04 December 2009 at 11:10 pm
I really hope the power comes back soon... I'm getting antsy staying in my room but I don't want to go outside and get lost again...

Thank you for the flashlight, Conrad, and for coming to get me. I appreciate it very much and thanks to everyone who was worried about me.

Uhm... If anyone sees my cat, could you let me know? She's wandered off and I can't find her... It's hard to keep an eye on her in the dark when she can see in it and I can't...
[voice - open]
30 November 2009 at 08:40 pm
My, isn't thiiiis a pleasant surprise~ ♥ It's so nice to be able to move around again that I can't even complain about the lack of lights~~

Ah, but I can't exactly cook without power, can I~? Such a dilemma~
[The 37th Day]
16 November 2009 at 11:56 am
Good morning, criminals! Today we will be experiencing our first light snowfall. You need not expect any accumulation.

However, today we will also be opening our new ramen stand! Enjoy the cool weather and the hot ramen, along with the biggest bowl of ramen -- in the world! This is not a significant feat, as no ramen has ever been made on this world outside of this facility, and all of that ramen has been the same size as a standard bowl, but a sufficiently impressive size has been engineered for the grand opening. In fact, it is large enough that every criminal could have a bowl for every meal today and some would still be going to waste. Which will be regrettable.

I should perhaps assure you all that the ramen store will be completely safe, and no interference with the event will be permitted.
[Action | Open]
13 November 2009 at 03:23 pm
[Conrad's quietly wandering about the shelter hallways, his expression very neutral. Calm. But if you are particularly perceptive, you'll note that it's a tense, forced sort of calm.]

[Park and butterfly pavilion. Club, movie theater, pet cafe. Pizza parlor, computer lab, arcade, even (Great One forbid) the hospital. All checked, fruitlessly. Conrad mentally ticked off the list again, trying to think of any place he had overlooked. He couldn't think of one. And he still couldn't raise Vash over a private channel. Hadn't heard from him at all since the vampire, Rido, had gone into hiding.]

[He wasn't about to worry everyone needlessly by asking over the public network. Not that Conrad was worried. He was only... wondering.]

[Park, club, movie theater... he'll just keep looking. Even though it's silly, to be honest, because surely Vash is just fine and will have a grand time telling the highly exaggerated tale of where he's been. Surely.]
10 November 2009 at 08:42 pm
Whoops! I must be really drunk, ahahahaha! It's like I'm hungover but upside down! My legs are heavy instead of my head. Oh wait! It's only one leg that's heavy, hahaha! This is some pretty weird hangover!

...I kind of remember going to sleep, though! Mutsu forced me into my room. I think she hit me, or something, actually, no wait! I can feel the pain my my crotch! She kicked me, that's right! I wonder if I still have the ability to procreate after this many times...? Well, I guess it's best to stay positive and say I can!

But really, this is one strange hangover- Can anyone tell me which planet I'm on so I can phone the fleet to pick me up? It's not my fault for getting lost this time, hahahaha. Or at least, I don't think it is.

Oh, right! My name! I can't, haha, believe I almost forgot! I'm Sakamoto Tatsuma, head of Kaientai. Anyone interested in doing business?
[Voice / Action : Open]
21 October 2009 at 09:31 pm
[A beautiful, lilting piano melody can be heard over the communicators. Little Gokudera doesn't really know anything about how they work, only that it lets him understand Yamamoto, so he didn't mute the thing before he started playing. Currently, the young Italian is seated on the bench in front of the piano in sector zero's common room. His legs aren't even long enough that he can reach the pedals, but Gokudera is still playing with a seriousness about him that's almost unfitting of a boy his age. Currently, the only person present to witness this little concert is Yamamoto, but he wouldn't mind if others stopped to listen]
[Voice : Open // Action : Closed]
19 October 2009 at 06:12 pm
[Hey, if you're paying attention, you miiight just hear someone taking a deeeeeep deep breath over the communicator. But unless you've got quick reflexes and yank your headset off right at that moment, you're probably going to be deafened in one ear, sorry]


[Never mind that his brother is sitting a mere fifteen feet away from him in the same room. Everyone else was yelling for people, right?]
16 October 2009 at 09:39 pm
[Ryohei, all decked out in his sharp black suit and tie and hot orange dress shirt, is helping himself to a drink at the bar. A series of drinks, if you want to be technical.

It's about this time that he realizes he hasn't fully tested out the headset he was given, oh-so similar yet different from the one he was used to wearing in his world.]

Hm. Hm. I wonder if it works well.

[Deeeep breath.]


Can anyone extremely hear me??
[event log]
25 September 2009 at 09:52 pm
Criminals, I regret that there must be something of this nature, but as some of you are aware, inmate Ryohei Sasagawa has died. A small ceremony will be held for him shortly in Sector 4. You are encouraged to attend if you are so inclined.

Those of you who are still restrained can request escort to the memorial by a remote unit.

[feel free to socialize amongst yourselves. a remote unit will say a short, non-denomenational memorial about ryohei, and some nice instrumental music is playing from somewhere. ryohei's body is not present, but the remote unit is carrying a small tasteful urn]
[The Twenty-Ninth Day]
21 September 2009 at 06:44 pm
Good morning, criminals! Today is the twenty-ninth day of the third generation, and as inmate Fletcher and some others have noticed, it has been almost a month since the first of you arrived here! More of you have been freed today, in acknowledgment of your good behavior and/or minor crimes. A momentous date indeed, and I think that something should be done to commemorate it.

Do any of you have suggestions as to how we might celebrate? A beach party, or a theme party; something along those lines? Halloween is encroaching, so there will already be costumes in a few days' time.

Inmate Ichiru Kiryuu, I require a word with you, when you have the opportunity. Please bear in mind that filters are not currently available.
||LOG|| Ryohei / Lussuria ||CLOSED|| (Complete)
03 September 2009 at 12:59 am
Characters: Ryohei, Lussuria (CLOSED)
Location: Sector 6, athletic complex, fields
Time: Back-dated to early morning, just after the announcement.
Warnings: Um. Character abuse and death.