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Jan. 16th, 2012


(Not So) Secret Santa update

The (Not So) Secret Santa list has been updated with all the existing links; also, a special tag has been added for all the logs/threads that resulted from this meme.

Remember, if you still wish to do your prompts, there's no deadline. Just remember to backdate your posts, and to let us all know once it's finished. :)

Dec. 12th, 2011


(Not So) Secret Santa - the prompts!

As promised, I bring you the pairings and prompts for the (Not So) Secret Santa challenge. These were randomized using random.org.

The List. )

As mentioned before, there is no deadline for these logs/threads, and that they can be set at any point between December 12 (i.e., today) and New Year's. You should keep in mind, however, that in the case of threading with NPCs that are not attending Hogwarts, it will make more sense to set those logs or threads at a time after students left for the holidays (Dec. 19) - or, if your character is staying at Hogwarts, to find a way for the encounter to happen. Also, feel free to use the prompt in any way you want.

As soon as your log is completed, we'll add a link to it on this post.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Dec. 3rd, 2011


(Not So) Secret Santa

As hinted at to some of you, we have a little Christmas surprise for you guys! All credit must go to the lovely Julie, who came up with the idea. :)

Anyway, yes, this is the (Not So) Secret Santa challenge! As you must have noticed from the latest Plot Post, we have a smaller amount of events from which to volunteer your characters this time, partly because we wanted to let you have a bit more freedom in choosing what will happen to them during the holidays, but also to give you a bit more room for this. It's your chance to create some new plots that might or might not influence events in the near future, and to (hopefully) make your characters spread beyond their usual circle of friends and people they usually interact with.

The rules are very simple:

    1. Comment to this post with the names of the characters you wish to use for this challenge. These can be either your playables or NPCs like, say, siblings/parents/cousins/etc. of your playables, or even that canon character you've been itching to play with for a while - though, if you're going for the latter option, it might be a good idea to ask us mods if it's feasible. There's a 99% chance we'll say yes, though. :)

    2. We'll then randomize pairings and roll the dice to select a prompt from a list of Christmas-y/Winter-y items (i.e., "snowman", "mistletoe", etc. etc.)

    3. On December 12, we'll post the pairings and prompts here.

    4. From that point on, you should contact the player of the character yours have been paired with, so that you can work on a log or thread based on the prompt you have received. There is no time limit (although if you feel more comfortable working under a deadline we'll be glad to provide you with one). The only requirement, besides using the prompt, is to go wild and have fun!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We'll add them to this post if they turn out to be a big oversight from our part.

Let the games begin!