July 2012



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Jul. 15th, 2012


Today, Absolution comes to a close. We've had some ups and downs, but overall this was an incredible year, and I'm really proud of the work we've all put to it.

See you at Felix, everybody!

Jun. 22nd, 2012


Just to let y'all know that in the midst of all of everything else that is going on, Alex has taken to distributing Vic's underwear around the castle, attaching them to anything remotely like a flagpole and charming some of them to wave as if in a breeze. (He hastens to add that he was not hoarding her underwear for sentimental reasons, she just kept leaving them places like his bag and he never bothered to get rid of them. Alright? Nothing sappy at all.) Of course, Vic's name is inside all of these panties...


I just want to say that I love Romilda. Also love the fun she has with Peter. Like trying to convince him to get naked.

I've been trying to think of something embarr... well, not embarrassing just something unexpected to happen to him. Although I did just think it'd be hilarious if at the 'shindig' Rom and Vic are having, where Peter is waiting on them, that they somehow convince (or dare) him to get naked or almost there... aaaaand then Henry walks into the common room.

*cackles evilly*

Jun. 14th, 2012


Today at breakfast, Alex will receive a howler consisting of a 'recording' of Friday I'm in Love by The Cure, at howler volume.

Lucy is also receiving (gender-swap) chocolate, which she will assume came from Sean, but due to her unwillingness to seek solace in comfort food for fear of getting fat, will not eat it for several days.

Hello, I'm Alison and my characters want to fuck each other up.

Jun. 4th, 2012


I'm back! I'm alive (that was in question for a little while)! And I'm doing much much better! Also, I just found 62 dollars (about 40 quid and change) in my room, which means I get to eat this week! Good things all around!

So in the vein of Alison's posts, this is what I want to happen.

Quentin: I'd like to play out weird Bernice times, as well as have him finally have stuff happen with Evan.

Demz: awkwardly admit that she had feelings for poor dead Colin, cry about it, pretend she doesn't ever ever cry (tears are for pansies), and then (possibly) tell Dean that she thinks he's totally dreamy.

Vic: more Alex drama. That's pretty much it for her.

Sean: is he supposed to accidentally on purpose tell Jamie that he snogged his girl? Is that still happening?

So... yeah. That's what's up.

May. 31st, 2012


Following on from this post - since Max is on a (possibly lengthy) hiatus and the game is ending fairly soon, I guess we'll have to do some of that without her :-( I'm thinking we can cut out Evan finding out Quentin is gay, and hope Max is back in time to fit that in at the end. The rest we should probably go on with, as we know we want to get it done. Does that sound alright, or do you think we should/can hold off on some of it for a bit?

Edited to add:

Also, I need to have Alex think of more nasty things to do to Su.

Also, I need to figure out what is going on with Dean and his daddyplans.

Also, we need to play Jamie/Evan some more.

May. 28th, 2012


Okay, so... this is what is happening in my head. Let me know what you think. In the absence of any other William, Cat's William is in my head, so he is sort of being NPCed in the privacy of my own brain. It... may be too much NPCing. (Also, um, I may be playing too many characters here.)

Following on from this, Lucy has a little talk with William. Now, Lucy wanted to be friends with William when they 'broke up' and she went out with Jamie, and William has tried, but he's bitter, and it hasn't worked very well, so things are kind of awkward. When Lucy tells William she needs to talk to him about something serious, he gets his hopes all up that she is breaking up with Jamie and/or wanting to snog him again. Obviously, these are dashed.

William goes to talk to Bernice. Now, Bernice has a crush on William and gets her hopes up that when he is trying to warn her off Quentin it is because he is jealous. I mean, Quentin can't actually possibly be gay, right? So Bernice kisses William. William does not reciprocate. Awwwwwkward. He confesses that he is still hung up on someone else, and names Lucy. Bernice is upset, and realises that William was being serious about Quentin being gay. She confronts Quentin, but, feeling even more rejected/desperate than before agrees to keep seeing him/sucking him off anyway. Fuuuuucked up.

Meanwhile, fellow homophobe William just has to tell Evan that Quentin is gay, sparking off that plot.

Also meanwhile, Bernice hates Lucy and tells Jamie about Lucy and William. When Jamie talks to Lucy about it, in a fairly casual way or even just warning her that someone is spreading rumours about her (because really, who would believe Bernice?) Lucy mistakenly thinks he is talking about Sean, and blunders into that plot.

So er... yeah. That's the inside of my head. *carefully puts William back on the shelf*

May. 10th, 2012


Sorry, Jamie :-(

May. 6th, 2012


Here's Henry!

Okay, Alison persuaded me to do it, and I deliver. Absolutioneers, meet Henry Gordon Cresswell.

For those of you who were in May 02, Henry is the same as he ever was, only he's a Gryffindor now. For those who are only meeting him for the first time, here's a few facts:

* Son of Muggleborn Dirk Cresswell and Pureblood Claire Max, both Hufflepuffs. Dirk was Head of the Goblin Liaison Office at the Ministry and a former Slug Club member, was on the run alongside Dean, and was eventually killed by Snatchers. Claire came from a purist family, was disowned for marrying Dirk, but was eventually welcomed back by her brother when he became head of the family.
* Sixth year Gryffindor prefect. He's as clueless over being made prefect as he is over being sorted into Gryffindor - but still, he tries to get the job done and deal with Romilda.
* He's very sweet and shy, and very hardworking, and would have fit quite well in his parents' house. Still, he likes it at Gryffindor and gets along well with everybody there (or tries, anyway) even if he lacks the boisterousness of the average Gryff.
* Last year was a very difficult time for him, as he was worried sick about his dad's whereabouts and was torn between hiding from the Carrows and the IS (being the son of a known Muggleborn on the run is almost the same as having "hex here" tattooed on his forehead) and doing his duties as a prefect. His brother's attitude didn't help things.
* Speaking of his brother, he's Chase Cresswell, seventh year Ravenclaw. Chase has been angry at the world ever since Dirk disappeared, and got even worse when they got news that he had been killed. Henry, on the other hand, is trying to cope by trying to make his dad proud.
* Henry is bi, but he's still a bit uncertain about how he feels and what he likes. He hasn't told anyone about it, though.
* And, as a bit of trivia, I was rereading his app for May 02, and realized that I had put Logan Lerman as a second PB option for him. Small world.

That's the boy in a nutshell. Go here for his bio.
Sooooo, questions, comments, plots?

PS: I keep forgetting you guys aren't clairvoyants. *shakes head* This is Patricia. Hi! *waves*

May. 5th, 2012


Just in case you somehow missed it... tomorrow (Sunday 6th) Alex is coming to dinner dressed in this dress - with strategic extending charms. (Patricia, does this break rules? Will he be sent back to change?) The day after (Monday 7th), Demelza will be wearing it.

So. By all means react.

May. 3rd, 2012


Apparently, and I totally didn't know this was going to happen until she replied to Leah, but the stress and strain of yesterday has given Romilda a mini relapse in her physio. Her walking, talking, and writing are all worse than they have been recently and the slightest bit of effort is exhausting to her. (Don't worry, she'll be okay in a few days. I think. Given that I didn't see this coming I can't be sure :-S but I think it's just a temporary emotionally tired thing.)

May. 1st, 2012


fresh meat! again!

This is Demelza (Demz) Robins. She's better than you, and she'll show you exactly how. She kicks so much ass that she hardly even has free time.

Interesting facts about Demz:
    -she prefers to wear pants with her uniforms because skirts are dumb
    -she's roughly the size and weight of a toy poodle
    -she's probably the best non-pro chaser you've ever seen
    -once, she punched Lucy's lights out
    -she's not gay, but her sister is
    -her mum is a year older than her gran, so that's weird for everyone involved
    -her idol is her sister's wife, who plays women's hokey in toronto
    -she's a member of almost every club
    -again, not gay

So there you have it. Plots are welcome. Especially with Gryffindors. Dean?
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Apr. 30th, 2012


Hi, y'all. It's Alison. Not to be outdone by Max, I went and held and applied a new character. In a day. To be fair, I've played her before. Those of you who were at May02 will recognise Jade. Here she is... *drumroll* Bernice Dunstan! 6th year Ravenclaw, former IS member and not really very repentant. Sort of repentant. Sometimes. But has quite severe cruciatus cravings.

In a nutshell, Bernice (you can call her Bern. Not Bernie - what is she, a bear?) used to be a quiet unassuming girl with a small circle of friends and a good solid academic record. Then last year she joined the IS to protect herself and developed a taste for torture. Now everyone hates her. She longs for last year, especially Alecto Carrow who she had quite a crush on.

Storyline-wise, she needs boys and girls to pine after, people who hate her and used to like her, people who didn't used to know who she was but now hate her, people who don't know her but she just hates them... you get the idea. For more info, her bio lives here.

Apr. 29th, 2012


fresh meat!

Hey y'all!

This is Sean Ackerly. He's totally sweet, charming, and adorable. He's an ex-inquisitor who was able to keep his prefect badge due to the fact that he was a total traitor. That's right. If your character ever got on the wrong side of the IS, chance are that either Sean or his brother Stewart tried to subtly help you out.

Of course, he wasn't a perfect angel. After about four months in the IS, Stewart got busted giving food to the kids at the punishment table, and things got ugly. Sean is pretty sure there's something more he should have done, but he was pretty passive about the whole situation. It was ridiculously hard for him to watch his brother being punished, but he didn't know what to do that wouldn't make it worse, so he stood back and let it happen.

He did manage to redeem himself a bit in the battle, though. The minute it became clear something was going down, Sean ditched his IS badge and joined the good guys. He personally took out four death eaters before getting knocked out, which is probably what saved his career as a prefect.

Oh, also he was snogging Lucy all last year. Yeah. The eventually broke up because they were fighting all the time (interestingly, about her conflict avoidance), and her trying to make him stay back from the battle was the last straw. However, now that they're over, he can't get her out of his head. Damn.

Plot is totally welcome. Just let me know.

P.S. Sean wanted to say hello to his love-muffin, Evan Vaisey. <3
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Apr. 17th, 2012


Apparently Dean thinks he should have been Flynn's godfather, or at least Seamus. I am really struggling to get him to reply to Declan right now. So that's interesting.

Apr. 14th, 2012


Okay, we should all decide what exactly went down at the party.

Victoria definitely talked quite a bit to Dawn (before she drank anything... don't worry, Dean), as well as spent a good amount of time being all BFF with Romilda and Jamie. And the rest is pretty much up for discussion.

Apparently, there was also a point where she went shot for shot with Evan, ending with them trying to swim but deciding it was TOO COLD.

Any thoughts for other attendees?

Apr. 11th, 2012


Personal plot dump

These are plots I plan on working through before the game ends, so I had better get started, really. Would any of the other people involved in these plots like to set some rough timescales for them with me?

The plots )


And now for something completely diff- oops, wrong journal a little bit of silliness.

I told Julie this earlier, but I decided I should share it with you guys as well. I'm currently rereading OotP, and came upon this paragraph:
Filch prowled the corridors with a horsewhip ready in his hands, desperate to catch miscreants, but the problem was that there were now so many of them that he did not know which way to turn. The Inquisitorial Squad were attempting to help him, but odd things kept happening to its members. Warrington of the Slytherin Quidditch team reported to the hospital wing with a horrible skin complaint that made him look as though he had been coated in cornflakes. Pansy Parkinson, to Hermione's delight, missed all her lessons the following day, as she had sprouted antlers.

Raise your hand if a certain red-haired Ravenclaw popped into your head when you read that last bit I bolded.

Apr. 3rd, 2012


Just a small note to say that the Muggle Studies project only needs to be handed in in early May. Professor Toke is aware that the students have got other subjects to work for, and that they're not really going to bother much with work during Easter break (though he'd appreciate it if people thought of taking advantage of being out of school to do some field research).

Apr. 2nd, 2012


Party post!

So, Vic has free reign of her parents' beach house, and has invited a small number of students to eat, drink, and generally be merry.

The current attendees are:
    &Victoria's sister

Obviously, that's quite a small party. I'm sure there are others who would be invited, but I honestly have no idea who they would be. Basically, if you think your character would be invited (or if you'd like them to gate crash) just let me know and I'll adjust accordingly.

My next question is: when IN GAME should this party take place? Obviously, passover starts on friday and lasts for a week, so we would have to work around that. It doesn't matter too much, though, since we can effectively say this party is whenever we want in the year of 1999.

Laaaast thing. Should I put up a party thread? Or should there just be a general discussion of who did what (ie: Vic broke a priceless vase, Romilda lol'd, Jamie fixed it, etc)?


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