santa Challenge, which Julie very shrewdly suggested to turn into a sequel of the former - and as a result has a small appearance by Declan.

Now, a lot of people will be able to notice a change in Declan's behaviour. Sadly, the nightmares have not disappeared (there's no such things as miracle solutions, after all), but they're by now few and far between, and Declan will now look considerably happier, and able to take a joke the way he used to. He and Su haven't made it public that they're now dating, as Declan doesn't want to see Su labelled as "the Head Boy's girlfriend", but those closer to either of them will notice there's something going on. A big exception, as discussed by Orla and myself, will be Yue and Geoff, who will remain completely clueless - you'll see why one of these days... *is cryptic*

ETA: Again, something I've recently told Julie, but which I want to share with the rest of you because it's so silly. If anyone decides to pick Geoff, I'm really hoping that they'll go for Kyle Gallner as PB. Why? Because of this, of course.

Dec. 22nd, 2011


New Year's Party!

As shown in this month's plot post, Tiberius Burke is having a New Year's party at his estate in Dorset, and he's going to invite some of his colleagues at the Ministry (he's head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures), as well as some friends of Declan and Neely and their families, and some Slug Club people, what with him being a special favourite of old Sluggy. The grown-ups and the teens will be more or less separated - soft music and a calmer atmosphere in one hall, and pop music and a bit more of a "party" setting in another, but people can circulate freely from one place to another.

Anyway, by the time the students arrived at their homes the invitations had been sent, so people can start discussing it straight away if they so wish. Under the cut you'll find the names of some of the households that got an invitation - if you feel your character's family should also get one, let me know and I'll add them to the list. And remember, getting an invitation is not the same as going; your character can decline it if they have other plans or just don't feel like attending.

The list! )

Nov. 17th, 2011


Euphoria Plot

Well, ladies, today is the day the mysterious thief will slip the Euphoria brewed by William in Potions in people's breakfast. For your reference, the following people will be acting (and possibly writing) in an unusually cheerful mood: Juliet Dorny, Sarah Jane Entwhistle, Lucretia Yaxley, Natalia Spada and Professors Pennyfeather and Sybill Trelawney. Additionally, Mei Chang and the Head Grump Boy will end up receiving a bigger dose of the potion and, as a result, will break into song. Good times.

And for those of you who want to picture Declan's singing abilities more clearly, here's a small example. And yes, that's Jamie's PB playing the drums...