Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Aug. 9th, 2011|01:23 pm]
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I'm back. You can tell Karl to stop worrying.
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[Aug. 5th, 2011|09:04 pm]
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Has anyone seen Arkady recently? Like, in the past day, recent.
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[Aug. 1st, 2011|12:51 pm]


Yay home! I think the best part of vacation is coming back home.
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[Jun. 10th, 2011|11:54 am]

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There's lots more elves around, but I think I'm still the only fairy. I wonder if that means fairies are really rare or something? They weren't where I'm from, but maybe they're rare in other planets? I don't know, it's confusing. It'd be nice to have someone to fly with!
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[May. 15th, 2011|02:19 pm]
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Whoa. Damn. I'm like. . . whoa.

Anyone here know what I did last night, or where I went? 'Cause I have no clue where, and I usually do.

Don't think I'm home, though. . . doesn't feel like home.
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[May. 8th, 2011|07:25 pm]

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I hope everyone else had a great mother's day too! I swear, if you're around pirates, they do holidays in style. Breakfast in bed and a foot massage? I'm so spoiled now!
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[Apr. 23rd, 2011|03:52 pm]
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Uh oh.

Has anybody found a Phoenix Down?
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[Apr. 17th, 2011|11:56 am]
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When Brendann told me that there was message boards for people who got dropped here, I assumed for so long that he meant the literal post boards in centers of town. Imagine my surprise when I was told that I could access them on my cellular!

I didn't know he meant these message boards!
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[Apr. 14th, 2011|01:14 pm]
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Never thought I'd say this about not being on the run from anybody, but being safe is damn boring. Anybody have some trouble for a displaced swamp rat to get into?
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[Mar. 30th, 2011|06:59 pm]
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I was sitting on a beach in the Bahamas, reading a perfectly interesting story - The Greek Millionaire's Daughter, if you're interested - and a dragon unexpectedly blocked out my sun.

Could someone explain this? Zevran said there were no dragons or things like that on this world.
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[Mar. 25th, 2011|06:46 pm]


This is actually sort of cute. But ew, Link's like my son or my brother, why would you all assume... okay, just ew. But the song's sort of catchy?
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[Mar. 7th, 2011|04:42 pm]

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Edit; Angel Can I talk to you, sweetie?
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[Feb. 12th, 2011|02:01 am]

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augh I can't sleeeeeeeeeep

and I want to sleep. Sleep is wonderful and cozy and why can't I do it. :(
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[Jan. 29th, 2011|12:08 pm]
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Navi )
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[Jan. 28th, 2011|04:21 pm]
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Another holiday is coming up in a couple weeks. Wonder if we can get through that without issue. Doubt it.
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[Jan. 21st, 2011|08:16 pm]

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Uzza )

Fuck me, it's almost Valentine's Day, isn't it. Ugh.
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[Jan. 2nd, 2011|02:33 pm]

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My wife's pregnant and one of my best friends has turned into a woman.

I think I'm allowed a few beers right now.
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[Dec. 27th, 2010|09:32 pm]
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So my boss has actually threatened grievous bodily harm if she finds me working again before the new year, and if you knew her you'd believe her too.

This does, however, leave me with some unexpected free time, and I'm not much of one for hobbies. Does anyone have some suggestions on places to see?
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[Dec. 24th, 2010|01:44 pm]
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Well now. It's just like a switch.

Navi, I do believe I have a gift for you this holiday season.
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[Dec. 12th, 2010|01:09 pm]

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I'm back to being a girl!
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[Dec. 6th, 2010|02:10 pm]

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It's so not fair that I haven't changed into a boy yet! I'd be adorable! ... but I guess it's okay, the kids would probably get confused, and I do have a really hot girlfriend now.

Sam, how are you holding up?
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[Dec. 4th, 2010|09:35 pm]
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[Nov. 17th, 2010|04:32 pm]
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So I'm not sure if I yet understand the purpose of this... Thanksgiving holiday. It's quite curious. Though I suppose I should consider purchasing gifts for the Christmas season.
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[Nov. 16th, 2010|05:09 pm]

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Um. Question.

How long should I wait after a dinner date to call the guy back?
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[Nov. 11th, 2010|04:29 pm]

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Navi. Pardon me, but you left your last conversation unlocked. I wondered if perhaps you'd like to go shopping or some such for your evening out. Let me know?
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[Nov. 9th, 2010|12:37 pm]

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I hate feeling so lonely. I'm not really alone, I have the best kids ever.
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[Oct. 28th, 2010|07:29 pm]
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Who would have thought that plants talk about sex more than my siblings think about it.
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[Oct. 28th, 2010|03:34 pm]
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Yes, I admit that I pride myself on my prowess and the things I can do with my tongue, but even I find it amazingly odd that I can bring a woman to her knees in a quivering mass just with the sound of my voice. What the bloody hell is going on now?
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[Oct. 28th, 2010|05:22 am]

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I should've known better than to trust anything Miss Fleck gave me. Hasn't changed even a little since when father and I left Coney, all those years ago.

Now whenever I walk past an instrument, it starts playing itself. Mostly Vaudeville songs, of all things.

Father thinks it's amusing. He would, of course.
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[Oct. 27th, 2010|07:33 pm]
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Navi? Angel?

... Sam?

Nobody's ... done anything stupid to get my sight back, have they?
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[Oct. 27th, 2010|12:39 pm]
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Oh my.
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[Oct. 11th, 2010|11:44 am]
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When I said I had a talented tongue, I hadn't intended entirely for it to be used for this purpose...
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[Oct. 8th, 2010|03:23 pm]

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Brothers and sisters, we are gathered here in space to.. uh.. This means midterm exams are canceled, doesn't it?

So, now that I'm apparently religious, I have found it in my heart to forgive Professor Dumbledore for so callously attempting to steal my true love away from me. Her flowing red hair over her milky white--there's a sex chapter in the Bible, right?

Anyway, if anyone would like to join me in the confessional booth for a little sin (I'm looking at you, Minerva!), I'll be waiting! For all of your religious needs, etc.etc.

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[Sep. 29th, 2010|02:01 am]

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[Sep. 22nd, 2010|12:26 pm]
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I think I'm going to go back to school, okay?
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[Sep. 13th, 2010|01:53 pm]

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I think I need to take up a hobby, like knitting or sewing or something. What do you guys do for fun?
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[Sep. 12th, 2010|08:36 am]

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I think people are getting over me being green. Getting a lot less yells and calls for buckets of water... probably helps that Nessa threatened to run someone over with her wheelchair.

Maybe this new world isn't all that bad. It isn't Oz, and that's always a good start...
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[Sep. 8th, 2010|09:58 am]
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[Sep. 7th, 2010|11:24 am]

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I'm feeling a bit better. It helps a lot knowing he didn't choose to leave, it just happened. Thank goodness for Angel and Iggy and John.

Angel, I hear you don't want to go back to school. Do you want me to buy some books and we can learn here at home?
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[Sep. 6th, 2010|11:21 pm]
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Henry, Charles when ARE we going on tour again?
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