RP Resources

Codes + Layouts + Tutorials + More


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This comm is open to anyone to post codes, layouts, resources, tutorials, and requests for help and content. Of course, we do have some rules, so please read through them before jumping in; thank you!

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■ Do not post tutorials/links to tutorials that show people how to steal codes from other users. Again: Stealing. Not cool.
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Ok so ages ago [info]stillskies posted about rp resources & what was missing. From that a group of us have gotten together to make a number of communities. While some are still in the works I'd like to direct you to a couple that I have.

[info]minority_pb - for the lesser icons pbs (40+, PoC etc)
[info]codehelp - somewhat like [info]rpresources but for help with the actual coding of layouts/in entry codes etc before they are posted for people to use.


I stumbled across the layout over at [info]bucky (so much love Tess) and it clued me in to what I was trying to do with my Current Cast which is to use [info]tessisamess's sticky nav to make each game's cast appear when I click on the anchor link.

I looked up w3schools for how to do Overlays as well as Stackoverflow and got the basic idea but they use javascript to do it and that's something I want to avoid. Does anyone have any ideas of how I can do it with CSS?

Is my code so far. I figured out the fade in code at least I think I have? Also for some reason my flex boxes aren't working????

I've been staring at this code for so long I'm going crazy. Halp [info]rpresources you're my only hope of not going insane!

Edit: [info]marlovian coded me something that will work once I get somewhere that I can upload it :)


Oct. 19th, 2018 10:53 am (UTC)
[info]minority_pb looks rad as heck! Will you be allowing roundup posts of less iconed PBs you've already posted or just wanting new stuff as they go up?
Oct. 19th, 2018 05:05 pm (UTC)
Thanks! roundups are cool but if there's a lot maybe combine them?
Nov. 13th, 2018 12:04 pm (UTC)
I love the sound of [info]minority_pb! How will it work exactly, if I might ask? I'd love to know more :)
Nov. 14th, 2018 03:24 am (UTC)
I'm imagining much like [info]pb_updates but also have the ability to make requests if you are after someone or something in particular?
Nov. 14th, 2018 10:42 am (UTC)
Sounds great! Will there be a form to use to post, like they have over at [info]pb_updates?
Nov. 14th, 2018 08:41 pm (UTC)
I hadn't thought of that but it would probably make it easier!