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Jan. 30th, 2014


Who: Jack Harkness and the Doctor (Ten)
What: It's time for a long overdue chat.
Where: The docks
When: Backdated to Jan 22nd, exactly ten minutes after this
Rating: PG for now.
Status: Incomplete/closed

A talk a long time in coming. )

Jan. 19th, 2014


Who: The Doctor and Barbara Gordon / oracle
What: Comparing notes and having tea.
Where: The Doctor's Apartment
When: After their discussion on the network
Rating: PG for babbling Time Lords
Status: In progress
So it wasn't his best day ever, but certainly not his worst either. )

Nov. 7th, 2013


Who: The Doctor and Amy Pond
What: The Doctor decides to meet his future companion
Where: Outside the radio station, moving to Granny's.
When: Backdated to Sunday, November 3rd
Rating: PG
Status: In Progress

The future was rarely pleasant when it was his own, but he was The Doctor, suffering just couldn't be ignored. )

Aug. 29th, 2013


Who: The Doctor (tenth) and Rose (Open to Jenny)
What: The Doctor decides to stop tinkering, and actually settle
Where: Their apartment
When: Thursday evening, around dinner
Rating: Couldn't see it being higher than PG.

While it was true he often missed things, The Doctor wasn't blind )

Aug. 1st, 2013


Who: The Doctor and Jenny
What: Discussing the matters of Regeneration and the Arrival of his new self A.K.A. - Dad stuff
Where: In front of the clock-tower, likely wanderings
When: After the arrival of his 11th self.
Rating: PG, 'cause, emotions
Status: In progress

There were just some things you couldn't prepare anyone for, and this was probably one of them. )

Jul. 29th, 2013


Who: The Doctor (tenth) and Ianto Jones
What: Meeting to go take a look at this barrier and discussing timelines.
Where: Starting at the clock tower.
When: The 29th. Afternoon
Rating: PG?
Status:In Progress.

Storybrooke contained a lot of things The Doctor didn't like, and he really couldn't decide which one was worse. )

Jul. 12th, 2013


Who: The Doctor and Jenny
What: A happy reunion
Where: Jenny's Apartment.
When: July 12th, Afternoon.
Rating: PG - with lots of feels.

The Doctor had been downtown, taking a walk, when all the sudden he just started running. )

Jul. 11th, 2013


Who: Jack Harkness (Whoniverse), 10th Doctor (Whoniverse) [Rose welcome if she wants to drop in!]
What: Jack has questions.
Where: The Doctor and Rose's room.
When: Late night, July 10th
Ratings/Warnings: TBD, probably low
Status: Ongoing

I was looking for someone. )

Jul. 8th, 2013


Who: The Doctor (Tenth) and Rose Tyler
What: Re-re Meeting, and probably getting chips.
Where: Out front of the clock store
When: Sometime in the afternoon on the 8th
Rating: Probably PG.

Well, today was shaping up to be a very unlikely day. )


Who: Billy Kaplan and OPEN.
What: Billy is in a new place. He tries to fix it with magic. It doesn't work, so he mostly just looks kind of weird.
Where: By the docks.
When: Early July 8.
Rating: PG.
Status: In progress.

IwanttogobackIwanttogobackIwantogobackIwanttogoback... )