[ Voice ]
11 June 2010 at 11:15 am
All right guys. I had a little talk with Acumen this morning. It's a good thing! ...I think.

Anyway, I know how rough it is when someone just sort of disappears around here. Even if it's just for a few days, people can kinda worry. I mean, if it's me I'd know I'd worry or at least want to know what's going on.

So starting tomorrow morning I'll be putting up a list of the people who are missing. I'll do it every morning too.

But, ah, if you'd rather ask me, that's okay too!

I just wanna help any way I can, you know?
[Action | Closed]
11 June 2010 at 12:08 pm
Hiling Care
[At Hiling's suggestion, she and Ribbons made their way over to Sector 5 to go out for pizza. She wore a knee-length skirt with a matching top in dark blue, something she had picked out on a solo trip to the store. Approaching the building, she looked back at Ribbons.]

I think this is the place.

[If the neon signs were any indication, it was indeed. She could smell the pizza already and it was making her hungry.]
[Action | Open]
11 June 2010 at 01:01 pm
[Ciaphas Cain finds himself preoccupied by the pocket billiards table in the club early this evening. He'd be the first to admit this isn't his best game--it's one thing to know where the balls need to hit to bounce at the correct angle, but it's another matter entirely to get the cueball to actually cooperate with his quick calculations.]

[That certainly doesn't mean he's inept--a number easily make it into the pocket. But they just as often miss, or the cueball follows them in.]

[Those mistakes only encourage him to do better, and Cain's pleasant demeanor suggests he wouldn't mind a friendly game, or at least some conversation. No need to get worked up over billiards, after all. There are plenty of other things to get worked up about, like the tingling in his palms that usually portend that something is wrong. It's not future-sight, but his subconscious picking up hints: the undefinable tension hanging in the air, what is said and unsaid over the network. All the same, as much as he trusts his instincts, he hopes it to be pure paranoia.]

[The cueball goes in the pocket again. Even a bad game of 8-ball solitaire is an Emperor-blessed distraction, really.]
[Action | Open]
11 June 2010 at 02:49 pm
[Someone hadn't even realized there was a pool until she caught sight of one of the welcoming pamphlets! Swimming was a regular part of her physical upkeep in Tokyo-3, and while she could have kept up with it in the ocean, she prefers a pool. So she's very glad to have a new way to keep physically fit, particularly when she hopes to be receiving combat training soon. She will need to be in shape.

Dressed in a white, racing-style one piece, she dives cleanly into the pool and begins doing slow, ruminative laps. She's concerned about even more than usual right now, what with Tieria's depression and the ongoing stress and confusion about Ribbons, so she's glad to have a mindless manual task to keep her thoughts at bay. She's also begun to slide out of shape, judging by the tightness in her chest when she turns her head for breath. She switches from front stroke to butterfly, placing more stress on her body rather than less - she won't improve if she doesn't push herself. She can flip to backstroke eventually if it becomes too strenuous.]
[Action | Open]
11 June 2010 at 04:53 pm
[Against a tree in the park of Sector 4, there sat a small little girl all alone. A pure white dress and ribbon under a large purple fur-lined coat, she is just watching the people past by.]

[In truth, Barry is thinking. His beloved and beloved's beloved is here with him, however, how to pry Addy away from Charles. If one disappears, things would have gone splendid for him. If Addy was the one left, then he'll find a way to keep him. Chains, rope, even barbed wire in order to keep him still. Though, screams are a melody to him.]

[However, Acumen and the robots were a problem. If they were powered off, then he could do it all before they turn back on. But, no time to rush things. Time is an essence. Therefore, he will continue to sit and watch, study before actions.

[ooc: Loli mode time! Barry is just going to be running around as a cute little girl for a day and maybe the next day. No harm intended, just to mess with people's minds for now. /andplanningsomethingwithhimactually]
[ Voice ]
11 June 2010 at 04:54 pm
❰❰ Envy ❱❱
Hey red headed bookworm of a kid. I'm done looking through what you gave me today.

Don't worry. It's all in one piece too. At least you were good for something.

[ Filtered to Pride - Hackable ] )

Now just to find out a bit more about that alkahestry shit.
11 June 2010 at 05:52 pm
Maes Hughes
Ah, what a day well spent.

There's nothing better than an afternoon of baby pictures and parental anecdotes! Yuuri! Your mother showed me her photo albums, and I must say you were quite the cute little gentleman in your younger days! Not many little boys call pull off frills so well!

Mrs. Shibuya -- Jennifer, may I? I must say we meet again sometime soon. I'll never run dry of stories, and I'm sure you could say the same! [ hahaha! ] Oh, I never did tell you the rest of that story about Elysia's second Halloween, did I? I suppose I'll have to save that for next time!

Oh! Yes and - Winry, I must say you've got quite the touch for baking. By the time I'd heard about the pies and went to look in the kitchens, there was hardly any left! [ a little softer, can't help but be reminded of Gracia. ] You followed the recipe perfectly. If you bake again, please let me know!

[ Filtered from Homunculi ]

Is there someone who can teach me a bit more about this device? I'd like to know how secure the lines are, and any precautions I can take to ensure I don't have eavesdroppers on my private conversations.

[ now for a more serious tone of voice: ] I'd also like to warn people to shy from interacting with a being that calls itself Envy. He's what's called a Homunculus, and he's a particularly dangerous individual able to change shape at will. Some of you might recall that in the past that a Colonel Roy Mustang issued a similar warning to this one - as the last time Envy was present in the dome he attacked a man and had to be forcibly subdued.

Please just be careful dealing with him, for he enjoys playing tricks by switching forms to taunt his victims.

[/Filtered from Homunculi ]
[Action | So Very Open Everywhere]
11 June 2010 at 06:53 pm
[Wherever you're at in the dome you're going to hear some noise, like heavy clanking. It starts off fairly dulled and distant, but it grows in volume and has a somewhat steady rhythm to it. What's causing it isn't clear, but some things are for sure-- it's loud, it's metallic, and it's heading your way.

...Probably because, oh, that seven foot tall suit of armor that just showed up is coming towards you, actually. Despite the size and the horns and all, it's not really that intimidating though; what with the pinkish hue to it and the tinny, girly voice that echos from the helm as it looks about while clambering amiably along, restraint dragging behind it]


[[ooc: UGUUUU s-should have put this up at first but I will be majorly slow LIKE A BOSS! I'M SORRY]]
[Video | Open] [slightly backdated]
11 June 2010 at 08:31 pm
Lacus Clyne
Good afternoon, Marina residents. [Lacus is smiling, but it's a little subdued. She's at work right now, after all!] For anyone I've not met, my name is Lacus Clyne.

I'm very pleased to have been accepted to the defense force, and from now on I'll be handling most of the public relations activities and outreach between the team and the rest of the population. In other words, I'm happy to hear and address any questions or concerns that any of you might have that involve the defense team!

Membership requests can also be forwarded to me, although Sir Gino will continue to do his excellent work at determining eligibility. And emergency calls for aid will always be responded to by whatever defense force member is available, of course.

Please don't hesitate to bring any thoughts to me at any time. [Her voice is a bit more stern, now. A bit.] It is vital that we all work together to maintain safety for everyone.

[And now back to the light, airy tone~] I'm looking forward to speaking with everyone!
[Action | Closed]
11 June 2010 at 10:45 pm
Euphemia li Britannia
[She isn't carrying very much. Guilford insisted on taking up the bulk of her belongings which is mostly clothing and some other basic personal effects. It feels a little strange to be walking to their house like this—presumptuous even. But she was invited. It's her house now too. Although she can't quite get rid of the feeling things might still change for some reason. It's silly. They are family. They would have asked her to join them before if Cornelia hadn't arrived, right? She shouldn't worry about things like that. She is happy to be here. Grateful.]

Just a little further.

[She's been here before even though Cornelia expressly asked her not to visit them unsupervised. She did so over and over again. She feels a tickle of guilt for that as she approaches the large house, noticing some robots nearby working on something. Strange. But they don't react as she makes her way to the door to knock.]

((OOC: Open to Lelouch, Suzaku, Nunnally, Guilford, C.C. Beagle and Earnest. La la la, okay, so that we aren't in one long thread of back and forthing, feel free to jump in at future points like opening the door, finding her as she puts things away in her room, getting ready for dinner, etc. Tag individually or in small, manageable groups preferably? Guilford is probably just staying for the initial phase!))
[Voice, Action | Both Open]
11 June 2010 at 10:46 pm
Tear Grants
I'd like to pose a question to the rest of the prison: who here has the ability to heal injuries? I know of some-- King Yuuri, Princess Zelda, Ryu and Rukia-- but I'm certain there are a few I'm not aware of, and there are recent arrivals to consider as well.

Before anyone grows worried, there's no emergency; this is just a consensus of sorts that will be helpful to have. [Her professional, plain tone backing this up]

[Action // Location: Graveyard, before nightfall]

[After she was done with the network, Tear headed straight to the graveyard. It had taken a shameful length of time for her to go there, even the excuse that she hadn't been able to find in herself to sing was an incredibly weak one she couldn't even tell herself. Once the tombstone inscribed with the boy's name was found, the girl stopped in front of it; a moment of silence before solemn notes began to ring out across the grounds.

It wouldn't bring him back, it might not even let him rest, but-- it was the only thing personal she could do for him]

[[occ: She'll be going through a few; the hymns have absolutely no effect coming from them right now unlike the mass heal, but her volume is about the same for those interested in discovering/ hearing her. Replies WILL be slow, I apologize uguuuu]]
[Action - Open]
11 June 2010 at 11:30 pm
[After dinner, Al went off to go work on his secret project. And now there is a suit of armor carrying Al's unconscious body around. For anyone who knew Alphonse from home, the armor looks very familiar. It's an exact replica of the one that was in Al's father's study at home, the one that he lived in for four years.

The armor is heading in the direction of the Tringham home. Approach?]
11 June 2010 at 11:37 pm
Miranda Lotto
[She is tired of being useless, but Miranda doesn't know what she is capable of doing right now. Waiting. That's what they're doing.

Waiting doesn't help Allen. But if they do something wrong...they could fail.

So she's waiting. Standing around not doing anything wasn't accomplishing anything, she'll only be in the way. And maybe spending time in the pet cafe doesn't either. But the animals don't seem to mind.]
Location: Pet Cafe/Late Afternoon