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July 14th, 2011

[info]thatcreepyguy in [info]absolutionooc

Alright! Anyone who does not know me, though I think everyone does, I'm Alison and I am bringing to the pie Lucy Yaxley and Evan Vaisey, both of whom played at Purgatory.

LUCY is my super-sweet, maybe a little manipulative and sneaky but doesn't know it, Hufflepuff 7th year. She was in the IS last year and not really surprisingly considering that her dad (now deceased) was no less than Lawrence Yaxley, DE and Head of the Dept of Law Enforcement. Yes, muggle-borns, people with deceased relatives etc etc. - a lot of your troubles came directly at his order. Yay! As if this wasn't bad enough, Lucy is also related to the Carrows. She was a nice-ish IS person, though, not taking advantage, reluctant to give detentions until the end of the year when she decided she needed to grow a pair, and still maintaining friendships with anti-IS people. She's pure as they come, and her daddy died running away from Aurors like a total non-badass after the battle. She is doing an about-turn this year, dropping IS friends who are not looking apologetic enough, working her ass off in Muggle Studies, donating money to St. Mungos, saying she's sorry a lot and generally trying to do penance. I need storylines filled - see her bio linked above, but I'd especially like to see an ex for her who she can dump because he is not good for her new image (unrepentant IS?). Those of you who were in Purgatory, no, he does not need to be anything like Emrys and neither does their relationship except that it should have been shhhh secret.

EVAN is my super-creepy, no seriously lock up your daughters, Slytherin 6th year, also ex-IS but not as repentant about it. Well, he is sorry, but only because he wishes he did not have the backlash he is getting. He took advantage of all his powers last year and was generally a git. He is also lecherous and will come on to your lady characters in a creepy manner. There is not much else to say about him. He is not very bright. He makes a good sidekick because he likes being told what to do. You should check out his storylines too. He is hiding a lot this year because he is a crap liar.
