June 10th, 2019


open to all / private from clint barton

We've got another birthday coming up and it's my turn to fall on the sword, as it were, for purposes of planning. Clint's is in a week.

I want to do something a little different for him, and also so we don't all OD on parties. I'm thinking outdoor movie screening, since the weather's been nice lately. He wanted beer and Blade Runner for his birthday. Beer I know we've got, and I was lucky enough to get my hands on a copy of the movie back when he first mentioned it, but if anyone's inclined to help me figure out how to rig up a way to play it on the side of one of the buildings with decent audio so everyone can see and hear, I'd be grateful.

I wouldn't mind some help rounding up popcorn, assorted other movie-type snacks, blankets to spread out on the grass - anything to make it a low key fun summer night for everyone to enjoy.

I can tell you the back of the box summarizes the plot as "In a cyberpunk vision of the future, man has developed the technology to create Replicants - humanoid androids with short, fixed lifespans - which are illegal on Earth but are used in the off-world colonies. Deckard, a Blade Runner - a police officer who specializes in terminating replicants - is assigned to eliminate four escaped Replicants who have returned to Earth."

I can't tell you if it's any good, as I've never seen Blade Runner, and when it comes to our takes on movies, Clint and I are either entirely on the same page or entirely prepared to murder each other for terrible taste, and we have never once reached middle ground between those two options. But regardless, I think it'll be a fun night and I know you all want to show up for the guy with the adorable dog who keeps us all well-supplied in caffeine.



Private to Kitty

Chag Sameach! If it were up to me, you'd have the best two loaves of bread off my table. (I currently have zero loaves and also no table)

Mom would always make blintzes stuffed with ricotta and strawberries. I didn't make it last year. There was the whole thing about moving to California (I know, I know) and then everything that went down at Pride. I was, like, barely on speaking terms with them at the time. And of course I'm only feeling Jewish guilt about it now.

So anyway yay happy Shavuot to my actual always family no matter what Kitty Pryde?? Come over and we'll figure something out. Or I'll come over there because it's probably cleaner. Maybe we can scrounge up everything with lactose in this town and make it into some kind of monstrous quiche that we'll regret eating later.



Has anyone seen Rose? Blonde woman, British accent, very curious?

Please tell me someone has seen her



The clothing store will still be called Van Dyne's, in case anyone was wondering.

private ➞ clint barton

Stop peeking. These are serious secretive plans.