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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[May. 23rd, 2011|02:46 am]

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I'm going to punch my sister if she so much as thinks of trying to unravel what Lucifer did to fix my legs. I'm good at walking now, Faba, leave it at that.

...Can someone please take me away from her, if only for a bit? It's been so long since I last managed to get on here that I'm not sure I know anyone anymore.
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[Mar. 13th, 2011|08:04 am]

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Nessa and I were wondering about something, and I suppose the best way to get an answer is to ask the question here.

Is our story known here? The bits behind the wretched farm girl and her trio of friends, I mean - I know well enough that most people know who Dorothy is - I mean the story of us, of the 'Wicked Witches'.

Or is the extent of it that it's generally accepted that throwing water at us is a good way to go about things? I've had to dodge so many buckets since getting here...
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[Oct. 29th, 2010|12:26 am]

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Oh, very funny.

Whilst I don't mind being without the green... blonde, really? Urgh. Glinda would have a field day.
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[Oct. 8th, 2010|10:23 pm]


Security investigations? What in... is this someone's idea of a joke?

...I suppose as long as there's no great murder mystery, things will be fine. People tend to point fingers at Witches if dead people show up. Or maybe that was just in Oz.
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[Sep. 12th, 2010|08:36 am]

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I think people are getting over me being green. Getting a lot less yells and calls for buckets of water... probably helps that Nessa threatened to run someone over with her wheelchair.

Maybe this new world isn't all that bad. It isn't Oz, and that's always a good start...
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[Jun. 15th, 2010|04:39 am]

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This might not be Oz, but I get the same reactions from people.

You'd think they'd never seen another green person before. Urgh.

And yelling for buckets of water? Not funny. Ever.
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[Jun. 13th, 2010|10:32 pm]


What in Oz's name is going on?

This better not be another one of the Wizard's traps...
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[Feb. 21st, 2009|04:34 pm]
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I don't want to do this anymore.

I want this thing, this...child out of me. Now.
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[Jan. 24th, 2009|07:14 pm]
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I...felt the baby move.

I'm really pregnant.

...I don't want to do this. I can't do this.
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[Dec. 30th, 2008|08:07 pm]
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You'd think I'd be used to weird, with the whole jumping into a manhole thing, but... I'm pretty sure we don't get tornadoes in Andalasia. It's all a bit Wizard of Oz.

So, anyone want to tell me where I've been dumped?
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[Dec. 11th, 2008|03:24 am]

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Faba )

So... this 'Christmas' is like our Lurlinemas, I suppose? Oh, the fun memories... and the not-so-fun ones.
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[Dec. 10th, 2008|04:55 pm]
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Elphie, Fiyero )
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[Nov. 26th, 2008|12:19 am]
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Elphaba )

Fiyero )
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[Nov. 22nd, 2008|08:20 pm]
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Glinda )

Nessarose )

Fiyero )
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[Nov. 17th, 2008|05:41 pm]
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Okay, snookums, I have to admit, this caffee of yours is delicious!

Elphie, have you ever tried 'caffee'? It's a drink, like... well, kind of like tea, but not, and it's got sugars and flavors and something and it is just amazing, you need to try it. Go to the place with the fishwife on the sign, they have the best!
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[Nov. 8th, 2008|06:25 pm]
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Wicked Witches, Serpents, Demons, Fallen Angels...

I'm starting to like this place.

Might be the first time I'm not automatically voted in as Person Most Likely to be Banned.
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[Nov. 8th, 2008|09:47 pm]

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If anyone sees a Kansas farm girl wearing some exceedingly shiny ruby slippers, could you tell me?

I have this distinct urge to punch her in the face, you see.
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[Nov. 3rd, 2008|12:35 am]

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So. I get a house dropped on my head, and wake up here?

The afterlife is certainly a lot better than they make it out to be. Despite the shambling legions of the undead, of course.
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[Oct. 30th, 2008|08:00 pm]

This is most peculiar.

...And I don't think I'm in Oz, anymore.

I hope I'm not in Oz, anymore.
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[Aug. 1st, 2008|05:45 pm]
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Well...I wish we had rides like that when I was a kid. Maybe my dad would've taken me to more amusement parks.

Looks like a green new world around here. Clean city you've got. Anyone mind directing me to Dorothy and her witchy friend now that the tornado's touched down? I admit, I always was into that girl. Red shoes make such a statement.
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|08:14 pm]
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So much work lately.

But you know what they say about too much work.

Who wants to see the stars?
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[Jul. 1st, 2008|06:12 pm]

I do believe I need to see a doctor. Have we any doctors here?
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[Jun. 28th, 2008|02:25 pm]
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My dearest Reed Richards, where now are you? I simply must see you! We shall be married this weekend, my love, my only love.
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[Jun. 21st, 2008|07:54 pm]
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Anyone in need of a job? X-Factor investigations could use some new employees. Half the staff has disappeared over the past few weeks.

It's too quiet around here.
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