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Mar. 5th, 2019


Lucy: 9:13 am


My mom... This had to have been buried in my dads attic for years. How... Is this even happening right now?

Feb. 22nd, 2019


J.E. - 9:07 AM

Sind hier zwei Is there anyone named Christophe or Cilia? It’s their father. Are they inside here, too? Are you there?

Feb. 5th, 2019


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 11:31am

YO OLD GROUP let's talk about Officer Simms

Jan. 15th, 2019


Chase - 8:36am

Did everyone else get a prompt about dares and music on their computer this morning?

Dec. 15th, 2018


KateV, 10:59am

Hello everyone; I'm Kate, and I guess I'm another one of the old timers who've been waking back up here. To anyone I haven't met, I was born and raised in Montana and moved to New York for school and work, which is where I was until I ended up here. I know it's probably been upsetting and confusing being here, to say the least, so if there's anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask. As I'm sure others have already said, there's a lot we don't know, but I'll do my best to help answer any questions you may have.

Dec. 13th, 2018


Cecilia Rynbë - 8:37am

I'm back, for those that know me already. For those that don't, I'm Cecilia. I'm a RN, mostly ER and trauma. I'm kind of the unofficial/official medical go-to here. I've been here since the beginning, and they've never put a medical doctor in here, or another nurse. I have to admit that feels intentional.

There's a lot of stuff I'd like to cover, so this post is gonna be long. I'm sorry, but I'd really appreciate it if everyone could at least read this over.

First of all, and most importantly, to anyone newer to the house, it would be hugely appreciated if you would send me any major allergies. You can do so in a PM. I keep at least one epipen in my emergency supplies for every severe allergy, so I need to know how to update my stocks. Likewise, any prominent medical history you're comfortable sharing with me private. I don't share anything medical you tell me, it's just so I know how best to try to help you if something happens. Because I'll tell you guys right now, very rarely do They intervene. It has happened - and most recently, it happened to me - but a lot of times, the overwhelming majority of the time, they wait and see what happens. I've had to stitch people up here. I've had to try to treat illness the best I can. I've had to set broken bones. The more information you feel comfortable disclosing to me, the better. At the very least, please tell me any drug allergies.

So I'm trying to catch up on the network to see what I've missed, but I see that doors were messed with again, and I just want to say to all the newer people: I'm so sorry that was done to you. I've had something similar happen to me, and I know how infuriating and violating that feels. I know how scary that confusion is of not knowing if it's the people that put us here, or another one of 'us.' It sucks, and in the past we've tried to figure out if it was Them, or one of us. We failed, but we'll keep trying.

To the what are we calling the first groups people that already know me, please, please, please make sure you have introduced yourself on the network. I know we're all still waiting to see who comes back and who doesn't, but we really need everyone acquainted and no one left out.

I'm a little disoriented still, but my door is always open figuratively speaking. My room is on the first floor if you need anything, or you can shoot me a message and I'll come to you. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need something, or you have any questions. In the very near future I'm going to be organizing another house meeting. I know you guys just had one, but as more people come back I think it's important to keep getting us together and talking things out.

I swear, there are good people here, and reaching out and getting to know each other helps. No one can get through this alone, and I can tell you from experience it's so much more bearable when you learn to lean on your friends.

Dec. 12th, 2018


i am not a number \m/ - 9:42am

I painted over my door. If they don't like it, they can either stop vandalizing things, or stop enabling racists to do it. It's pretty now.

While it's wet feel free to leave a handprint and fingerpaint me a happy message. ♥ I'll be in the bath tub if anyone needs me.

Edited at 9:43 By the way I'm not even Chinese, I'm Japanese, and not all Asians are interchangeable so get your slurs right next time.

Dec. 7th, 2018


Abra-ca-fuck you. - 8:08am


Dec. 2nd, 2018



[Locked to Ivy, Dylan, Tyra Scotty, Ettie, Justice ew, Jesse]

Weird question, kids, and maybe it's just me, but do the... the oldtimers or the original victims or whatever the heck they are... do they kind of rub any of you the wrong way? I'm not counting Felix and Audrey and Levi in that necessarily, but like... just in general, as a whole. I know a lot of you guys probably think of me as loud and annoying, but I'm honestly asking here, and I'll try not to bitch at anyone if they disagree with me. Rare offer, there.

I just feel unsettled by them as a whole, with a few exceptions. Scotty I did not call you Tyra so that should show how serious I am really had to drag any kind of info out of Levi, and same with me and Felix. Felix did give me some explanations for his and perhaps the other two's behavior towards the whole thing, which I was grudgingly willing to accept, but the whole thing was really frustrating. Marco was more willing to talk, but beyond those four? None of them have really reached out to us to touch base. Again, a few exceptions, I guess that Jack guy may have asked one person on the network that I know of I still felt like he took over Ivy's idea, Kai at least got everyone to introduce themselves, but I've widely felt like the majority of them don't care about us and are too wrapped up in their own narratives.

I understand that to some extent, because it's a terrible thing that's happened to all of us - including them - but I really feel like they view us as secondary or something. It's just weird, and I don't feel like we're being told everything.

By the way, Tasiya and Sammy are gone. Their rooms are empty.

Nov. 29th, 2018


Ettie - 10:33am

We found Tobias in the police department! He's okay and Chase and Lennon are coming to meet us. Good luck finding more people everybody! We can do it!

Nov. 27th, 2018


Oliver - 9:19am

This is Oliver. Some of you might not know me, and I promise we'll get introductions in soon, but right now we need help.

Owen and I woke up locked in the morgue at the hospital. We were only able to leave after the door was opened from the outside. We have reason to believe there may be others locked in the buildings in town, but it's too much space to cover and we don't know if we're on a time crunch.

Anyone who is willing to help please come down as soon as you can. You'll need to search in teams of at least two, and each team should have at least one person with a network accessible phone. That way if there's an emergency, or anyone is found, we can get to you fast.

Owen, Edwin and I are searching the hospital. Those who plan on helping, post here with which buildings you're searching so we can avoid overlap. Don't spend too much time in the buildings that are starting to fall apart, we can afford for anyone to get hurt.

Wear warm clothes and sturdy shoes.

Bring at least one flashlight and phone per party.

Don't go anywhere without a partner. If you find someone, or get injured, you'll need the backup.

Post here when you're done searching a building.

If you have any questions, or if you get turned around in town, comment or call and we'll get you sorted.

Here's the list of all the places that need to get searched. There are houses around a lot of these, but most of them are about ready to fall over. Don't run in trying to be heroes, you pay attention to your surroundings.

Some of these buildings are small and clustered together, so one team should try to cover more than one. I'll group those together. For anyone who finishes their search and wants to keep going, check what's left of this list and say where you're going next so we can knock it off the list. We don't want to leave anybody behind on accident. When we have the main buildings finished, we'll get started with the houses on the outskirts.

Respond to this post with where you're headed. When you're done searching, post again so we can cross it off.

Hospital - Oliver, Owen and Edwin
Cassi's - Oliver, Owen and Edwin

Cemetery - Chase and Lennon

City Hall -

Apartments - Kai and Dylan

The Tower - Abra and Felix

The Gym -

The School - This place is hazardous, so not extensive searching.

The Park - Abra and Felix

The Police Department - Ettie and Scotty
Library - Ettie and Scotty
Pavo's Restaurant - Ettie and Scotty

Pharmacy - Ivy, Jesse and Jack
Theater - Ivy, Jesse and Jack
Grocery Store - Ivy, Jesse and Jack

Diner -

Pool -

Museum -

Nov. 11th, 2018


i am not a number \m/ - 8:39am

So, those who are old are new and those who are new are old, because God forbid any blood thing make sense in this house, amirite?

It looks like they put a handful of us in here that were here before, and... it's weird, because for me... I feel no different. I went to bed and woke up and apparently lost a chunk of time. So that's... great. Really. Super swell. I also can't see old network stuff from when we were here before?

So this feels kind of awkward, is that weird? But I was thinking I should probably do a proper re-introduction for the new people. who are now the old people? And I'm new again? Is that how this works?

I'm Kai. I was raised mostly in London (we moved a couple times around England), but I've been I had been living in Atlanta for a while before They took me. I'm a voice actress and singer? And. Yeah. Hi.

Nov. 8th, 2018


Ettie - 4:31pm

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that Scotty and I brought some hats and gloves back for all of the people who showed up on the same day we got here, so everybody can go to the clothing store without getting all freezy. We figured that the people who were here before probably already had some. Sorry if that's wrong, but I don't mind sharing mine! I mean, if they'll fit. I've got teeny hands. Anyway, I'm going to put the new things from town in the kitchen so everybody can pick and choose the ones they want.

Nov. 3rd, 2018


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 11:11am

YO! I want to go check out the town again. Could use a walk. Someone come with me. Leaving at noon!

Nov. 2nd, 2018


Abra-ca-fuck you. - 8:08am - Filtered from Marco

Jesus Christ, we get it. You like your older child better. They are golden boy, we are redheaded stepchild. Parents aren't supposed to play favorites, you know.

But I better start this talk before Tyra fucks it up again

So how do we feel about this offer?

Oct. 29th, 2018


MarcoV: 9:56am

What tattoo things did they put on you guys?

Oct. 26th, 2018


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐: 8:04am

So I think good questions could be “What exactly do we need to do the be returned it our homes” or “what exactly is the purpose of this experiment”. We need to word it exactly right. I did a thing in public speaking class where they made us explain making PB&J like we were talking to an alien and I bet we need exact wording just like in that project or they’re going to answer us wrong.

Oct. 14th, 2018


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 11:25am

So if anyone finds some fucking ice skates laying around we're gonna need them if we want to explore today. Winter is a pain in the ass and I don't know how you northerners deal with this shit.

Oct. 11th, 2018


Abra-ca-fuck you. - 1:49pm

Okay I'd really like it if we could share what extremely limited information we have. I'm getting the message that we are powerless ants under a magnifying glass loud and clear, but gdi STILL.

So all of us were taken from very different places. Most of us from the US, I saw at least one from Europe, I don't think anyone was even in the same city. What's the last day everyone remembers? What was everyone DOING when they were taken? Does anyone remember ANYTHING about who took them?

I had just landed at LAX on February 5th. I had got in a cab, one of the minivan kinds, and as we started driving I heard someone behind me. Boom, lights out. I don't remember anything about the driver, I wasn't paying attention. I was exhausted and jetlagged and I just wanted to get home.

Who has explored the town? I did the first night here, tried to walk out of town and hit the invisible electric fence, or whatever we're calling it. Who else ran into that? I'm guessing that's what they mean when they say escape is impossible. I wandered all day, popped inside a few random buildings, ended up sleeping in a movie theater. At one point in the day I found a police station, but it was creepy and there was nothing useful there.

The map shows a clothing store, but I've heard that's gone. Does anyone want to plan a better exploration of this stupid place?

Oct. 5th, 2018


Ettie - 8:55am

Hi again, everybody. I'm Elliet Rosenthal (you can call me Ettie). I'm 19. I'm from Fairbanks, Alaska. My dad is I go to UAF, but I've been studying abroad in Akita International University in Japan for the past semester and a half.

My dad's name is Daniel. He's a university history professor. My mom, Sydney, is a hydrologist. I've got an older brother and a little brother, Morgan and Taj.

I like rocks.

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