July 2012

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January 4th, 2012

[info]allegorically in [info]absolutionooc

*waves* helloooo

Julie here with character #2 (FINALLY!): Allegra Flint.

Her Mum is Kate Winslet and her daddy is Colin Firth... She's the other 7th year prefect for Slytherin, she can be kind of bossy - she likes getting her own way, hates society parties - boring, she can be kind of moody sometimes... but she's actually pretty darn loyal to family and if you happen to be a close friend. Speaking of family, her older brother is (quite obviously) Marcus Flint, her Dad works in the Dept. Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures (alongside her maternal uncle), her Mum is the younger sister of Amos Diggory - making Marcus and Allegra cousins to Cedric (and his younger brother Eustace) - and her Mum's a housewife/philanthropist.

Allegra was actually pretty close to Cedric, and he was one of the few people who managed to not only put up with her but also get her to not be so bossy/moody/spoiled etc. And she's still just as close to Eustace and tries to keep an eye on him and all... and thanks to her cousins and that side of the family she kind of has a soft spot for Hufflepuffs. So people are probably surprised by that.

School-wise, Allegra isn't part of any of the clubs; her best class is CoMC (don't want to disappoint the family) - but still managed a couple E's and mostly A's on the rest of her owls and she's also continued on with Divination, because it seemed like an easy class... plus she did really well at it apparently.

As for the last year, despite being a part of the IS she didn't go around cursing anyone or doing any torturing, the worst she did was probably send you to the Trouble Table or try and give as easy a detention as possible - it wasn't like she wanted to get caught and end up in the same boat.

Oh, she also made sure Rachel Cooper got back to Hufflepuff safely this one time. Not that she knew her name until the hearings.

This year she's probably still very much the same Allegra she's always been, but perhaps a little subdued towards the beginning of the new school year. She's still pretty O_O about still being prefect, but she's not complaining.

You can read more details at her profile here

So friends, enemies, frenemies, people who just possibly hate her on principle, possible ex-dates to hogsmeade (no serious boyfriends for her... the longest was probably a week or so?)

Now, to just come up with a first post...

- Julie

ps: see I got it up eventually, patricia. ...and boy, did that sound less wrong in my head.
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